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Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer?
View Poll Results: Is Amanda Knox innocent or guilty of murdering Meredith Kercher in Perugia Italy?
There is reasonable doubt here and should be found not guilty.
381 26.87%
She is guilty as can be and should be found guilty.
551 38.86%
She is completely innocent and should be acquitted.
168 11.85%
318 22.43%

01-19-2013 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by PFUNK
She had cuts on her hands from the knife, period (you forgot the palm). Who the F are you to determine whether these are substantial enough or not? Did you examine the body?
If you want to be specific she had a 60mm wound on the palm of her right hand and a 30mm wound on the index finger and a 60mm wound on the middle finger of her left hand. That is it.

Those are not the defensive wounds you would expect from someone who was attacked while standing and who sustained 47 injuries from a single attacker.

As to who am I to say it is not sufficient well it isn't me saying it but rather the experts who testified. Further, anyone who is not a ****** knows that is not the normal level of defensive wounds in a long knife attack so yes I would feel very comfortable making that claim even if I didn't have the experts making it for me.

Your theory suggests there were 3 people all of which were restraining why did she have any cuts at all then?
It doesn't require three people but it does require at least two.

He is an athletic basketball player and we've all seen the pictures man, he is not a small "skinny" guy. He clearly has an athletic cut and its documented the guy plays basketball.
He is 5'10" -- that he played basketball doesn't change his height. Raffaele also played basketball and studied martial arts yet he is even shorter and also a small guy.

For you to suggest he cannot hold both her wrists at the same time, especially after already probably hitting her in the face and slamming her head into the wall or ground means you are being completely illogical, and probably a complete vagina who has never fought at the same time.
lol .. yes. That has to be it. I have a distaste for fighting but I guarantee I've been in more fights than you have although nothing in recent years.

The arm restraining was not at the wrists but further up the arm. It is impossible to hold Meredith that way without pulling her arms out of her sockets or at least breaking her arms. Further, someone who is 5'10" simply does not have hands large enough to use a single hand to wrap around to arms and hold them with the force required to restrain someone who fears for her life.

I've held people down and restrained them while holding both their arms with one hand, and I have had this happen to me before as well. While neither were a violent crime scene, different times being a serious altercation and different times were simply horse play.
Held people down. How many times do you need to be told that Meredith was upright when she was stabbed. If you get someone down then yes you can do a lot with just a single person but she is standing so you can't use your body to restrain her.

We are talking about a small, weak young girl here who was probably weakened more during the altercation.
Why is she weak?

She is female so in general going to be weaker than most guys but Meredith was in excellent shape. Further this is not the first time a guy with a knife attacked a girl. We have countless examples of this throughout recent criminal history and so we know what to expect with regard to defensive wounds and three cuts averaging 1/2 a cm is not it.

Yea, sometimes you might take a hit which damages your consciousness, strength, and coherence and make it just ever so slightly hard to fight back.
If that was the case there would be no restraint bruising. You are greatly overstating how much someone goes into shock when hit in a situation like this but even if I gave that to you a limp person doesn't need to be retrained and she doesn't apply force that has to be countered with enough force that it causes the bruising so sever that you can actually make out the individual fingers.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by 239
Link to you quoting that?

Spare me. You don't convict people based on possible, therefore probable. We're talking about the frickin' murder weapon here. The reality is that it's asinine to believe that knife was there for any reason at all

Henry, you're terrible at this. The reason I ask you to quote your other Hellman zingers is because you're always cherry picking and ignoring context. This is what he actually said, bolding mine.

So yeah you're either wrong or you're a liar. Let us know which one you are.

Wrong. There are obviously similarities in the events leading up to the murder that all point to Guede.

somebody plz wake me up when this guy is ready to stop COMPLETELY LYING about her innocence!!!

Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by 239
It's in Amanda and Raf's appeals.

ETA: And the testimony itself was sourced two months ago proving it, donkey.
That is not sourcing something.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by PFUNK
LOL he can tell just by looking at the picture people!!!
Yes. You can tell if someone has done their hair by looking at a picture. The reason we engage in personal grooming is to make ourselves more attractive. You can can tell when someone has groomed themselves and when they have not.

How can you really be this stupid?
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 08:32 PM
in TruthHater land, pfunk and 239 believe that this guy showered merely HOURS before the picture was taken!!!

Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 08:36 PM
1 shower several hours before =

how many showers and for how long was this!?!?!?!

i think if she took a few more, we are looking at the next gisele!!!

