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Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer?
View Poll Results: Is Amanda Knox innocent or guilty of murdering Meredith Kercher in Perugia Italy?
There is reasonable doubt here and should be found not guilty.
381 26.87%
She is guilty as can be and should be found guilty.
551 38.86%
She is completely innocent and should be acquitted.
168 11.85%
318 22.43%

12-15-2012 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by 239
It's difficult for me to believe you are a real person. That's all I've got.

If you got that from me, you simply can't read. I don't know what else to say. This case is nothing like the OJ case. The fact that you'd say "the police must of planted evidence and did a piss poor job collecting..." reveals your lack of objectivity. Have you watched the video of the crime scene processing? If you have please explain why they are walking from room to room without changing foot gear. Please explain why they are literally scrubbing inches long swaths of area when collecting samples? Please explain what in god's name they were doing with the bra clasp in that keystone cops moment.

Actually, don't. Just make it stop.
I'm still waiting for just one of them to rationalise why Steffi gift wrapped the mop and walked into the murder room.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 09:38 AM
As someone who may or may not know a thing or two about sociology, I concur. The echo chamber is a scary place.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by Matt R.
Seriously, this thread may be the most ridiculous thing on the entire internet. If you want a comparison, rather than the OJ case, read about the Salem witch trials and mobbing. The type of reasoning, group think, and irrationality on display by the guilters in this thread is seriously identical to the Salem witch hunts. This is a textbook case of mobbing. A sociologist would find this thread absolutely fascinating as I doubt there is much documentation of instances of mobbing taking place within an internet community against someone whose trial took place halfway across the world. I bet a big paper would result from research on this very thread. Henry, you could be famous! You're like the ringleader of the internet mob on twoplustwo.

No, I'm honestly not joking about this.
Well said. I'm done here soon.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by Matt R.
A sociologist would find this thread absolutely fascinating ... I bet a big paper would result from research on this very thread.

No, I'm honestly not joking about this.
This part I agree with. When I have some time I'll try to extract the posts from this thread and do some basic analysis on it. Should be pretty awesome.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by Matt R.
This is wrong. You should see this after you read and understand the link I posted. Furthermore, you kept saying over and over again that lab contamination was impossible. Now you are saying it's definitely possible, it's just not cause for concern. Remember how I said you always shift the goalposts when you are shown to be wrong? Do we agree here that you were wrong, lab contamination is in fact not impossible, the likelihood may just be low enough for it not to be a cause for concern?
There is no such thing as impossible. That is a shorthand that we use for when something has such a low probability as to not be considered. You should know this. Zero probability is pretty much limited to formal logic and mathematics.

Now we're back to full fledged emotional lolHenry. I pointed out 4 logical fallacies by the guilter crew in a span of like 5 posts.
I don't think you know what a fallacy is. You have made a few incorrect claims about arguments being fallacies but that is it. I was expecting a list. The form should be a list of premises followed by the conclusion and why the reasoning is wrong.

Then you make a post at like 5am and because I haven't responded... immediately I guess... I explode in a fit of emotion (guess what, I haven't responded until now!),
No. I said your posting last night and the previous times you posted in this topic are emotional. I'm sorry but that is the way you come across. You come across as a ranting lunatic who has serious emotional issues.

And I notice you haven't responded to the other post where I spoke in detail about misuse and potential unreliability of LCN, with a link to the Forensics Institute talking that issue specifically. Why are you ignoring the part of the post proving you absolutely wrong? When you said I made one post, got emotional, then bailed, did you actually mean I made multiple posts, you would ignore the most important part proving you wrong, you'd get mad and shift the goalposts, then not even respond to the part proving you wrong?
Because as you pointed out it is early morning. You posted that twenty minutes before I was going to dinner and now I am up and was addressing the rest of the posts that don't require reading and absorbing anything to deal with. As I said I will read your source and respond to it when I have time later today or tomorrow. My ability to get to it will be greatly influenced by how often I have to waste time correcting the shills. I might just ignore them and focus on your source since it is likely of greater benefit to address that.

