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Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT

09-04-2010 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
There are going to be open minded people from each race that will integrate with other open minded people from other races. I don't think having separate neighborhoods is causing anybody any harm. If people are uncomfortable around other races maybe they should stay separated.
But equal, of course?
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-04-2010 , 05:05 PM
You're asking if I think all people are equal? That's probably not true but it has nothing to do with skin color.
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-04-2010 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by MrMisunderstood
Its like some whites really have a thing for mocking blks. I dont get it. I have no clue why some have this obsession, but its pervasive and they certainly get off on it.
If I didn't have a raging hard on right now I would point out the irony in this. It's like all black people don't understand that this "don't give a **** about your feelings" attitude is as common among all people as it is white people.
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-04-2010 , 07:10 PM
Is it that whites really get off on mocking blacks? I would think probably not. All people mock some other people in one way or another, it makes them feel better about themselves. I've heard white guys mocking black guys, I've heard black guys mocking white guys. I've heard good looking people mock ugly people and skinny people mock fat people. It's simply a way of making someone feel better about themselves.

Think about it a bit more. Even in other countries where people are very similiar they still mock a group. In Japan Koreans are mocked and discriminated against. I've heard Russians make fun on people in Chechnya. Hell, lighter skin black people have mocked darker black people in the past (I hear the darker brothers get more love these days though, to the great amusement of one of my "dark" black friends).

I'm not the most eloquent person, so what I'm trying to say might not come across all that well. What I'm trying to say is that this may be more of a perception issue. It's kind of like being paranoid when you are in a different country and can't speak the language. "Oh, is that person making fun of me? They are laughing and looking over here, they must be".

I think the issue stems more from the deeper issue that black people in America have created a counter-culture to "white" America as a defensive tactic. Think about it, every group of people who came to this country came here for a reason - to try to carve out a better life. There are only 2 groups of people who didn't, and one of those groups had their culture taken away from them, so the tactic was only natural. This created a counter resentment. If you think it through a bit, it makes sense.

And, I dont think the thread should be locked, as the last few days seems to be the onl part there was any progress made at all.
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-04-2010 , 07:24 PM
It's not a big deal, I agree with your post.
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-05-2010 , 01:56 PM
You can see black people mocking white people just by watching pretty much every black stand comedian. (obviously not every one of them)

There aren't to many white comedians that mock black people. That would be racist.
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-06-2010 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
You're asking if I think all people are equal? That's probably not true but it has nothing to do with skin color.

Poster is making a rather wry comment about the "separate but equal" doctrine of Apartheid in South Africa (which was abolished in....91 I believe).
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-06-2010 , 11:49 AM
Why is it that the stereo type of black people talking in movies seems to be true, and what is the underlying cause. /racistban
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-12-2010 , 02:20 AM
i might be crossing the line here and i hope im not but we all know the attitude that some black people maybe more then some that white people is to blame and how they have it so much harder then white people blah blah blah...and everything bad that happens to them because they are at a disadvantage.. i know this cause i had a friend who was black and would always throw the race card everytime... and i guess my question is can u relate or do u understand the mentality that its ok to rip off a white person because of what our ancestors did in another time that i was not a part of.. but im sick and tired of hearing the race card and it being ok for a black guy to say lol white people and make fun of Caucasians but if a Caucasian says something back regarding race its different. the last 2 times ive been robbed/ripped off it had to do with men of color and im just wondering wtf like how can u just straight out rip people off and think its ok.
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-12-2010 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by Yarbles
i might be crossing the line here and i hope im not but we all know the attitude that some black people maybe more then some that white people is to blame and how they have it so much harder then white people blah blah blah...and everything bad that happens to them because they are at a disadvantage.. i know this cause i had a friend who was black and would always throw the race card everytime... and i guess my question is can u relate or do u understand the mentality that its ok to rip off a white person because of what our ancestors did in another time that i was not a part of.. but im sick and tired of hearing the race card and it being ok for a black guy to say lol white people and make fun of Caucasians but if a Caucasian says something back regarding race its different. the last 2 times ive been robbed/ripped off it had to do with men of color and im just wondering wtf like how can u just straight out rip people off and think its ok.
I think your post relates more to stupid, greedy, poor people than it does to blacks. After all, look at the prisons. The majority aren't blacks. And as far as black people being hung up on "the past".. again, it's mostly older generations, not his generation, that feel this way. The race card gets pulled, by some, as a reminder of what a sick period in history that was. It may not be our history, but that's what the card's for fwiw. If that bothers people, it's usually just out of ignorance imo.
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-12-2010 , 02:47 AM
yeah well i wrote this a bit tilted.. cause it was recent that this person of color ripped me off and basically flaunting it in my face... and we were friends for a while and i know how racist he truly is inside..
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-12-2010 , 03:29 AM
My neighbor ripped me off once, then later admitted he ripped off "the new white guy next door". I got back what was mine (plus some) and now we're good friends.

