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04-10-2017 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
Nice place, nice people, lots of third-rate strip clubs.
Chase must be a fan of 1st rate strip clubs then.
04-10-2017 , 11:50 PM
04-11-2017 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by runs_n_goses
Shocked that EL D even contributes to the useless ramblings.

04-11-2017 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by Gin 'n Tonic
Mods have misplaced the banhammer again. Try looking down the back of Killa's sofa.
lol banning springs easily the dumbest post I've seen this week.
04-11-2017 , 12:17 AM
I gave springs an infraction once for being rude. I was doing it as a troll but iirc she basically stopped posting for a while after so I'm gonna let people have their fun. I never open that thread tbh.

The beard is at a crossroads, it has grown in pretty solid, but it's doing the thing where it starts to curl at random points, such as under my chin, points on the jawline, etc and it needs some grooming to go straight and I tend to run my hands through it which screws up it's orientation. Laziness is one of the major factors it has going for it tho, there's basically no shot I take the time to shave it all off in the near future.
04-11-2017 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

So what's the problem? Tell him you'll do it if he eats the fees. Or if you think he wants to move in more than you want to move out, tell him that's earlier than you want but you'd do it if he pays you something.
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
so do you want to leave early or not? is it worth whatever the commission is to you? if not then just tell him that like a normal person and stay out the agreement which he seems fine with

Yeah, I'd probably pay whole thing to move out. But if I can save myself £1k, that'd be even better. So was thinking of offering to split it with him.
04-11-2017 , 02:56 AM
The fact that overbooking is a standard practice for airlines is ridiculous.
In what other industry is a company allowed to purposely sell more product than will be available, complete the transaction by taking the full amount of the customers money, have the customer show up to collect on the purchase, and then go back on the sale?

**** airlines
04-11-2017 , 03:21 AM
On an unrelated note, trying to buy a used car from a private party is the most frustrating experience ever. Looking for a larger vehicle for my wife to drive to replace one of our 2 compact sedans, and have narrowed it down to a very specific range of makes/models/years.

Luckily there are a ****ton of these things in my area on Autotrader and craigslist. The problem is that apparently nobody actually wants to sell. I've contacted over 2 dozen people who are selling one in the price range Im willing to pay, by multiple contact methods, and have only received like 5 responses total.

2 of those people made an appointment to show my wife and I the car, then at the designated time they went MIA and we could not get ahold of them. At all.

1 of them showed us an absolute pile of crap covered in scratches, that hadnt been washed or cleaned in months, and still had half eaten bags of fast food on the seats.

Another one showed a car that was actually decent and we made an offer that the seller accepted - only to reveal that he was not the registered owner and his name was not the name on the title. Supposedly it was his uncle. Who lives in Texas. And had somehow already signed the pink slip. **** that nonsense.
Dude was not from USA#1 and his English was not very good so maybe he didnt understand my question (asked before the meet) about being the registered owner. Funny part is that this guy was quite obviously Middle Eastern, but the name on the title of the supposed uncle was like the whitest white boy USA#1 name youve ever seen.

The 5th one we have an appointment with tomorrow so Im keeping my fingers crossed. Really want this ordeal to be over with. I remember when I actually enjoyed shopping around for a car, but then again those were all cars I wanted and were fun to drive - not some boring suburbansoccermommobile like this time.
04-11-2017 , 03:27 AM

It's hard to disagree with the general sentiment of your post, because yeah, it's kind of crazy. But the alternative is far higher prices. And time and time again, the airline industry has shown that consumers talk a lot of **** about what matters to them, but in the end the one with the lowest price pretty much always wins.

If it's really important to you, you can pretty much 100% guarantee you won't ever be bumped by buying a fare class higher than the lowest price available. Now that you know that, you never have to risk being bumped again. But I bet you'll still buy the lowest available fare.
04-11-2017 , 03:37 AM
Ya, I realize how it works, and what the repercussions would be if they stopped the practice. Ha, and I do still buy the cheapest fare available (because Im a poor!)
Still infuriates me that it happens though. Seems like a simple thing to regulate, and if it was regulated then people wouldn't really notice that they are paying more because relatively prices would still be the same between airlines.

