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*** April Drools OOT Low Content Thread *** *** April Drools OOT Low Content Thread ***

04-27-2010 , 06:29 PM
There is rampant misogyny on 2p2 ... I mean look at the Breaking Bad threads ffs. but I don't necessarily have a problem with the way ActionJackson used slut. The implication is that she is a slut because you need to get her this bull**** diamond necklace/heart w/e every holiday so she can put out.

That opens up a whole other can of worms, but I think the usage is fine if that was his intent.
04-27-2010 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
The implication is that she is a slut because you need to get her this bull**** diamond necklace/heart w/e every holiday so she can put out.

Wait, wasn't it being implied that Jane Seymour is the slut?

04-27-2010 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by Paul B.
I'm going to a remote island soon and thinking about renting a 125cc motorbike for a day or two to get myself around. I'm slightly concerned though because I've never ridden one before.

I rode a manual transmission scooter once and picked it up with ease, but I'm reading up on riding a motorbike and it seems a bit more complicated (left hand clutch, left foot gear shift, right hand throttle + front brake, right foot rear brake).

Will I be okay? any tips?
Do you know how to drive a stick shift car? The principle is the same: find the release point of the clutch to go from a full stop in first gear. Just like a car, you let out the cluth far enough until you feel the bike moving, add gas and go. And you will stall if you just release the clutch too quickly, just as in a car.

One difference on bikes is that the clutch is not as necessary once you are moving. On bikes you can even shift without it, though not necessarily recommended. Do use it get the feel of shifting through the gears but don't stress about that part as much. I have never had a bike stall going through the gears while in motion.

Another key is moving down through the gears while decelerating. As you approach a light or intersection or get ready for a bend you need to roll back on the throttle and shift down through the gears as you slow down, to the point you are in 2nd gear when you come to a complete stop--with the clutch pulled ldo. If you try to just slow down in a top gear the bike will lose power, like a car will. When you stop, shift through neutral to 1st and you are ready to take off again.

Also, be sure you understand the way the bike reacts when the brakes are used, individually and together. You don't want to panic and pull the front brake hard, you may fly over the handlebars. Learn to use the breaks together and engage them in a controlled manner. And do let go of the throttle when braking. I wrecked a scooter at age 13 when I tried to brake with the throttle pulled, no fun that (especially when your Dad bought it for himself 2 weeks earlier).

Other tips:

Lean into turns. Slow before a turn, roll the throttle through the turn while leaning. That is how bikes are made to hug the road while on a bend. Look through the turn, not at the road immediately in front of you.

If you feel yourself drifting in a turn, don't just brake. Lean the bike back upright, then start braking. If you just brake while leaning you will slide.

Treat every other vehicle as a possible collision. Assume they don't see you. Expect they might pull out in front of you and be prepared. But don't cede your lane position or slow too much, some treat that as an invitation to pull in front of you. Just be ready to move or brake if you need to while keeping your position. If you are on a 2 or 4 lane road, do not ride in someone's blind spot. Ride next to them or ahead of them, so they know you are there and will not move into your lane.

Concern is warranted here, imo. I would highly recommend taking the bike into a open parking lot or something and drive around before getting into traffic. 125 is pretty small which is good, I would say absolutely no way you should ride if the bike was any bigger. If you can get some time on a small bike before you even go I would do that too.
04-27-2010 , 06:46 PM
Yeah- had he been talking about some random "give me the jurry and I'll give you the ass" chick- that would be fine. It's that it was Jane Seymour, who just wants us to buy hearts 'cause of her mom or something. I mean there's plenty of acceptable names to call Seymour, this just seemed dumb.
04-27-2010 , 06:54 PM
I just realized I have never seen these commercials and was comparing them to other commercials. Possibly the Jared ones.
04-27-2010 , 06:54 PM
I would start with Hot Piece of Geriatric Ass.
04-27-2010 , 10:04 PM
****ing May OOT Low Content, How does it work? ****

too obvious?
04-27-2010 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by oddjob
****ing May OOT Low Content, How does it work? ****

too obvious?
oot lc thread - maygic all up in this bitch
04-27-2010 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
anyone got a schick hydro TR?
04-27-2010 , 10:35 PM
Why would anyone bother when they got a Gillette Mach 3 in the mail for their 18th Bday? Had a Schick, been using the Mach 3 since.
04-27-2010 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by RunDownHouse
Why would anyone bother when they got a Gillette Mach 3 in the mail for their 18th Bday? Had a Schick, been using the Mach 3 since.
I have really sensitive skin and also suck at shaving, so good razors are very important for me .
04-27-2010 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by oddjob
****ing May OOT Low Content, How does it work? ****

too obvious?

You mean too awesome...

And needs more CapsLock.
04-27-2010 , 10:45 PM
04-27-2010 , 10:55 PM
daryn, who's the new asian chick?
04-27-2010 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
There is rampant misogyny on 2p2 ... I mean look at the Breaking Bad threads ffs. but I don't necessarily have a problem with the way ActionJackson used slut. The implication is that she is a slut because you need to get her this bull**** diamond necklace/heart w/e every holiday so she can put out.

That opens up a whole other can of worms, but I think the usage is fine if that was his intent.
ya this is basically what i meant honestly didnt mean to offend anyone
04-27-2010 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
If you guys are going to make me break character- yes, in general I dislike "slut" as an insult and the idea that promiscuity in a women is a negative trait. .
this is where we disagree, but i mean its bad if anyone girl or guy is having sex with a lot of different people imo, having sex on the hour everyday with your b/f isnt what i think is wrong. I dont have a double standard I think its bad when men and women have a lot of sexual partners it grosses me out because im so paranoid about getting an std or something i dont even drink or go out at bars i try to get women who are in my classes and I know dont have sex unless their in relationships, and I would expect the same negative judgement if I did the same thing. Kind of a tangent but I agree that i could have used a better word.
04-27-2010 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by Dids

When somebody starts using language like "slut" to refer to women in the context in which he did- it always makes me feel like it says a lot about his prevailing feelings towards women in a kinda gross, dehumanizing sort of way.

this is a generalization and I can understand its easier to think of everything in terms of sterotypes and group a lot of people into one category. youll be wrong with a lot of people tho
04-27-2010 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
I also would totally have revised my earlier post if I'd given it more thought- but I was busy being annoyed by the random caps in that toolbox's username.
this made me LOL irl, its an honor to tilt the great that is DID's
04-27-2010 , 11:28 PM
04-27-2010 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by AcTiOnJaCsOn
this made me LOL irl, its an honor to tilt the great that is DID's

I hadn't realized how possessive DID's has become.
04-27-2010 , 11:41 PM
haha true, why are some people on 2p2 so nitty about grammar though
04-27-2010 , 11:51 PM
Jane (Seymour,) you ignorant slut!
04-27-2010 , 11:55 PM
That was more making a joke at your expense than nitty.
04-27-2010 , 11:55 PM
04-28-2010 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
That was more making a joke at your expense than nitty.
o ok, i guess i fig u were being a grumpy old nitty man because I honestly expect more from jokes.