There is a lot of racially motivated crime, no doubt. But I think a lot of it is more of an excuse than it is the motivation (or purpose).
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-12-2010 , 12:22 PM
Jewish girls and Italian supposedly give great head and blk girls too
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-12-2010 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by Whosthemaster
Jewish girls and Italian supposedly give great head and blk girls too
But what do you think?
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-12-2010 , 01:28 PM
Never came fr a bj so idk
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-12-2010 , 01:29 PM
Which is better though, iyo?
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-13-2010 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by Yarbles
yeah well i wrote this a bit tilted.. cause it was recent that this person of color ripped me off and basically flaunting it in my face... and we were friends for a while and i know how racist he truly is inside..
About 4yrs ago (god im getting old) it was christmas time and campus was virtually empty. I was working at the mall during the holiday season telling ppl to "Check out our great fitting jeans". Anyhow after work I was suppose to head back home via amtrak. I was running late as hell. I thought I would be able to walk there in about 10 mins max, but it was ****ing cold and I had massive luggage.

I was was hauling ass, inhaling the cold air which burned my lungs since I was virtually jogging. I came up to this little crappy convience store where I saw a guy (blk if its really important that u know his race(I hate ppl add in facts like that, like the "My mom is dating a blk 19yr old dude ((I dont give a **** if hes blk, so what))) and a woman who I'm guessing just bought a pack of cigarettes. I told them I'd give then $5 if they take me down the road so I wont miss my train. I had about 1/2 a mile more to go but again I was late and didnt want to be stranded. They looked liked possible cucks (another word for crackheads) but I wasn't worried b/c im solid guy and I needed to take the risk.

The guy quickly start bull****ting me and counters quickly, "$10 bucks man its holiday season" help me out yada yada. I say ok fine $10 bucks. I throw my **** in the back seat and hop in the front. The bitch (she wasnt a lady) gets in the back. The entire time were driving there the guy is constantly trying to get more money out of my. I had a good amount of cash on me, I think $220 all in twenties. I'm hear the train horn and im like "FINE, ill give u $15". They finally stfu until we pull in the station. I take out my wad of cash and realize I only have twenties and ask the guy for change, he tell he neither of them have change, just give him the $20 yada yada. I mentioned ealier ITT, I had a really really explosive temper, so at this point, I'm boiling. Someone could probably see steam rising from my head in the winter air. I give the guy $20 and run to catch my train.

Later I realized I shouldn't never gave him anything since he was trying to hustle me like I wasnt born in a city. He did though lol. For the next 2 yrs I never forgot that guy's face or car. I told everyone my family and friends how I got hustled and that when I see the guy im going **** him up.

