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Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer?
View Poll Results: Is Amanda Knox innocent or guilty of murdering Meredith Kercher in Perugia Italy?
There is reasonable doubt here and should be found not guilty.
381 26.89%
She is guilty as can be and should be found guilty.
550 38.81%
She is completely innocent and should be acquitted.
168 11.86%
318 22.44%

12-09-2012 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
The vast majority of experts used by the prosecution are law enforcement or government agencies staff. They don't go out and hire outside experts unless it is something special. These are salaried employees who get paid the same no matter what they say.
Of course, again you write **** but don't really say anything.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by PFUNK
Sorry, I meant reviewed.
You might be thinking of the technical consultant the family employs named Greg Hampikian. I think he has some association with Idaho Innocence Project (?). Washington Innocence Project is based out of Knox's own university and seems not to have gotten involved.

Anyway, like I said, I've directed you to all three of the main trial documents enough times. You made your choice. Enjoy Ground Report and hope everything works out for her in the spring.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:17 PM
The ppl who are salaried employees have a different kind of bias then the 'hired guns' but it is nevertheless a real bias. They are paid employees by the government, and are part of the prosecution's team. They have a natural bias to help

Last edited by auralex14; 12-09-2012 at 02:41 PM.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:22 PM
This has been studied extensively, and for you to think the prosecution is somehow above natural human behavior is lol
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by PFUNK
In what countries law and court system are we talking about? this is kind of important.

Seems like there is plenty of leeway and potential ability for the prosecution to suppress/manipulate evidence since they have to turn it over to the defense to try and convict, wouldn't you say?

This defense ability would be part of that balance I supposed. I know very little about it (procedures) here in the u.s, but even much less about Italy.
The Italian system uses a centralized lab. That means there is one lab that processes all of the criminal evidence in Italy. That lab is in Rome. A prosecutor in a town that is basically a place for foreign students to come and party does not have the ability to influence the lab.

Further, the Italian system is the most ridiculously redundant legal system I've ever seen. Before there is a trial a series of judges not involves with the case have to all agree that there is enough evidence to proceed. Then there is a preliminary trial which is mostly just to decide if the evidence is justifies them remaining in jail or of house arrest will do.

The system automatically will involve three trials -- technically one trial with three stages and different judges. This is different than North America where there is only one trial unless there is an appeal. By the time someone gets convicted so many prosecutors and judges are involves that trying to railroad someone is next to impossible. This isn't like the States where as long as the person getting railroaded is poor they have one bad trial and are done. The number of people who look at stuff over and over makes it next to impossible to just force a conviction unless the whole system is in on it.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:25 PM
[QUOTE=Henry17;36120459]Why is that unreasonable? We know that Meredith was severely beaten and yet there are only two locations on which you can find Rudy's DNA from dry transfer.

Rudy's DNA was all over the room from my understanding. From her shirt, bra, purse, pillow, to on and INSIDE her body.

Originally Posted by Henry17
That never happened. The knife was never tested in the States. Stop reading shill sites.
I mispoke...been up all night. It was reviewed by many experts in the u.s both independent and paid for by knox, as well as court appointed experts in Italy who ruled against the first findings....correct me if I am wrong.

Originally Posted by Henry17
It was never suppose to be blood. DNA is also in tissue.

The sample was LCN DNA so there was only enough material to test the knife once. Everyone was invited to see that test but the defence declined.
you're the expert I suppose....not the independent forensics and countless number of people who reviewed this evidence in the acquittal I suppose.

My understanding is that the sample found was so insignificant it was incomplete an impartial

Please cite me the strong evidence you refer to that differs from their findings.

Originally Posted by Henry17
The amount you don't know about this case is baffling but you do know a lot of the lies that are only found on shill sites.
Eh...I am learning as I go, and making my own judgements...I actually said nothing on this thread until reading a bunch of it and doing my own looking. Previous to that I actually thought she was guilty.

Gotta admit this is getting almost irrational and you guys are freaking really weird about this case...its almost disturbing.

I dont think there is a news report, or website, or blog that I could cite that you wouldnt call a shill site. ******ed, as I am not looking at any and I am sure you blame this all on the massive "Knox PR campaign"...

Originally Posted by Henry17
Why is it flmsy?