Everyone can see this is what happened because it's right there in writing Henry. There are intelligent posters here that have not yet succumbed to the mob and group think (at least I hope).
Can you make a list of these intelligent posters -- I see auralex14 and PFUNK and neither are intelligent and both have previous issues with me. So who exactly is seeing things your way because I don't see them. I do see multiple people telling you to calm down and stop with the emotional reactions.

It was brought up because you kept saying "contamination was impossible because 6 days, 6 days, 6 days!!!" Therefore it is relevant that a piece of DNA evidence was used after not being collected for 6 weeks. If DNA can survive 6 weeks, it can certainly survive 6 days. This can't be that hard to understand?
Yes and I pointed out why surviving six days in a laboratory that is following proper cleaning protocols is not the same as surviving six weeks where no one is in the building. Does this really need explaining?

I only mentioned gloves because it was an extremely obvious counter example to your "mixed transfer" theory. This is another example of you begging the question, by the way. I don't think she used gloves. I do however, know the that the transfer would be possible on an item of clothing, as I mentioned before. This does not require an absurd series of events and is perfectly consistent with Guede being the lone killer.
Please give a non-absurd hypothetical example of how Meredith's DNA would be transferred on an item of Amanda's clothing to the sharp end of a knife.

You're completely making stuff up regarding dry transfer. You have been wrong every single time. They did normal SSR analysis on the murder scene. They did LCN on the knife. LCN is far more sensitive. LCN would have gotten far more positives because LCN is far more sensitive. That's the whole point of the test.
That LCN is far more sensitive has nothing to do with secondary transfer not resulting in non-mixed samples. It just doesn't happen in reality. Further, your argument seems to contradict the point you are trying to make. Because LCN is so sensitive if the DNA was the product of pre-collection contamination then we should have other profiles as well.

Your entire position is based on the assumption that Amanda somehow got Meredith DNA on her clothing but that her clothing did not have Amanda DNA or anyone else's DNA in the same location. Amanda then went over to Raffaele's and rubbed her clothing exactly where the Meredith DNA was onto a knife. You think this is a non-absurd explanation for the DNA but I think most people would disagree.

You keep going on about LCN being super sensitive but you are ignoring that it was Meredith's DNA alone on that knife. Based on your own argument there should be other people's DNA on the knife. Why Meredith and not Filomena? Why Meredith and not any of Raffaele's friends?

Your entire position is based on well there isn't a zero probability so even though the probability is so low that it is not worth considering as an option because it is non-zero you are going to accept it as an explanation.

Furthermore, you are affirming the consequent with your "only two dry transfers" conclusion. Only two SSR tests were positive, assuming what you are writing here isn't a lie or misrepresentation. This does not imply there were only two dry transfers.
True. LCN could have brought up more samples but they would have been useless since mixed LCN samples are rarely acceptable as reliable evidence when it comes to identifying individuals in court.

Explain why you are wrong? What? I didn't say you were wrong in that part of the post you quoted! I was asking for the procedure they carried out for their negative LCN controls when analyzing the knife! Why do you always shift stuff around when you are asked to back up a claim with citations and evidence?

For those that, for some reason, are fully convinced by Henry's entire thought process in this thread I honestly urge you to scroll up to the part of my post Henry is quoting. You will see I never said Henry was wrong in that part of my post and was simply asking for where he found this information. And yet he did not cite the info when asked directly, and shifted it around to asking why I thought he was wrong. How are you convinced by this?
The tone of your question was confrontational so I read it as you asking rhetorically.

I have no idea what negative tests were done. I expect that if there was a problem someone from the defence would have raised an objection to the negative tests. A lack of an objection is sufficient for me to assume that what should have been done was done.

