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04-07-2010 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by offTopic
surp imo
04-07-2010 , 03:04 PM
Honestly though, what is it about weddings that certain people say that transcendental properties of space and time move mountains for? And why wouldn't you invite friends from your childhood if life truly is "a journey and not a destination"? These same people use that quote all the time but then one of em doesn't even invite childhood friends for a wedding? Bull****. You're wrong on principle if you say that and then fail to invite people from the earlier part of your journey, and not just your "destination"(current, wedding day) friends.

Masters in free 3D preview for Cox/Comcast cable customers.

04-07-2010 , 03:06 PM
lol wut?
04-07-2010 , 03:07 PM
You didn't get invited to the wedding because you're weird, not because he didn't invite others from his past.
04-07-2010 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by P Chippa
You didn't get invited to the wedding because you're weird, not because he didn't invite others from his past.
No, no. That's the problem. I DID. But one of his friends that I met a couple times who knew him throughout elementary/high school (and still visits him on occasion) didn't. Cool dude, we chilled and played pool with him his gf, me and a friend of mine, and said (about to be) married couple. Unless there was a rift with them very recently, I dont know why. Maybe cause it's expensive and they only had set amount of people.

Anyway, just a random thought thrown out there. I dont know if childhood friends get invited less often than not over more current friends.
04-07-2010 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by dmisfh1
Maybe cause it's expensive and they only had set amount of people.
This is very common, and honestly, nothing for you to worry about/get worked up about either way. It's their wedding, they invited you, go rejoice with them.
04-07-2010 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by JL514
Yesterday I had an Otter Creek Copper Ale.

I thought it was pretty good. Prior to this experience I hadn't heard of Otter Creek.


Our year 'round flagship brew is Copper Ale, a medium bodied, amber ale inspired by the Altbiers of Northern Germany. Brewed with six different malts, three hop varieties and our special house yeast, Copper Ale is characterized by a well-balanced blend of malty notes and mild bitterness.

(OG: 1050, 21 IBU)
OK so here are my thoughts on the OC Copper Ale -- it was on tap at a local bar that always has some decent beers so I decided to give it a try. I did not know it was a craft beer from Vermont:

First, glass appeal was very good. Copper isn't the greatest description, but it's close -- there's not a strong reddish note, more gold + lightly browned. It was super clear for its color and had a nice head that condensed quickly but lingered after reducing.

It smells noticeably of hops with a characteristic buttery/nutty scent of darker ales. The hops are not quite as strong smelling as an IPA, which makes sense as it has a middle (as opposed to a middle-high) range ABV of 5.4%

The taste is complex but not overdone. Strong notes are hops, obviously, buttery/nutty flavor, which transitions to a mild caramel/malty sweetness. I didn't pick out any strong fruit notes common in some ales, just the caramel.

The finish is hoppy & bitter, but not as much as you might expect from the smell. The flavor slightly exceeds the body in boldness.

Overall, I was pretty happy with the selection, and I didn't switch to a different beer after the first pint so I consider it a winner. I'd probably rate it a A- or B+. I was actually pretty happy with mild bitterness because I wasn't in the mood to have a very hoppy beer.

Apparently you can pick it up in a bottle (available year round), but I read a few recommendations to let it sit in the glass for some time prior to drinking. I'll definitely be on the look out for it.
04-07-2010 , 03:36 PM
Gotta cut the list at some point.

Lol at even pongo liking the pic but dids bein all naw dawg i ain't likin dem colored tights.
04-07-2010 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by dmisfh1
Honestly though, what is it about weddings that certain people say that transcendental properties of space and time move mountains for? And why wouldn't you invite friends from your childhood if life truly is "a journey and not a destination"? These same people use that quote all the time but then one of em doesn't even invite childhood friends for a wedding? Bull****. You're wrong on principle if you say that and then fail to invite people from the earlier part of your journey, and not just your "destination"(current, wedding day) friends.
I think it's probably a mistake to take just about anything that 95% of people say about their weddings seriously. The forces of custom are strong.
04-07-2010 , 03:41 PM
Hooray I am less gay than Dids.
04-07-2010 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by RayPowers
Am I the only guy who couldn't care less about the color of her tights because , hey... ass.
As you well know, I can find ass on the internet that doesn't look like a clown on the way to a meth binge.
04-07-2010 , 03:44 PM
WTF did google mess with their video? nothing is playable in google. so lame
04-07-2010 , 03:44 PM
Ran pretty hot at amazon this week:

Greetings from

The price of the item(s) decreased after you ordered them, and we gave you the lowest price.

The following title(s) decreased in price:

Price on order date: $17.13
Price charged at shipping: $9.99

$7.14 is your total savings under our Pre-order Price Guarantee.
04-07-2010 , 03:52 PM
wow they have a price guarantee for pre-orders? I guess to avoid multiple cancellations.