Last edited by JRustle; 01-19-2013 at 08:38 PM. Reason: pfunk SERIOUSLY believes this!! LOL
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Yes. You can tell if someone has done their hair by looking at a picture. The reason we engage in personal grooming is to make ourselves more attractive. You can can tell when someone has groomed themselves and when they have not.

How can you really be this stupid?
Ill get to your other crap later, but this is ******ed...why did u even say that about the pic. You have to know how dumb this sounds?

You cannot tell the biatch took a shower or not from this picture! ROFL

You don't know if she even washed her hair or not just cuz she says she took a shower.

You are a ******!

Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by 239
Link to you quoting that?

Spare me. You don't convict people based on possible, therefore probable. We're talking about the frickin' murder weapon here. The reality is that it's asinine to believe that knife was there for any reason at all
Except we know it was there because it has the victim's DNA.

So yeah you're either wrong or you're a liar. Let us know which one you are.
The quote is already in here but I have asked Poker Reference to post it again since she knows where it is better than I do. Except it any minute in a post from her.

Hellmann says that if the break-in is staged then Rudy staged it and did a ****ty job of it to have the police conclude that it was staged and thus suspect one of the residents.

Wrong. There are obviously similarities in the events leading up to the murder that all point to Guede.
lol -- do you think just stating something over and over again makes it real? The only commonality you have listed so far is that a window was broken with a rock. Something that happens in probably 50%+ of burglaries where windows are broken.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by PFUNK
Ill get to your other crap later, but this is ******ed...why did u even say that about the pic. You have to know how dumb this sounds?

You cannot tell the biatch took a shower or not from this picture! ROFL

You don't know if she even washed her hair or not just cuz she says she took a shower.

You are a ******!

This is what happens when you talk about stuff you don't understand. You come off looking like the ******ed that you are.

Amanda says that the reason she went to the other bathroom was to blow dry her hair.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
This is what happens when you talk about stuff you don't understand. You come off looking like the ******ed that you are.

Amanda says that the reason she went to the other bathroom was to blow dry her hair.

Looks normal in this pic. Notice none of the cops have out notebooks taking any notes. Normally you'd expect to see them jotting down everything a potential witness has to say.

They didn't take her statement till midnight. They were incompetent.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
This is what happens when you talk about stuff you don't understand. You come off looking like the ******ed that you are.

Amanda says that the reason she went to the other bathroom was to blow dry her hair.
Fair enough, I can admit when I am wrong.

Sounds and looks reasonable to me then since washing your hair and drying it strips it of oils and it does not look like she took the time to do herself up at all, which is what you are contesting in the pic? That her hair should be shiny and pretty and made up or something?
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Yes. You can tell if someone has done their hair by looking at a picture. The reason we engage in personal grooming is to make ourselves more attractive. You can can tell when someone has groomed themselves and when they have not.

How can you really be this stupid?
Yikes, Henry.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
The quote is already in here but I have asked Poker Reference to post it again since she knows where it is better than I do. Except it any minute in a post from her.
PDF here.

The Court of the Assizes of First Instance (MASSEI) ruled out that Rudy Guede could have had an
interest in simulating the theft by means of breaking in through the window, recalling that
just days before he had been caught in a nursery in Milan where he had entered illegally at
night and that he had been indicated as probable perpetrator of other thefts, so that it
would have been really strange ‐ thus that Court argues ‐ that to divert suspicion from
himself he would have simulated the carrying out of an illegal activity that was usual for
him. Actually, one might answer that it is precisely those facts which lead the Court to
hold that this is clearly a simulation, to make one think that Rudy Guede, staging an
obvious simulation, had believed would distance deflect suspicions from him, since a
professional thief does not simulate a theft, but actually commits it.
p 77

Massei and thinking people everywhere said that Rudy had no interest in staging the break-in. Hellman argues (badly*) that it wasn't staged, but if it had been, well isn't that just what you might expect from Rudy, whose interest would be to deflect suspicion away from himself by making it look as though someone else was trying to make it look as though he had done it.