Furthermore, Henry, why do you go around calling people life-failures, losers, and idiots, when they don't agree with your reasoning and believe Knox is guilty,
It is simply a statement of fact. If you look at the people who defend Knox that is basically what you have. If you'd like me to make a list of who her main defenders are and why I see them as life-failures I can but that list was made previously in this topic. Also to be clear I am talking about individuals involved with the shill sites more than I am talking about 2p2 members who feel she is innocent although the dichotomy is present there as well but not as markedly.

yet I am an ass when I bring in logical counterarguments with science to back it up? Basically, why do you get extremely angry every time someone disagrees with you and then start saying they have emotional control issues and are acting like an ass? Seriously, do you know what psychological projection is? Did you read the link I posted earlier? It is extraordinarily clear this is what you are doing.
You're an ass because you rant and rave but fail to actually advance an argument in a proper way. That is rather disappointing because you are better educated than the Fat Tonys and 239s and it would actually be nice to have someone on the other side of this who is competent but your inability to control your emotions disqualifies you. That you are delusional to how you come across is even more disturbing.

This is completely wrong. It literally violates every accepted and well-established principle in forensics. Just because you keep saying it over and over again doesn't make it right.
First I clearly stated that it was my non-expert opinion and if that is wrong then so be it. The correct response from you would be to say why it is wrong and this is my biggest criticism of you and why I doubt your expertise is as great as you claim. Since you've already said that negative tests are possible I don't really see why you are going on about this.

Well here is another logical fallacy Henry. It's actually affirming the consequent... again. Remember when you said I'd huff and puff and never list any logical fallacies
It isn't a logical fallacy. I even laid out the argument in a formal method.

If A then always B
Not B
Not A


(if you don't remember saying this, it is in the post I'm responding to!) and never do what I say I will do then explode in a fit of emotion? Have you noticed I've pointed out multiple ones in this very post and pointed out 4 previously to this? Are you making stuff up again? Have you read that link on psychological projection yet?
I noticed you'd fail a logic course but that is about it.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by 239

ETA: Yeti, confirmed guilter then?
you really don't get it do you haha. it's not about being a 'guilter' or 'not a guilter'. it's about objectively observing a thread for years without any bias whatsoever, and coming to the conclusion that one party does a very good job of citing and backing up their point, and the other doesn't.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 10:15 AM
I think you're misreading what I wrote, which is understandable. I was only asking you if you thought they were guilty, nothing more than that.

As far as citing and backing up points, you do understand that the main source for citing in this case is a biased report that's essentially a confirmation of the prosecution right? The Massei report does list some of the defense arguments, but it's hardly a complete record. Anyone arguing for guilt is at an inherent advantage because of that. If we had a complete record this would be a very different discussion.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by Yeti
you really don't get it do you haha. it's not about being a 'guilter' or 'not a guilter'. it's about objectively observing a thread for years without any bias whatsoever, and coming to the conclusion that one party does a very good job of citing and backing up their point, and the other doesn't.
I've only been here two weeks and can't comment on the whole thread as you have done.

I can only tell you that I know the case reasonably well having read all of the online commentary, watched all the documentaries, five books and all of the court documents publicaly available.

You don't know me and I don't know you but I can say Henry is absolutely FOS when it comes to the case. Just in the two weeks I've been here he has made fanciful claims such as Raffaeles dna was found on the body, the cops never bothered to check how she died for 12 hours, that Amanda said the body was found by the cloest, that Amanda knew details of the crime before anyone could, that there wasn'ttwo cars, that there was mixed blood when Massei says there was mixed biological material in a shared bathroom, that Andrew Vogt covered the case of the Guardian, that Steve Moore didn't work for law enforcement. There's dozens of them just in the two weeks I've been here.

I'm sure this thread is full of hundreds of these lies/half truths/myths.... whatever you want to call them.

It'd be a full time job for anyone to try and debunk them all and then when you do, the poster will just repeat them days later as if you'd never proven them wrong.

239 has done an amazing job here just from what I've seen considering he's up against one mega disinfomation troll who thinks he's knows what he's talking about but is clueless and 4 of 5 little cheerleaders who drool over his ever word.

Henry can have his heroin junkie eyewitness and luminol prints which tested negative for blood and all the other little pieces of evidence and argue them till he's blue in the face but it all falls apart on closer inspection which is why they were acquitted in the strongest possible terms and immediately released from custody. You can read why that happened in the Judge Hellmann's motivation report.