In your own words please explain how contamination is possible given everything we know of the case?
The way they stored it, collected it, and tested it from what I have read.

Plastic bags, which cause moisture etc.

Apparently their procedure were not up to international code or whatever that apparently everyone else in the scientific community follows, and therefore contamination cannot be ruled out.

This casts huge doubt, whether it shows proof of contamination or not.

AkA ~~~~~> Flimsy
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by 239
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Ok, so you're saying:

"I believe there is <1% chance that Amanda Knox is guilty".
Based on the available evidence, yes. Are you happy now?
Originally Posted by 239
I never said I was 100% sure, that would be a silly thing to say.
Come on guys, he never said he was 100% sure. Just over 99% sure.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
How exactly does one review this?

He doesn't deny that it is Meredith's profile. Contamination has been ruled out.

So on what grounds do we disqualify the knife DNA?
impartial DNA profile
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Poker Reference
As long as you aren't going to read any trial documents and just want to fill your head with this ****, let me help.

Amanda Knox: TORTURED?!

(II) (III)

you're making urself look like a moron.

No one is on here making outlandish claims that she was beaten into confession or tortured or whatever....

If you cannot take people disagreeing with you and discussing their different, opinions citing the actual evidence in this case then GTFO
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Poker Reference
You might be thinking of the technical consultant the family employs named Greg Hampikian. I think he has some association with Idaho Innocence Project (?). Washington Innocence Project is based out of Knox's own university and seems not to have gotten involved.

Anyway, like I said, I've directed you to all three of the main trial documents enough times. You made your choice. Enjoy Ground Report and hope everything works out for her in the spring.
More of their huge massive PR firm that the all the conspirators are getting behind without reviewing the case, or having any professional credentials at all I am sure.

While Knox's family in Seattle raised money for her defense, neither Johnson nor Hampikian were paid by the defense. Hampikian is also director of the Idaho Innocence Project, which works to free prisoners using DNA evidence.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Come on guys, he never said he was 100% sure. Just over 99% sure.
There is an important difference. I don't expect you to be able to discern what it is.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by PFUNK
If you cannot take people disagreeing with you and discussing their different, opinions citing the actual evidence in this case then GTFO
Hey, man, I'm just trying to help.

Whenever you're ready to discuss actual evidence, based on actual trial documents, you go right ahead.

Edit, PS, those documents, for the fifteenth time are:

Micheli report. Micheli presided over Rudy's conviction and sent the other two to trial. You will need Google Translate for this one. Its primary value to the group is that it contains details not explicitly outlined in the subsequent motivations.

Giordiano Report. Guede's Supreme Court sentencing.

Massei Report. This is 400 pages long and details the evidence they were convicted on in 2009.

Hellmann Report. The aquittal in 2011.

Galati Supreme Court appeal. Critique of Hellman.

Without having read them you cannot hope to have the faintest idea what anyone is talking about. Wikipedia just won't get the job done.

Last edited by Poker Reference; 12-09-2012 at 02:53 PM.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by 239
There is an important difference. I don't expect you to be able to discern what it is.
True, it's actually much worse to have a slightly less than 100% view of her innocence.

With the mountain of evidence against her (even if you think its discredited/contaminated/circumstantial) there's no way you can have a 100%/99% view of her innocence without some major piece of evidence demonstrating her innocence. Since you don't have that your percentage chance of her guilt just shows you have no concept of how to evaluate evidence properly.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Poker Reference
Hey, man, I'm just trying to help.

Whenever you're ready to discuss actual evidence, based on actual trial documents, you go right ahead.
So you are the resident expert?

You need actual court documentation to have a discussion on this?

We have been talking about the actual evidence the whole time.

Most recently, the overturned DNA sample from the supposed murder weapon at their acquittal which helped them walk free.

Two independent court appointed experts threw out the original ruling.

The wicked and all encompassing pro-Knox PR machine probably got a hold of them though, and they read one of the crazy bloggers Fisher or whoever!

Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by PFUNK
Rudy's DNA was all over the room from my understanding. From her shirt, bra, purse, pillow, to on and INSIDE her body.
Your understanding is wrong.