Galati responds:
Above all, the assumption that Rudy would have had any interest in staging is, to say the least, astonishing: and why so? If someone had seen him, and he knew about it, he would not have been able to act; if he did not know it, the artifice would however have not served its purpose; if no one had seen him, it would have been an artifice destined to make the clues point to a thief, reinforcing the possibility of working out it was him. The staging could not have been anything but the work of someone who had reason to deflect suspicion from those staying in the house, in practice only Amanda, given the cast-iron alibis of the other two flatmates (Romanelli and Mezzetti) and the boys from the floor below.
- p 82

And even inspector Battistelli, as can well be seen, reports a very chaotic state and not only
with broken glass in situ just on top of things. Thus verbatim, at the hearing February 6, 2009:
ʺ... PROSECUTOR ‐ The glass fragments were, where were the glass fragments?
WITNESS ‐ The glass fragments were on the floor and the strange thing, which really
struck me is that there were glass fragments on top of the clothes as well ... ʺ
The glass fragments, therefore, were noted on top of objects ʺas wellʺ and not ʺonlyʺ on top of the same.
p 79

Was anything taken?

Massei and thinking people everywhere consider Raffaele's affirmations that nothing was stolen to have arisen from the knowledge that the scene was only a fake. Hellmann argues, again badly, that because Raffaele is not a legal expert he cannot be expected to know the difference between a mess and a theft.

Hellmann 88:
This Appeal Court of Assizes,
however, is not in agreement with the above‐mentioned (Massei's) explanation insomuch as it gives
credit to individuals unqualified as legal experts the terminological and conceptual skills
typical of the former
, so to assume that when police unexpectedly arrived demanding an
explanation, the two had claimed that they were waiting for the Carabinieri because there
had been a burglary inside the residence, they had known how to deliberately change the
version of the events, with regard to what was reported to the Carabinieri, for the fear that
the statement “no, nothing has been taken” might reveal their responsibility in the matter
of the staged burglary. In fact, for those not legally skilled, the expression “there’s been a
burglary inside the residence” corresponds to a succinct portrayal of the situation that
they had observed;

Galati 74 points out that:
The thesis of the CAA, according to which Sollecito’s words to the police are not to be taken literally, not appreciating, as only men of the law might be able to do, the difference between ‚mere violation of domicile, attempted theft or perfected theft‛ (p 134), is contradicted by Sollecito's own words during the course of the phone call to the Carabinieri wherein, speaking of ‚theft‛, though to deny it, he adds, ‚no they haven’t taken anything‛.

These two affirmations, linked to each other, ‚there is no theft" and ‚they haven’t taken anything‛, give to understand, without any shadow of a doubt, that Sollecito was using the term theft advisedly and not incorrectly, as, contrariwise, the CAA would like to maintain. When the defendant, along with Ms Knox, addresses himself to the police, stating that there had been a theft, he knows, not least, that a theft involves the removal of goods, that is, that something has been carried away.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17

Except we know it was there because it has the victim's DNA.

The quote is already in here but I have asked Poker Reference to post it again since she knows where it is better than I do. Except it any minute in a post from her.

Hellmann says that if the break-in is staged then Rudy staged it and did a ****ty job of it to have the police conclude that it was staged and thus suspect one of the residents.

lol -- do you think just stating something over and over again makes it real? The only commonality you have listed so far is that a window was broken with a rock. Something that happens in probably 50%+ of burglaries where windows are broken.
It's all in your mind Henry about what Hellmann says about break-in. Post the paragraphs from his report...
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Oski
You are the one using JREF as an authority. If you are not competent to discuss the basis for their conclusion (that the break in actually happened) then you should be able to isolate and repost a convincing post from that site.
I'm not saying it's an authority, I don't know what you're talking about. I've said if people want to read good discussion on the case that's a good place to do it. The conclusion that the break in actually happened is based on there being no compelling evidence suggesting it didn't and all of the evidence pointing to the fact that it did.


1. You should stop offering JREF as an authority;

2. Admit that you do not understand the basis for their conclusion and that you are just taking their word for it.
Please show me where I stated I think the break in was real because JREF told me so. If not, please stop posting altogether as a favor to the sane.

Finally, as I have stated repeatedly, I am not going to do your work for you. If you can't provide the materials necessary to back up your claims, I will assume they don't exist and that you have just accepted conclusions that you can neither explain nor understand.
I don't have to claim anything. The appeal court found the staging of the break in by Amanda and Raf didn't happen. There was no crime. Hellman concluded as I just quoted that it's apparent Guede broke in to rob the place.

Again, if you are trying to convince us of something (other than that you are full of ****) you are failing miserably.
You've created this JREF controversy out of thin air and are now arguing against the strawman you've created. Please do this offline and come back when you can contribute something to the thread if you don't mind.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by PFUNK
Fair enough, I can admit when I am wrong.