3 yrs laters (1yr after graduation). I'm walking home with my buddy around 3 am on campus. I see this bum looking dude and I start being an ******* taking a prempetive measure and asking him for spare change (I had hundreds in my pocket). The bum is calling for the police, because im drunk being an ******* wrongfully heckling him. At one point he pretends he has a gun and is about to pull it out and I burst in laughter then leave him alone after that. My buddy turns off on his street and I get to my apt security door. I place my IHOP on the ground to dig in my pockets and find my keys. I pull them out and out of the blue someone poops from behind this fence saying, "I could have got your ass right there! you better watch it next time." I'm loling at this bum and go up and flinch at him and he jumps. I tell him I'm sry and was just messing around. I offer him the rest of my IHOP which he declines. I reached into my wad and say here, take a couple bucks. He start getting all nice and ****.

At this point im close to his face as I'm been the entire night. He tells me his car is in the shop and struggling yada yada. I ask him what color was his car. He answer burgundy. WINNAR WINNAR CHIKEN DINNER! My adrenaline start pumping and my voice starts rising (abs = angry blk man syndrome lol). I ask him do you remember me, you gave me a ride to amtrak a couple yrs back. Hes like "Oh yea! I remember! over by the store (he points in the direction". He must have thought everything was gravy till I started getting aggressive grabbing asking him "You tried to **** me, didnt you?!?!?!, You thought u were gonna **** me?!?!?" I'm really really loud at this point and the apt security door opens and it's my gf running out asking me whats going on.

I throw a huge haymaker and he dodges it and shoves me a little, then takes off like a bat outta hell. I jet after him and close really really fast. I pushed him from behind and he goes flying/rolling a good 30-50ft (him running + my push) into this raise parking space underneather the neighbooring apartment complex. I go over to him while hes on the ground shaken up and on top of him and WHAM! I reach into him pocket and take my $20 back plus the $11 in wrinkley singles he had in his pocket. I ran back into my apt before the cops come. I'm looking out my window and about 20 mins later he finally gets up and hes like holding his eye or something. I eventually go to bed after explaning everything to the gf and putting together an alibi incase the puercos show up.

Next morning gf goes to class and I start grinding per usual. She gets back and tells me to go look at what I did and im like what??? She telling me theres an assload of blood and chucks of **** in the parking lot. I go out there and sure enough its digusting, theres chucks of blood and **** everywhere. I guess I hit him more than once lol. I dunno.

Thats my rip off/revenge story. I dont think it has anything to do with race, unless you wanna say something about blk on blk crime lol.

If you think someone is just trying to rip you off b/c ur white, ur full of it dude. He probably laughed at you afterwards for being white lol. I'm sure if you were blk, chineses, martian, he would have ripped you off as well. I'm sure after I got of the car and those bastards hustled me, they were probably like, " LOL We got that n!99a".

Moral of the situation is bad ppl are bad ppl and I think he would have ripped any non imtidating person off and said I got that *******, n!99a, *****, mic, nazi, etc etc. It think it should go with out saying, just b/c dude ripped u off, dont let that experience ruin your experiences with other ppl who may be good ppl. Seems a bit foolish to post that more time, I dont think it matter what u were. If you dont understand that then you're a lost cause buddy and probably wouldnt get anything out of this thread like 98% of ppl posting in here.

P.S. I gave my opinion on "blaming white ppl for blk problems". Its in here. Just dont say all ppl feel that way.

Last edited by MrMisunderstood; 09-13-2010 at 01:44 AM.
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-13-2010 , 01:40 AM
You robbed a homeless man.
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-13-2010 , 01:41 AM
god damn dude....youre an angry muther****
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-13-2010 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by MrMisunderstood
About 4yrs ago (god im getting old) it was christmas time and campus was virtually empty. I was working at the mall during the holiday season telling ppl to "Check out our great fitting jeans". Anyhow after work I was suppose to head back home via amtrak. I was running late as hell. I thought I would be able to walk there in about 10 mins max, but it was ****ing cold and I had massive luggage.