Rudy DNA was only found in four spots in the room -- Outside of Meredith's purse, back of bra right strap, upper cuff of the hoodie, and insider Meredith.

There was no other Rudy DNA. The shill sites do say it was everywhere but that is a lie.

I mispoke...been up all night. It was reviewed by many experts in the u.s both independent and paid for by knox, as well as court appointed experts in Italy who ruled against the first findings....correct me if I am wrong.
The court appointed experts disqualified the DNA because it was LCN DNA. LCN DNA is acceptable in Italy and most of Europe. At the time some US jurisdictions accepted it and other jurisdictions rejected it.

My understanding is that the sample found was so insignificant it was incomplete an impartial
No. It was Meredith's profile. That is not in dispute. The amount of DNA material involved was very small even by DNA standards where everything is very small. The profile itself though was Meredith and no one questions that. They just want to disqualify it because it was LCN.

Please cite me the strong evidence you refer to that differs from their findings.
It is their own testimony. It has been sited on here multiple times. The reviewers argument for why the bra clasp should be disqualified is that anything can happen -- that is not an argument. For the knife they argued that while contamination is not possible we should still rule out the knife because it is LCN which again is absurd given the UK has been using LCN DNA evidence for a very long time as has the rest of Europe and most of the United States now.

Gotta admit this is getting almost irrational and you guys are freaking really weird about this case...its almost disturbing.
It is irrational because we told you not to read the propaganda and to read primary sources and you went and read the propaganda. You basically now need us to start from scratch to eliminate all the damage.

I dont think there is a news report, or website, or blog that I could cite that you wouldnt call a shill site. ******ed, as I am not looking at any and I am sure you blame this all on the massive "Knox PR campaign"...
I don't think you understand the extent of the PR Campaign -- CNN did a special on this but they hired a paid Knox consultant and let him run the show while representing him as a CNN investigator. ABC babysat from the Knox family and took them shopping. CBS hired Amanda's best friend and paid her to be in Italy and blog about this. FoA petitioned and got the cooperation of a Wiki founder to scrub the site clean. You can't rely on any of the US media. ABC News still maintains that the confession was after 13 hours despite that being impossible based on Amanda's own testimony.

The way they stored it, collected it, and tested it from what I have read.

Plastic bags, which cause moisture etc.
Does moisture generate victim's DNA?

Apparently their procedure were not up to international code or whatever that apparently everyone else in the scientific community follows, and therefore contamination cannot be ruled out.
That is a lie. First because there is no international code that everyone follows.. There is jurisdictional codes of practise. In this case that would be the ENFSI and there procedures were followed. Further the lab was being audited for ISO 9001 certification so there is considerably more documentation of who the tests were done than normally would exist.

This casts huge doubt, whether it shows proof of contamination or not.
No offence but the reason you conclude this is because you are an idiot. If you think putting something in a plastic bag allows for DNA to spontaneously appear I'm not sure there is much hope for you.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by PFUNK
impartial DNA profile
WTF is an impartial DNA profile?

No one denies that the profile is Meredith -- they can't it is right there and obvious.

They claim because it is LCN DNA it shouldn't be used. If that was a valid argument we'd have to give a lot of criminals new trials.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by PFUNK
you're making urself look like a moron.

No one is on here making outlandish claims that she was beaten into confession or tortured or whatever....

If you cannot take people disagreeing with you and discussing their different, opinions citing the actual evidence in this case then GTFO
It is not about disagreeing. It is about you allowing yourself to be played for a fool by going to Ground Report and then coming here saying you have this new understanding of the case.

Every post you make is full of lies that you could only have come to believe were true if you spent time on Injustice in Perugia, View from Wimilinton, Peregia Shock, Ground Report, etc. So stop denying that you went and read that **** and believed it. How else do you explain all the incorrect information you've posted this morning and the fact that it matches the propaganda perfectly?
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:55 PM
Does moisture generate victim's DNA?
Anything can happen.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
True, it's actually much worse to have a slightly less than 100% view of her innocence.

With the mountain of evidence against her (even if you think its discredited/contaminated/circumstantial) there's no way you can have a 100%/99% view of her innocence without some major piece of evidence demonstrating her innocence. Since you don't have that your percentage chance of her guilt just shows you have no concept of how to evaluate evidence properly.