Sounds and looks reasonable to me then since washing your hair and drying it strips it of oils and it does not look like she took the time to do herself up at all, which is what you are contesting in the pic? That her hair should be shiny and pretty and made up or something?
According to Amanda she took a shower around 11pm the night before. Then she got up at 10am and went to her house and took another shower. This is a lot of showers for someone who everyone describes as having bad personal hygiene but whatever it is certainly possible. Where it starts to become unbelievable is that someone who took two showers would have body odour less than three hours after taking the second shower.

She also claims to have done her hair. She needs to say that because that is why she went to the bathroom belonging to the other girls. Now Amanda should have said when I saw the **** I just left but she makes it clear she did not do that. This is actually one of the odd items is that she did not flush and she did not freak out. She saw the **** and despite the fact that it must have been very smelly in that bathroom she proceeded to do her hair. If you comb your hair you look very different than if you don't. I have done a lot of all nighters and you can just tells someone who has done their morning grooming from someone who hasn't. The hair is the most obvious but even the face.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by 239
I'm not saying it's an authority, I don't know what you're talking about. I've said if people want to read good discussion on the case that's a good place to do it. The conclusion that the break in actually happened is based on there being no compelling evidence suggesting it didn't and all of the evidence pointing to the fact that it did.

Why do you lie so much? We have covered why the break-in was staged so many times. Even if you believe it is real-- and to do so you have to be pretty dumb-- to claim that there is no evidence that it was staged is just a lie.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
If you want to be specific she had a 60mm wound on the palm of her right hand and a 30mm wound on the index finger and a 60mm wound on the middle finger of her left hand. That is it.
Plenty of people are brutally murdered by one person, with a knife and left with zero defensive wounds on them. I actually think her having any at all hurts your point, since two people restraining her would lead me to believe she should have none.

Originally Posted by Henry17
The arm restraining was not at the wrists but further up the arm. It is impossible to hold Meredith that way without pulling her arms out of her sockets or at least breaking her arms. Further, someone who is 5'10" simply does not have hands large enough to use a single hand to wrap around to arms and hold them with the force required to restrain someone who fears for her life.
Makes sense to me....if you were to hold someone down with one hand you do so higher up on the arm below the wrists, while holding and gripping the other underneath. The wrists or the arms does not matter if you are on top of someone. My theory requires him to be on top of her in this scenario yes. It is not unlikely, and it is also not unlikely he held her from behind while choking her neck.

I believe it is evidence she had bruising to both her face (punched) and her neck (choked) among other areas, as well as trauma to the back of the head (thrown to the ground, bashed into the wall or both).

Saying someone is 5 ft 10 does not have large enough hands to do this on a small girl is freaking stupid. Rudy could have very large hands for all we know, and his body type certainly looks like he is decently athletic and with a large arm span even if 5 ft 10 which is hardly considered short imo, although not exactly tall all the same.

Originally Posted by Henry17
Held people down. How many times do you need to be told that Meredith was upright when she was stabbed. If you get someone down then yes you can do a lot with just a single person but she is standing so you can't use your body to restrain her.
Is there evidence showing that the fatal stab wound took place while standing up? How are you so sure? You are saying it is impossible she was on the ground at any point when stabbed? How?

So you are telling me this whole action of him fighting/struggling with her, her hitting her head very hard, him digitally penetrating her, and her receiving mutliple stab wounds on top of a fatal one ALL took place while standing and you can cite inconclusive proof of this?

Originally Posted by Henry17
Why is she weak?
C'mon man....a large, athletic male violently attacking a petite female perhaps even getting the drop on her and she is not viewed as the weak opponent?....seriously?

Originally Posted by Henry17
You are greatly overstating how much someone goes into shock when hit in a situation like this but even if I gave that to you a limp person doesn't need to be retrained.
No I am not at all. From you sharing your information about what a fighter you used to be, surely you would know a good punch in the right area makes a person dizzy and incapacitated for several seconds, which is a long time in a struggle to help render someone practically defenseless.

And, yes they do still restrain them because she is still struggling, still probably yelling and screaming and one person would need to act with that much more force and work then 2 or 3.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
OK. He's right. He didn't say it wouldn't be suspicious as you stated. He said it wouldn't be enough to prove guilt.

Except we know it was there because it has the victim's DNA.
No, it wasn't blood so there is no reason to think it had anything to do with the crime anyway, but nevermind that the science employed to produce the knife result is so laughably bad it isn't reasonable to believe her DNA was even there in the first place. So you're once again reasoning backwards which is what Massei was doing.

The quote is already in here but I have asked Poker Reference to post it again since she knows where it is better than I do. Except it any minute in a post from her.