I was was hauling ass, inhaling the cold air which burned my lungs since I was virtually jogging. I came up to this little crappy convience store where I saw a guy (blk if its really important that u know his race(I hate ppl add in facts like that, like the "My mom is dating a blk 19yr old dude ((I dont give a **** if hes blk, so what))) and a woman who I'm guessing just bought a pack of cigarettes. I told them I'd give then $5 if they take me down the road so I wont miss my train. I had about 1/2 a mile more to go but again I was late and didnt want to be stranded. They looked liked possible cucks (another word for crackheads) but I wasn't worried b/c im solid guy and I needed to take the risk.

The guy quickly start bull****ting me and counters quickly, "$10 bucks man its holiday season" help me out yada yada. I say ok fine $10 bucks. I throw my **** in the back seat and hop in the front. The bitch (she wasnt a lady) gets in the back. The entire time were driving there the guy is constantly trying to get more money out of my. I had a good amount of cash on me, I think $220 all in twenties. I'm hear the train horn and im like "FINE, ill give u $15". They finally stfu until we pull in the station. I take out my wad of cash and realize I only have twenties and ask the guy for change, he tell he neither of them have change, just give him the $20 yada yada. I mentioned ealier ITT, I had a really really explosive temper, so at this point, I'm boiling. Someone could probably see steam rising from my head in the winter air. I give the guy $20 and run to catch my train.

Later I realized I shouldn't never gave him anything since he was trying to hustle me like I wasnt born in a city. He did though lol. For the next 2 yrs I never forgot that guy's face or car. I told everyone my family and friends how I got hustled and that when I see the guy im going **** him up.

3 yrs laters (1yr after graduation). I'm walking home with my buddy around 3 am on campus. I see this bum looking dude and I start being an ******* taking a prempetive measure and asking him for spare change (I had hundreds in my pocket). The bum is calling for the police, because im drunk being an ******* wrongfully heckling him. At one point he pretends he has a gun and is about to pull it out and I burst in laughter then leave him alone after that. My buddy turns off on his street and I get to my apt security door. I place my IHOP on the ground to dig in my pockets and find my keys. I pull them out and out of the blue someone poops from behind this fence saying, "I could have got your ass right there! you better watch it next time." I'm loling at this bum and go up and flinch at him and he jumps. I tell him I'm sry and was just messing around. I offer him the rest of my IHOP which he declines. I reached into my wad and say here, take a couple bucks. He start getting all nice and ****.

At this point im close to his face as I'm been the entire night. He tells me his car is in the shop and struggling yada yada. I ask him what color was his car. He answer burgundy. WINNAR WINNAR CHIKEN DINNER! My adrenaline start pumping and my voice starts rising (abs = angry blk man syndrome lol). I ask him do you remember me, you gave me a ride to amtrak a couple yrs back. Hes like "Oh yea! I remember! over by the store (he points in the direction". He must have thought everything was gravy till I started getting aggressive grabbing asking him "You tried to **** me, didnt you?!?!?!, You thought u were gonna **** me?!?!?" I'm really really loud at this point and the apt security door opens and it's my gf running out asking me whats going on.

I throw a huge haymaker and he dodges it and shoves me a little, then takes off like a bat outta hell. I jet after him and close really really fast. I pushed him from behind and he goes flying/rolling a good 30-50ft (him running + my push) into this raise parking space underneather the neighbooring apartment complex. I go over to him while hes on the ground shaken up and on top of him and WHAM! I reach into him pocket and take my $20 back plus the $11 in wrinkley singles he had in his pocket. I ran back into my apt before the cops come. I'm looking out my window and about 20 mins later he finally gets up and hes like holding his eye or something. I eventually go to bed after explaning everything to the gf and putting together an alibi incase the puercos show up.

Next morning gf goes to class and I start grinding per usual. She gets back and tells me to go look at what I did and im like what??? She telling me theres an assload of blood and chucks of **** in the parking lot. I go out there and sure enough its digusting, theres chucks of blood and **** everywhere. I guess I hit him more than once lol. I dunno.