Where is all of her and Raffaele's DNA in the farging Crime Scene Room??

You are telling me that Raffaele and Amanda both helped restrain and sexually molest this girl along with Rudy, and left no trace evidence of DNA?

No finger prints in blood on the wall, or sheets, or DNA left on her body after holding her and hitting her and struggling with her?

No extra foot prints in blood anywhere?

Why is there no evidence of THREE PEOPLE IN THAT F"CKING ROOM?

The poor woman was stabbed like 40 something times and there is no evidence of Amanda or Raffaele struggling with Meredith in the room?

Rudy has hand prints and fingerprints and footprints all over the room, and the others leave NO evidence?

Oh right....they cleaned this up all up LOL
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:57 PM
Henry and PR, is this how you guys have sex?
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
True, it's actually much worse to have a slightly less than 100% view of her innocence.
NO, it's the most reasonable and rational position to take once you know the details of the case.

With the mountain of evidence against her (even if you think its discredited/contaminated/circumstantial) there's no way you can have a 100%/99% view of her innocence without some major piece of evidence demonstrating her innocence. Since you don't have that your percentage chance of her guilt just shows you have no concept of how to evaluate evidence properly.
LOL, no. A major piece of evidence demonstrating her innocence would allow someone to reach the 100% level, so you've completely missed the point. Honestly, what on earth are you talking about.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by PFUNK
The wicked and all encompassing pro-Knox PR machine probably got a hold of them though, and they read one of the crazy bloggers Fisher or whoever!

There is actually strong evidence of that. The independent reviewers did not write their report. Also their testimony completely contradicts what the report says.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
It is not about disagreeing. It is about you allowing yourself to be played for a fool by going to Ground Report and then coming here saying you have this new understanding of the case.

Every post you make is full of lies that you could only have come to believe were true if you spent time on Injustice in Perugia, View from Wimilinton, Peregia Shock, Ground Report, etc. So stop denying that you went and read that **** and believed it. How else do you explain all the incorrect information you've posted this morning and the fact that it matches the propaganda perfectly?
Haha because apparently this is what the world, the scientific community, the media, and THE COURTS IN ITALY thought and you are the only person who truly "gets it" and understands the evidence I suppose.

I bet you and the prosecutor nut job would get a long great.....for real.

I do not know any of those sites and I have been specifically avoiding all the injustice in perugia etc. sites that are dedicated to this besides glancing at them days ago.....which is quite easy since they are pretty strong google presence.

Eh, anyway I think I am done here....I think I'll let you and poker reference sit around and talk about how great you are and how much you know about this case and everyone else is just morons about it.

I am by no means an expert, nor do I really give a flip about this case unlike you all who are obsessing over it.

It is very interesting, but theres really nothing to discuss with people like you all.

So enjoy yourselves, I dont think I have anything of value to add here if I even had any at all.
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by PFUNK
Why is there no evidence of THREE PEOPLE IN THAT F"CKING ROOM?
The reason you think this is important is because you believe Rudy's DNA was everywhere -- it wasn't.

The poor woman was stabbed like 40 something times and there is no evidence of Amanda or Raffaele struggling with Meredith in the room?
If you ignore the bra clasp and the shoeprint that two experts claim is Amanda then yes there is no evidence.

Rudy has hand prints and fingerprints and footprints all over the room, and the others leave NO evidence?
No -- but i would love to see your source?
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
12-09-2012 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by PFUNK
Haha because apparently this is what the world, the scientific community, the media, and THE COURTS IN ITALY thought and you are the only person who truly "gets it" and understands the evidence I suppose.
Everyone thinks they are guilty. People were chanting shame outside the courtroom because they know that the court was influenced. The trial resumes in March and the Hellmann verdict will be voided. Even in the States with the media so influenced more than 50% of people believe they are guilty. There is a reason that the innocent crowd is a certain loser demographic.

I do not know any of those sites and I have been specifically avoiding all the injustice in perugia etc. sites that are dedicated to this besides glancing at them days ago.....which is quite easy since they are pretty strong google presence.
So you avoided these sites but you managed to hit on every single one of their talking points? How does that happen?
Amanda Knox....Innocent American on trial in Italy or cold-blooded murderer? Quote