Hellmann says that if the break-in is staged then Rudy staged it and did a ****ty job of it to have the police conclude that it was staged and thus suspect one of the residents.
Are you guys drunk? I just posted the quote but added what immediately follows it because you left it out. The part you're leaving out reveals that you're either misinformed or lying, which is it?

In other words I post the quote and add the section you left out and your retort is that you're going to have PR repost the same thing I posted but re-cherry pick it and leave out the pertinent section. I vote drunk.

lol -- do you think just stating something over and over again makes it real? The only commonality you have listed so far is that a window was broken with a rock. Something that happens in probably 50%+ of burglaries where windows are broken.
It's not just the break in. It's Tramontano, it's the neighbors watch which is discussed in Raf's book, it's the nursery, it's the lawyer's office. There is a pattern of behavior leading up to the murder that is consistent with Guede doing this. I know you think Guede just happened to stumble in and somehow step all over Meredith's blood, get his DNA on her clothes, bra, purse, and inside her, and then stumble out the door as Amanda and Raf masterminded her murder, so I don't expect you to see reality here.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by 239
OK. He's right. He didn't say it wouldn't be suspicious as you stated. He said it wouldn't be enough to prove guilt.

No, it wasn't blood so there is no reason to think it had anything to do with the crime anyway, but nevermind that the science employed to produce the knife result is so laughably bad it isn't reasonable to believe her DNA was even there in the first place. So you're once again reasoning backwards which is what Massei was doing.

Are you guys drunk? I just posted the quote but added what immediately follows it because you left it out. The part you're leaving out reveals that you're either misinformed or lying, which is it?

In other words I post the quote and add the section you left out and your retort is that you're going to have PR repost the same thing I posted but re-cherry pick it and leave out the pertinent section. I vote drunk.

It's not just the break in. It's Tramontano, it's the neighbors watch which is discussed in Raf's book, it's the nursery, it's the lawyer's office. There is a pattern of behavior leading up to the murder that is consistent with Guede doing this. I know you think Guede just happened to stumble in and somehow step all over Meredith's blood, get his DNA on her clothes, bra, purse, and inside her, and then stumble out the door as Amanda and Raf masterminded her murder, so I don't expect you to see reality here.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by 239
I'm not saying it's an authority, I don't know what you're talking about. I've said if people want to read good discussion on the case that's a good place to do it. The conclusion that the break in actually happened is based on there being no compelling evidence suggesting it didn't and all of the evidence pointing to the fact that it did.

Please show me where I stated I think the break in was real because JREF told me so. If not, please stop posting altogether as a favor to the sane.

I don't have to claim anything. The appeal court found the staging of the break in by Amanda and Raf didn't happen. There was no crime. Hellman concluded as I just quoted that it's apparent Guede broke in to rob the place.

You've created this JREF controversy out of thin air and are now arguing against the strawman you've created. Please do this offline and come back when you can contribute something to the thread if you don't mind.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by JRustle
in TruthHater land, pfunk and 239 believe that this guy showered merely HOURS before the picture was taken!!!

Legitimately laughed out loud.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17

Why do you lie so much? We have covered why the break-in was staged so many times. Even if you believe it is real-- and to do so you have to be pretty dumb-- to claim that there is no evidence that it was staged is just a lie.
I said there was no compelling evidence. Please actually read what I write and comprehend it before drunkenly posting these types of replies.

All anyone needs to know about your take is until I told you, you didn't even know there were inner shutters on the window that was broken. The inner shutter had glass embedded into it indicating the rock was thrown from the outside. You were stating definitively that the break in was staged without even knowing what the evidence was on a basic level. Same with the 112 call. Shocker.

You like everyone else in this case on the guilt side have reasoned backwards that because they're guilty they staged the break in. We get it.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17

Why do you lie so much? We have covered why the break-in was staged so many times. Even if you believe it is real-- and to do so you have to be pretty dumb-- to claim that there is no evidence that it was staged is just a lie.
I don't get this.

So they do all this crap you claim to cover up this crime, and choose this window to simulate a break in? Why?

Why would they not do the most obvious window?

Burglars sometimes choose the least obvious window so their victim does not come home and immediately notice this and insta-call the police before even walking in the door, among other reasons.

It's even possible Rudy knew Filomenna was out of town all weekend and his crime could go unnoticed for that much longer until she returned.

Why would they choose this window for a staging do you think?
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
01-19-2013 , 09:44 PM
Are you guys going to debate whether Amanda conditioned her hair during a shower she didn't take?
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