Last edited by FatTony-; 12-15-2012 at 10:50 AM.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by 239
I think you're misreading what I wrote, which is understandable. I was only asking you if you thought they were guilty, nothing more than that.

As far as citing and backing up points, you do understand that the main source for citing in this case is a biased report that's essentially a confirmation of the prosecution right? The Massei report does list some of the defense arguments, but it's hardly a complete record. Anyone arguing for guilt is at an inherent advantage because of that. If we had a complete record this would be a very different discussion.
Well no.

There are three decisions written by different judges that we have access to in translation (Massei, Giordano, and Hellmann) and one that we have only in Italian (Micheli). Those four decision give us a lot to work with. The only judicial decision that we are missing is the preliminary hearing.

With respect to reports we have Rinaldi and Boemia's reports on the footprints and the defence expert Vinci's powerpoint presentation. We have the C&V review of the DNA. We don't have the coroner's report but it is quoted at such length in the four judicial decisions that we can read most of it.

With respect to testimony -- we have all of Knox's testimony in text, audio, and video form. We have a few other witness testimony including such minor players as Nara Capezzali. For the individuals we don't have a complete record of Umbria24 did an excellent job of covering the story. They have direct quotes of all the relevant testimony for any witness on the day they testified or the following day depending on if the reporter made deadline. This gives us a lot to work with.

Then there is the exhibits -- we have all of Rudy, Amanda, and Raffaele's writings, we have their statements to the police, we have the videos of the evidence collection, we have maps of where fingerprints were found, we have crime scene photos, have a real and a altered map of where the footprints were, we have a real and an altered picture of the bathmat footprint, etc.

There is a ****load of information. We basically have all the evidence.

The reason you don't source is because none of the arguments your present are yours and the people who told you the lies never sources because they were lying.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by FatTony-
Just in the two weeks I've been here he has made fanciful claims such as Raffaeles dna was found on the body
Please quote where I said Raffaele's DNA was found on Meredith's body.

I never said that.

the cops never bothered to check how she died for 12 hours,
I said that the body was left covered with the bedspread until 1:15am. That is correct. They did check to see if she was alive but the body remained undisturbed and covered until 12 hours later.

that Amanda said the body was found by the cloest that Amanda knew details of the crime before anyone could,
That is factual. Amanda's testimony

LG: I'm asking you this because in your first interrogation, in the Questura, on the afternoon of Nov 2, you talked about a corpse in the closet.

AK: Yes, in fact.
She was asked how she knew this and was evasive and could not answer. The body and most of the room was covered by the bedspread. There is no way anyone knew that Meredith had been killed by the closet and moved until much later than Amanda used the word closet.

that there wasn't two cars,
No. I said the people from the broken down car were interviewed and that they saw nothing. I mistakenly stated that only the tow truck operated testified. That the occupants of the car were interviewed and saw nothing is equivalent to them testifying that they saw nothing. The information they bring to the table is the same regardless if they told the police or if they told the police and testified.

As to the second car I am the one who brought that up. The tow truck operator saw a dark colour car parked at the cottage. Raffaele drives a dark coloured Audi. Dark coloured though covers at least 1/4 of the cars in any city and we have no idea who the car belong to or where the owner was.

that there was mixed blood when Massei says there was mixed biological material in a shared bathroom,
I wasn't talking about the bathroom. I was talking about the footprints and I referred to it as mixed DNA with blood.

that Andrew Vogt covered the case of the Guardian,

that Steve Moore didn't work for law enforcement.
His writing speaks for itself. Nobody who reads what he wrote will believe he was actually ever an investigator for the FBI. Now if you want to claim he was muscle for the FBI then certainly. The guy is too dumb to be an agent. Even if we assume he was lying for personal gain someone of average intelligence could do a much better job of lying than his dribble.

Hellmann motivation report.
We have discussed Hellmann here. The more people are exposed to Hellmann the more they realize Knox is guilty. People are not as stupid as you think they are. The logic is Hellmann is comical and people see that instantly.