IDK maybe if the airlines were just required to be more up front at the time of ticket purchase about who is likely to be bumped (WARNING: THIS CLASS OF SEAT IS ALREADY BOOKED BEYOND CAPACITY!), and if there was a standardized way to offer uncapped, increasing buyouts to get a volunteer off the plane, it wouldnt piss me off so much.

Last edited by cs3; 04-11-2017 at 03:44 AM. Reason: why aren't airlines required to disclose when the flight is full?
04-11-2017 , 05:06 AM
Is this overbooking just an American thing? I must have flown a couple hundred times now, and I don't think I've ever been on an overbooked flight in Europe. Or perhaps it happens but they're quieter about it?
04-11-2017 , 06:05 AM
Who is Chase Mitchell and why is his twitter relevant?
04-11-2017 , 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
Is this overbooking just an American thing? I must have flown a couple hundred times now, and I don't think I've ever been on an overbooked flight in Europe. Or perhaps it happens but they're quieter about it?
I got bumped london to berlin think it was with BA, flight was late at night they offered $600 cash and a hotel/breakfast and first flight in the morning. i took it straight away
04-11-2017 , 06:39 AM
That's a great deal
04-11-2017 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by Your Boss
He wants to move back in as much as I want to move out. Remember, he's the one who broached the idea of ending lease early.
Tell him you're happy to move out whenever, but you don't want to pay his fees because they're not your fees.
04-11-2017 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by de captain
So a lost garment every now and then is just an added cost of sending out laundry? That sucks.
04-11-2017 , 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by zomg
I got bumped london to berlin think it was with BA, flight was late at night they offered $600 cash and a hotel/breakfast and first flight in the morning. i took it straight away
I looked yesterday very briefly and iirc bt law they only had to give you the 600€, so the hotel and breakfast was excellent customer service. Good stuff.
04-11-2017 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
When I moved to Tallinn, I rented a really nice place, 20ft ceilings, literally on the town square, which is a UNESCO world heritage site. But I didn't check to see if there was a washing machine, apparently this was a thing there.

So, I'd have had to use a laundromat, if such a thing existed. But as far as I could see, Tallinn had none. I ended up just taking my laundry to a mate's nearby. And on the plus side, the plumbing that should have led to a washing machine was being used for a bidet...
So your bidet is in the laundry room, rather than in the bathroom? Must make for an awkward walk.
04-11-2017 , 10:47 AM
It's pretty common in Estonia for the washing machine to be in the bathroom.
04-11-2017 , 10:57 AM
big much united stock do you own?

they were wrong. period.
04-11-2017 , 11:10 AM

None, and I think United sucks and rarely ever fly them.

If you think it would have been a smarter decision to offer $1200 or some other figure instead of $800, sure that's a reasonable position.

But at some point they need to just give up and get the flight going, and to do that they need to involuntarily bump people. It sucks ass for the reasons cs3 outlined, but it's part of flying.

So once they do that and someone refuses to leave, what should they do? At that point it's perfectly reasonable to call law enforcement for help.

Could police have gotten that guy out in a smoother way? Seems like quite possibly. But that's on the police, not united.
04-11-2017 , 11:21 AM
if only there were some sort of mechanism to work these issues out before getting on a plane.

we can call them boarding gates and boarding passes. then, we can count and stuff and avoid these situations in the future huh?
04-11-2017 , 11:30 AM

I'm sure they did that like they do on every single flight.

The most likely scenario here is that some other flight got delayed/cancelled/etc and they had to scramble to find another way to get the crew there on time. And the only option they found was a plane that had already boarded.

You can make a case that their policy should be to never pull people off a plane once it's boarded. But then it's just a judgement call of would you rather inconvenience these 4 people or the entire plane's worth of people who will be inconvenienced when the other flight has to be cancelled.
04-11-2017 , 11:33 AM
i just had another GREAT idea!! Check-Ins!! We can make people check-in at either a ticket counter or kiosk before entering the security area. THEN we would have actual numbers of ticket purchasers who intend to utilize the ticket they have pre-paid for in real-time to aid in our counting endeavor!

this is great....i'm going to run these ideas by the airlines!