They did away with their regular price guarantee some time ago
04-07-2010 , 03:55 PM
Any time between when you order it and when yours ships if the price goes lower than your order you get the lowest price it was between those two points. Usually i end up saving something like 67 cents. But for some reason the book dropped to 9.99 and I basically saved a paperback.
04-07-2010 , 04:30 PM
My last amazon experience:

Amazon, March 11
Hello from

We are writing about the order you placed on March 07 2010 . The item(s) listed below will actually ship sooner than we originally expected:
Amazon, March 12
Hello from

We are writing about the order you placed on March 07 2010 . The item(s) listed below will actually ship sooner than we originally expected:
Amazon, March 12, 1 hr later

Our records indicate you recently ordered:

Unfortunately, due to a pricing error, we sold many more than expected. In fact, we completely sold out — we don't have any in stock right now, and we're not even sure if we'll be able to get more.

As a result, we've had to cancel your order. I realize this is disappointing news. To help compensate for any inconvenience this causes, we have applied a $25 promotional certificate to your account.

You can use it the next time you order an item shipped and sold by You'll see your available promotional balance at checkout--this amount will be applied to your next order automatically without entering a claim code.

I'm sorry I don't have better news. We hope to see you again soon.
04-07-2010 , 04:41 PM
Ha, never had that happen before.

Amazon has had a couple of minor cockups with me over the years, but given how much I've ordered from them the rate of ****ups is low.
04-07-2010 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by pongo
Hooray I am less gay than Dids.
How do you figure?
04-07-2010 , 05:18 PM
I guess you're right, I am pretty gay. I like Britney Spears and Broadway musicals.
04-07-2010 , 07:59 PM
I'm so frustrated and angry right now. I turned on the TV to watch the Cardinals at Reds game on MLB Extra Innings only to see that its blacked out in Nashville. Apparently we're somehow considered part of Cincinnati's home viewing area. Of course we aren't, which means that Comcast in Nashville doesn't carry FSOhio or anything else that might show the game, so I'm paying MLB for the privilege of not being able to watch the game.

I understand the rationale of blacking out MLB Extra Innings when a local provider has broadcast rights, but when they don't, wtf can't they show the game? Ugh. When I rule the world, Comcast is first against the wall.
04-07-2010 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by RunDownHouse
I'm so frustrated and angry right now. I turned on the TV to watch the Cardinals at Reds game on MLB Extra Innings only to see that its blacked out in Nashville. Apparently we're somehow considered part of Cincinnati's home viewing area. Of course we aren't, which means that Comcast in Nashville doesn't carry FSOhio or anything else that might show the game, so I'm paying MLB for the privilege of not being able to watch the game.

I understand the rationale of blacking out MLB Extra Innings when a local provider has broadcast rights, but when they don't, wtf can't they show the game? Ugh. When I rule the world, Comcast is first against the wall.
blame MLB's ridiculous blackout rules. i think in vegas, the dodgers, angels, padres, diamondbacks, athletics, and giants are all blacked out. it's terrible.
04-07-2010 , 08:07 PM
lol blacking out a market with no baseball teams. ugh.
04-07-2010 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by RunDownHouse
I'm so frustrated and angry right now. I turned on the TV to watch the Cardinals at Reds game on MLB Extra Innings only to see that its blacked out in Nashville. Apparently we're somehow considered part of Cincinnati's home viewing area. Of course we aren't, which means that Comcast in Nashville doesn't carry FSOhio or anything else that might show the game, so I'm paying MLB for the privilege of not being able to watch the game.

I understand the rationale of blacking out MLB Extra Innings when a local provider has broadcast rights, but when they don't, wtf can't they show the game? Ugh. When I rule the world, Comcast is first against the wall.
I forgot that Comcast does a free preview of Extra Innings at the beginning of each season. Sweet!
04-07-2010 , 08:24 PM
Does anyone have the gif image of some crazy curly haired kid entering a room, then making a strange face? It was going around 2p2 for a while, and if you've seen it you probably know what I'm talking about.
04-07-2010 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by RunDownHouse
I'm so frustrated and angry right now. I turned on the TV to watch the Cardinals at Reds game on MLB Extra Innings only to see that its blacked out in Nashville. Apparently we're somehow considered part of Cincinnati's home viewing area. Of course we aren't, which means that Comcast in Nashville doesn't carry FSOhio or anything else that might show the game, so I'm paying MLB for the privilege of not being able to watch the game.

I understand the rationale of blacking out MLB Extra Innings when a local provider has broadcast rights, but when they don't, wtf can't they show the game? Ugh. When I rule the world, Comcast is first against the wall.
When I saw this I read it as Fo'Sho'io. You know, like what the dealio.