I'm curious -- what will your position be when the SCC voids Hellmann?
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 11:11 AM
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 11:40 AM
Henry, I'm aware of the sources thanks. It's amusing that you list all of these reports and say we have basically all of the evidence when but a few posts ago you were road raging at how reports are useless without the testimony that goes with them. Again, if we had all of the testimony from the first trial and all of the exhibits it would be a different discussion.

Also, I refuse to ignore that the majority of the detailed sources are biased towards the prosecution. If you look at this case without acknowledging the confirmation bias that existed in the investigation and initial court proceedings, you do the truth a great disservice. I won't do it.

Finally, without the testimony of the experts it's especially difficult to have a discussion with you specifically, because you refuse to entertain any defense arguments as being potentially valid.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Please quote where I said Raffaele's DNA was found on Meredith's body.

I never said that.

I said that the body was left covered with the bedspread until 1:15am. That is correct. They did check to see if she was alive but the body remained undisturbed and covered until 12 hours later.

That is factual. Amanda's testimony

She was asked how she knew this and was evasive and could not answer. The body and most of the room was covered by the bedspread. There is no way anyone knew that Meredith had been killed by the closet and moved until much later than Amanda used the word closet.

No. I said the people from the broken down car were interviewed and that they saw nothing. I mistakenly stated that only the tow truck operated testified. That the occupants of the car were interviewed and saw nothing is equivalent to them testifying that they saw nothing. The information they bring to the table is the same regardless if they told the police or if they told the police and testified.

As to the second car I am the one who brought that up. The tow truck operator saw a dark colour car parked at the cottage. Raffaele drives a dark coloured Audi. Dark coloured though covers at least 1/4 of the cars in any city and we have no idea who the car belong to or where the owner was.

I wasn't talking about the bathroom. I was talking about the footprints and I referred to it as mixed DNA with blood.

His writing speaks for itself. Nobody who reads what he wrote will believe he was actually ever an investigator for the FBI. Now if you want to claim he was muscle for the FBI then certainly. The guy is too dumb to be an agent. Even if we assume he was lying for personal gain someone of average intelligence could do a much better job of lying than his dribble.

We have discussed Hellmann here. The more people are exposed to Hellmann the more they realize Knox is guilty. People are not as stupid as you think they are. The logic is Hellmann is comical and people see that instantly.

I'm curious -- what will your position be when the SCC voids Hellmann?
You really need to read back through the thread and see what you've claimed.

For the second time, Andrew Vogt is a freelancer. She did not work for The Guardian or cover the case for them. They just picked up an article by her.

This is her website:

Btw the owner of the 2nd car outside the cottage was traveling with the broken down car waiting for the tow truck driver. The friend pulled over and parked outside the cottage. The problem with the tow truck driver when he testified is he didn't realise the 2nd car occupant was actually there waiting with the occapants of the car he was called to fix. He assumed they were all one group belonging to the one car and the other car was unrelated.

Last edited by FatTony-; 12-15-2012 at 12:04 PM.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by 239
Henry, I'm aware of the sources thanks. It's amusing that you list all of these reports and say we have basically all of the evidence when but a few posts ago you were road raging at how reports are useless without the testimony that goes with them. Again, if we had all of the testimony from the first trial and all of the exhibits it would be a different discussion.
We do.

Find the day the individual testified.

Go to umbria24 for that day. You'll find the most important parts of the testimony.

Actually just use Google News .it and you'll find multiple sources for the testimony.

Finally, without the testimony of the experts it's especially difficult to have a discussion with you specifically, because you refuse to entertain any defense arguments as being potentially valid.
Why can I find expert testimony and you can't?
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 11:58 AM
This just proves everyone's point Henry. We've had this discussion before. Do we or do we not have access to all of the testimony for free?

The answer is no. It's also telling that you think a few paragraph subjective blow by blow is an equivalent to the actual record.

ETA: Not to mention, it's all in Italian and you scoff at google translate.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 12:33 PM
Also, Henry, can you please clarify your argument that six days between tests rules out contamination at the lab? Specifically what days are you talking about and what is your understanding of what tests were done on which days once the knife arrived at the lab.