Thats my rip off/revenge story. I dont think it has anything to do with race, unless you wanna say something about blk on blk crime lol.

If you think someone is just trying to rip you off b/c ur white, ur full of it dude. He probably laughed at you afterwards for being white lol. I'm sure if you were blk, chineses, martian, he would have ripped you off as well. I'm sure after I got of the car and those bastards hustled me, they were probably like, " LOL We got that n!99a".

Moral of the situation is bad ppl are bad ppl and I think he would have ripped any non imtidating person off and said I got that *******, n!99a, *****, mic, nazi, etc etc. It think it should go with out saying, just b/c dude ripped u off, dont let that experience ruin your experiences with other ppl who may be good ppl. Seems a bit foolish to post that more time, I dont think it matter what u were. If you dont understand that then you're a lost cause buddy and probably wouldnt get anything out of this thread like 98% of ppl posting in here.

P.S. I gave my opinion on "blaming white ppl for blk problems". Its in here. Just dont say all ppl feel that way.
you are a piece of ****, and I hope some how this makes its way to the authorities.
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-13-2010 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction

Not really asking you anything, more just commenting that it seems like a ridic double standard where black men can **** w/e woman of w/e race and black women basically have to be with a black man or face social stigma from the black community
From first hand experience, I can tell you your premise couldnt be further from the truth and is absolutely 10000000% false. Ive def gotten criticized, pressured, insulted, rude treament, etc b/c of the girls I have dated (white/latina) from white dudes (esp college frat dudes) and blk girls particularly.

My roommate freshmen yr was white and very "southern" like. He didnt give a ****. I bought this one girl back from a bar to get some while he was sleeping on the top bunk. It didnt work out (heads were bumping) and I ended up taking her to this spare room we had in the dorms down the hall and taggin it on floor with a sheet to lay on (omg my knees hurt bad the next day). The next morning he was like, "Man wtf, why did you leave!?! I was waiting on you to tag me in like WWF style". I was rofl, but he was dead serious lol. So def not all white dude or even all blk women but def some from my experiences.

Blk dudes are pretty cool about it but sometimes annoying. I remember my uncle asking me "how do u get a white girl?" what kinda ****ing question is that? Theres been a few occasions I'm walking down the street with my gf and some dude would say, "You got that whipped cream" lol or "Damn man, I see you". My gf usually smile and what lol.

Come to think about it someone ITT asked "how to get a blk girl to **** me?"---I hope thats a level but since my uncle asked me stupid honest question im afraid its not. Be yourself is the answer.
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-13-2010 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by guids
you are a piece of ****, and I hope some how this makes its way to the authorities.
Call me what you want, doesnt define me.

Never said I was perfect. I've made tons of mistakes as I'm sure you havent

Welcome the ignore list.

Dont like, dont read it.
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-13-2010 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by MrMisunderstood
Call me what you want, doesnt define me.

Never said I was perfect. I've made tons of mistakes as I'm sure you havent

Welcome the ignore list.

Dont like, dont read it.
what does define you randomly beating poor people and acting like your awesome for doing it? or being an immature piece of **** who should be in jail?
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-13-2010 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by Li Phan OK
god damn dude....youre an angry muther****
I already noted I use to be. The story took place a few yrs ago. Ppl change for better or for worst.

I've gotten excellent at letting things go and picking the right battles (pretty much none).

I realized yrs ago how stupid it would be to go after ppl who do silly things. You know how many that would be? Someone is always going to say something stupid, be rude, ******* etc. I would have had to live my life fighting everyday when I have sooo much more to lose than some of those ppl. It just not worth it now and never was. Luckily I never got in serious trouble and was able to learn the lesson before it cost me anything other than poker money.
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
09-13-2010 , 02:59 AM
MrMisunderstood throwing down some wisdom itt.
Ask me anything about life as a blk guy ITT Quote
