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APD Police Brutality APD Police Brutality

03-29-2014 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
Tasered? You don't meet lethal force with less than lethal force. Not that I'm agreeing with how the cops handled it.

APD, not state police.
Sorry I listed it as the state chief but it was actually the apd chief. Article:
APD Police Brutality Quote
03-29-2014 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by Used2Play
Come on man, you realize that most of those "assaults" are things like a pissy person not cooperating with police or slapping a ticket out of officers hand and things like the hell does that get lumped in with homicides. strange statistics you got there (and outdated)

I can't seem to understand how me posting some semi relevant data on the issues meets with such flak considering no one else has posted any data at all concerning the matter. Yes some of these assaults were probably trivial but the list also left out the instances where a serious confrontation was most likely to happen. As to the date, someone can feel free to post some newer numbers if they can find them. The point is that it DOES happen and would happen much more often if the officer allowed people to get out of their vehicle instead of keeping them in it.
APD Police Brutality Quote
03-29-2014 , 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by SandmanNess
Still waiting for one good reason why an officer would benefit from you coming to him instead of him coming to you when in your car.
Here's your original statement just so you don't go shifting those goalposts too far. My responses in bold below.
Originally Posted by SandmanNess
1. Any driver who is gonna drive away has already made up his mind to do that. That person would never get out of the car in the first place. And someone that drives away isn't a danger to the officer.
If the driver already made up his mind to drive away but the officer either A. hasn't stopped his patrol car at all or B. hasn't gotten out of it, it's more beneficial for the officer than if he is on foot. It matters not whether the driver is an immediate threat to the officer. Driver could be a threat to others and it's the officers job to apprehend suspects who attempt to evade them. It's beneficial to do your job well, correct?

2. Anyone who is too slow get out of the way of a car going in reverse shouldn't be a police officer, (considering when you put it in reverse, backup lights come on to let you know).
Just LOL at that. Have you seen some of the police officers in the US? Besides it doesn't matter if the officer gets out of the way or doesn't. It's still more of a benefit for him to never be in a position where he needs to try.

3. A better view doesn't mean safer. As has already been said you look very obvious scrambling around looking for a weapon and if you already have it, it's very awkward to turn far enough to do anything with it without being incredibly obvious about what you're trying to do and police don't stand directly by your window, they stand behind you for exactly this reason. Whereas, if I put a pistol or a knife in my back pocket, I can probably pull and shoot or stab without him having a chance to react at all if I'm outside the car.
How does the bolded part of your statement change at all whether the driver has to get out of the car or stay in? The officer can still see him "scrambling for weapons" either way. Good luck putting a pistol in your back pocket while being pulled over without looking obvious

4. This is just lol. An officer that's sitting in his car isn't better off, he's basically confined in a box that severely restricts his vision and freedom of movement (which is why police want you in yours). And if you think a car can move quickly IN ALL DIRECTIONS more quickly than someone on 2 feet, you're an idiot.
Clearly a car doesn't move in all directions as quickly as a human, but it does move in two directions like 20X faster and doesn't run out of stamina. Also a gun is the only realistic threat to an officer in a squad car. Do you know how hard it is to break a car window? Look it up.

Since all your "reasons" were a big bag of fail, you probably shouldn't say any more, since I'm sure you put out your best 4, and they will only get dumber from here.
If my reasons were a big bag of fail then your responses are the factory where fail is manufactured.

Edit: Oh and btw, I'm obviously from the US, but before living in Argentina, I lived in Canada, a country which pretty much everyone knows is very anti-gun and doesn't really have gun violence problems. If you get out of your car on a traffic stop there, the police will pretty much **** a brick and yell at you to get back in. As they should.
FWIW I actually agree with you that the officer getting out is better for him but to act like it's just absolutely impossible that the other side of the coin has any benefits is ******ed.
APD Police Brutality Quote
03-29-2014 , 08:39 AM
Ever notice how cops won't let you get too close to them? It's like there's a specific distance that once you cross it they're at risk of bonding with you, making it harder for them to murder you.
APD Police Brutality Quote
03-31-2014 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Tyler Durden
Could be Atlanta Police Department. Or Anaheim Police Department. Or Anchorage Police Department. Or Austin Police Department. Or Albany Police Department.
I thought he botched 'APB' (all points bulletin).
APD Police Brutality Quote
04-10-2014 , 03:18 PM

In a scathing assessment, the Justice Department said Thursday that the Albuquerque Police Department, whose officers have shot and killed 23 people in the last four years, had engaged in a “pattern or practice of use of excessive force,” often acting recklessly and violating people’s constitutional rights.


It called for an extensive series of reforms aimed at improving the way officers are trained and supervised, among other things.
No charges were filed (and as of now no one has been fired?). Apparently the Justice Department investigation began back in 2012.
APD Police Brutality Quote
04-13-2014 , 12:18 AM
um... run? no? isn't that why they ask people to walk out slowly with their hands up?
APD Police Brutality Quote
04-13-2014 , 12:35 AM
I moved from Albuquerque last fall to northern NM.

These ****ing cops have been out of control for a long time now. I doubt if anything changes, tbh. You'd have to clean the slate and completely start over.
APD Police Brutality Quote
04-13-2014 , 01:04 AM
Go ahead and walk out slowly with your hands up while you're being stabbed by the guy holding you hostage. Great input there, Jefe...

Reading comprehension FTW in this thread.
APD Police Brutality Quote
05-15-2014 , 01:19 PM
We condemned police brutality, Not only us but every where police behavior are to cruel and nonsense for common people, the government paid for their work but even they also asking money for solve your problem or write your complain.

Police altered with evidence in case of of Paul Bailey. you can see more here

Last edited by friscopaul; 05-15-2014 at 01:23 PM. Reason: spelling mistake
APD Police Brutality Quote
05-15-2014 , 02:10 PM
Last edited by friscopaul; Today at 01:23 PM. Reason: spelling mistake
Decided to add more?

You should try and be a better neighbor and control your dogs.

...and don't shoot at the police Paul.

Last edited by Pot Odds RAC; 05-15-2014 at 02:17 PM.
APD Police Brutality Quote
05-15-2014 , 02:42 PM
Paul -- good thing you caught that spelling mistake and edited your post. Otherwise your post might not have made sense.
APD Police Brutality Quote
05-15-2014 , 02:56 PM
With his keen grasp on the English language and his knack for elegant phrasing it is only logical that he has a blog.
APD Police Brutality Quote
05-16-2014 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by friscopaul
Not only us but every where police behavior are to cruel and nonsense for common people...
musical accompaniment for future paul posts, especially 4:50

APD Police Brutality Quote