It seems to me if you're going to hinge your entire argument on this one prosecution argument, you ought to be able to answer these questions. If not you just have an unfounded talking point.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 01:00 PM

That is complete bull****. The newspapers are not covering what was said but just the most important parts of the actual testimony all just quoted. It is the Cliff's Notes of the testimony. I've been able to source all my testimony so there is no reason you can't.

Further, I've never complained about google translate. I complained about the shill sites intentionally translating documents incorrectly. Yes it sucks that all the primary material is in Italian and that makes it harder but I still nevertheless source my claims. You have no excuse


With respect to the six days argument the testimony has now been posted three times in the last four days. It has been posted probably more than ten times total. For ****s sake stop being such a lazy ass and just find it yourself. Poker Reference posted it again for Matt because he was too lazy to look for it. Look at the posts between 7-9pm and you'll find the sourced transcript of the C&V testimony.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17

That is complete bull****. The newspapers are not covering what was said but just the most important parts of the actual testimony all just quoted. It is the Cliff's Notes of the testimony. I've been able to source all my testimony so there is no reason you can't.
Honestly what on earth are you even talking about at this point. You don't even have a point. My point is that we don't have the complete testimony and having that would change the discussion. And what you posted was not even remotely close to a cliff's notes. It was a blurb. Your position that this was enough to reach an informed opinion is a joke.

Further, I've never complained about google translate. I complained about the shill sites intentionally translating documents incorrectly. Yes it sucks that all the primary material is in Italian and that makes it harder but I still nevertheless source my claims. You have no excuse
First, I don't think this is right. I think you did complain about rough translation. But never mind that what documents tranlsate by shills has been done incorrectly? Be specific. Your claim that the guilters have some sort of high ground in the translation game is pretty dumb.

With respect to the six days argument the testimony has now been posted three times in the last four days. It has been posted probably more than ten times total. For ****s sake stop being such a lazy ass and just find it yourself. Poker Reference posted it again for Matt because he was too lazy to look for it. Look at the posts between 7-9pm and you'll find the sourced transcript of the C&V testimony.
I'm not looking for the testimony and that testimony does not include the answers to the questions I'm asking. You are saying nothing was tested in the lab for 6 days before the knife DNA was run. I'm asking you to back up your argument here with an actual informed opinion.

I'm asking you what days which tests and procedures on the knife were done. You don't know and I'm calling you out on it. You are taking a prosecution talking point and trying to turn it into proof of something but you don't know the details. Your position is a fraud.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
No. Other people were paid. Fat Tony, 239, and yourself are just gullible idiots who become part of the machine but are unpaid.

That you became part of the machine is not even in question. You came here and spread the lie that the profile on the knife was a partial profile. You kept insisting on it and demanded that I prove it wasn't. I did but if I had not you would have just spread that it was a partial.

You came here and said that the luminol footprints didn't have the victim's DNA. Again I had to then prove that they did. Again if I had not proven this you would have spread the lie that they did not contain the victim's DNA.

Multiple people came in here and spread the lie about the interrogation being 8/13/18 hours. Again I had to establish that it was a lie.

I could go one but I think you get the point. You don't have to be paid to be part of the Knox PR machine. The paid people are long gone. Now it is just middle aged women, male seniors, and a few nerds -- on 2p2 it is also a few people motivated because they take the opposite position of anything just to be in opposition to me.

Sorry PFUNK you are part of the PR machine. You read their **** and despite it being obvious to anyone that it is propaganda you believed it and came here and spread it. That is how PR works. First the paid people plant the information and then the people who are stupid enough to not realize that what is written doesn't make sense spread it.
I may have babbled about impartial DNA on the knife, a subject I know nothing about, but I've never said there was no DNA in footprints since I've never commented on that, so you like to talk about people lying here all the time, well this is a lie.

ANYTHING anyone says that opposes your viewpoint they are automatically a "shill" or part of the "Knox PR Machine" are a delusional moron with an obsession with this case and Amanda Knox's guilt. You can't even come close to having an objective conversation about this case, and when valid reasonable points come up putting your side in jeopardy you will manipulate it any way you can to smoke screen any possibility you are wrong, and even when you are proven wrong you don't admit and find a way to spin it.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 01:46 PM
Matt R. FTW
my god, the ******ness of Henry ITT tilts me hard core
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by 239
Honestly what on earth are you even talking about at this point. You don't even have a point. My point is that we don't have the complete testimony and having that would change the discussion. And what you posted was not even remotely close to a cliff's notes. It was a blurb. Your position that this was enough to reach an informed opinion is a joke.
Very simply

Everything I have said I can source. I manage to do this besides the issue of language and only having the most important parts of the testimony.

You source nothing.

First, I don't think this is right. I think you did complain about rough translation. But never mind that what documents tranlsate by shills has been done incorrectly? Be specific. Your claim that the guilters have some sort of high ground in the translation game is pretty dumb.
The guilters as you call them have several members who do translation professionally -- they also include several members who speak both languages. Your side has one individual who speaks both languages and his English is pretty weak.

Anyway do you so quickly forget this for just a few days ago?

Originally Posted by Poker Reference
It's a question of which version you're viewing, I think. does subtitle the time of Death section as:
Part 09: Why Meredith Kercher died before 10:13 pm on the night of November 1, 2007, and not after 11:30 pm as held by the lower court.

The same section in the PDF just starts on p 39 without a subtitle.

The 10:15 quote is in the conclusion in both versions:
"All the other evidence has collapsed in its substance: this is the case with the time of death, established by the first-level Corte di Assise as after 11 pm and identified by this Court as around 10:15 pm"
Originally Posted by Henry17
The section is called Time of Death and starts on p38 in the PMF version

In the original in Italian the section starts on p55 and is titled Time of Death.

There is no section such as the one poor 239 was led to believe existed.

This is another nice example though of why nothing from shill sites can ever be trusted.


I'm not looking for the testimony and that testimony does not include the answers to the questions I'm asking. You are saying nothing was tested in the lab for 6 days before the knife DNA was run. I'm asking you to back up your argument here with an actual informed opinion.

I'm asking you what days which tests and procedures on the knife were done. You don't know and I'm calling you out on it. You are taking a prosecution talking point and trying to turn it into proof of something but you don't know the details. Your position is a fraud.
The testimony makes this very clear.

For your position to have any merit we would need three things to be true.

1) The prosecutor is lying in open court.

2) Both of the individuals assigned to review the data don't realize that the prosecutor is lying despite having studied and reviewed the material.

3) That nobody for the defence realized that the prosecutor was lying despite being able to quickly verify the claim.

This is an absurd position to take. You would be much better off taking Vecchiotti's position of implying that Stefanoni changed the dates.

Anyway if you want to maintain the absurd position that the prosecutor lied and neither C&V or the defence realized it then be my guess and find the dates of the testing. I'm not going to run around wasting time on every ******ed position you advance -- I did enough of that before I realized you were full of **** and just making crap up.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by PFUNK
I may have babbled about impartial DNA on the knife, a subject I know nothing about, but I've never said there was no DNA in footprints since I've never commented on that, so you like to talk about people lying here all the time, well this is a lie.
So you didn't write this post?

Originally Posted by PFUNK
But the further tests revealed these luminol tests contained no trace of blood, much less the victims DNA at all? Correct?
It is posed as a question but you are implying this is the truth. Now I corrected you in that the the footprints did contain Meredith's DNA and second that they were blood but if I hadn't then your statement would have left people believing both those claims to be true.

Also you don't have to understand DNA at all for the claim that it was a partial profile vs a complete profile. That is simply a matter of understanding the English language. You correctly reported what you read and you correctly trusted the source because it was from Wiki and had a footnote.

I'm not actually blaming you because normally if you read something on Wiki and it is sourced then it is correct to believe it is true. In this case it was sourced to New Scientist which is a decent periodical. This is just to illustrate how the propaganda machine works. They write a bunch of lies. Then they reference their own lies. Then people like you read those lies and spread them.

ANYTHING anyone says that opposes your viewpoint they are automatically a "shill" or part of the "Knox PR Machine" are a delusional moron with an obsession with this case and Amanda Knox's guilt.
Did you or did you not come in here and state multiple (I could likely find greater than six) factually incorrect claims regarding the evidence?

So yes you are part of the PR machine. You might not realize it but by reading those sites and then repeating the lies you are part of the PR campaign.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 02:34 PM
Think of it as being a computer in a botnet.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
So you didn't write this post?

It is posed as a question but you are implying this is the truth.
lol, right....It's posed as a question because I really didn't know and hence, why I asked it in question form, and I have actually tried to be impartial and have asked you legitimate questions many times....but by all means, spin away.

For the record.....Again, here is what you quoted I said:

You came here and said that the luminol footprints didn't have the victim's DNA. Again I had to then prove that they did. Again if I had not proven this you would have spread the lie that they did not contain the victim's DNA.

This is not true obviously as we can all read, but as we can also all see you still find a way to try and manipulate and weasel that I said something close enough, and if not exactly that verbatim, it is what I was implying.

This is one example, but it is everywhere in this thread and apparently how you debate/argue.

You are a ****ing shrub man.

The fact that I have seen you repeatedly be completely and utterly and factually wrong about things (not only in this thread but other topics many many times), and yet still try to manage your way out of it and manipulate while NEVER ADMITTING YOU WERE WRONG presents a big problem in wanting to believe 50% of what you say....even if you are very informed with information on it.

This doesn't matter much to me because you basically present yourself as an internet expert on anything you talk about.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-15-2012 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Very simply

Everything I have said I can source. I manage to do this besides the issue of language and only having the most important parts of the testimony.

You source nothing.
First of all the claim that I source nothing is ludicrous. Secondly I even mentioned anything about sourcing in this particular discussion rather I was discussing how incomplete the record is. You've moved the goalposts for no reason. The fact of the matter is that your blurbs are not a replacement for the record and it's dumb to argue otherwise.

The guilters as you call them have several members who do translation professionally -- they also include several members who speak both languages. Your side has one individual who speaks both languages and his English is pretty weak.
How could you possibly know this if you don't read the guilter sites as you claim? And I can instantly prove that you're misinformed. This translation was done by 4 people at least two I recognize as posters on JREF that aren't guilters. You LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway do you so quickly forget this for just a few days ago?
Henry, they created a table of contents and 100% accurately summarized each section. The actual section on Time of Death was translated almost identically to that of the guilter translation and you hold no high ground in terms of which is better clearly. Again you can't see the forest through the trees here and reveal your bias. You're essentially arguing that the pro-innocence translation is biased even though it says the exact same thing as the guilter translation. Scary.


The testimony makes this very clear.
No, it doesn't and the fact that you can't answer simple questions reveals that you have no idea what the circumstances were surrounding the testing. Again, you're full of it. If the question was simply 6 days had elapsed regarding the run that produced the electropherogram that would not exclude contamination during earlier phases of the analysis and testing. That's what I'm getting at and you have no idea if this was all done on the same day or not. You're clueless.

For your position to have any merit we would need three things to be true.

1) The prosecutor is lying in open court.

2) Both of the individuals assigned to review the data don't realize that the prosecutor is lying despite having studied and reviewed the material.

3) That nobody for the defence realized that the prosecutor was lying despite being able to quickly verify the claim.
Which tests were they talking about in the testimony? You have no idea. If you did you'd just say it.

This is an absurd position to take. You would be much better off taking Vecchiotti's position of implying that Stefanoni changed the dates.

Anyway if you want to maintain the absurd position that the prosecutor lied and neither C&V or the defence realized it then be my guess and find the dates of the testing. I'm not going to run around wasting time on every ******ed position you advance -- I did enough of that before I realized you were full of **** and just making crap up.
Again, you have no idea what you're talking about. If you did you'd be able to avoid this obvious distortion of my question and simply put forth the information. And again this proves the point. If we had the transcript we could see what the context is. But to the point the DNA extraction and the actual run that produced the electropherogram seem to be many days apart which would certainly not rule out contamination.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
