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AlanDyar's pickup journal - aftermath AlanDyar's pickup journal - aftermath

08-24-2009 , 09:35 PM
08-24-2009 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by The Owl
i am having trouble remembering specifics about the original alan dyer log, but please confirm/deny this basic point:

alan dyer is some weird creepy socially maldjusted white dude who lives in china. he has, on numerous occasions, approached native born chinese women, brought them back to his apt., and despite their vehement protestations, he banged them.

if this is true anyone defending alan dyer is a freak. sure, maybe he didn't rape the chicks, but why would anyone defend a loser liek this?

curious to hear your thougths!

Also, stfu
08-24-2009 , 09:58 PM
well he is a weird creepy socially maladjusted white dude living in china
08-24-2009 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by soah
the forest would be all of the posts he made saying for example that his goal is to get as close to the line of rape as possible, and that if they only resist a little bit then he'll keep going until they resist more, and that he practically drags some of the girls up the stairs to his room, and there was one girl who wanted to leave but he wouldn't let her, hmm then there was a different girl who called the cops on him because she was actually a hooker and he wasn't willing to either pay her or just let her leave

the people defending him are saying "oh with these silly chinese girls you have to use your own good judgment to figure out what they want"

well his judgment appears to be pretty ****ing terrible

Oh wow, i guess i didn't read the part where this is the case

For all you inspiring PUAs out there, No means NO
08-24-2009 , 11:10 PM
soah is correct. I agree with the idea that some girls give 'mixed signals' or will even say No while they are doing something completely contradictory to this idea. But Alan's judgment on this stuff was clearly pretty warped and he seemed to come pretty darned close to practically pinning them down a couple times. 5 minutes of "nononono" is still okay to just ignore? Seriously?

And I also kind of agree with Henry's point a little bit as well. How f'ing bad does your bedroom game have to be to get these girls to agree to come up there with you and then be so aggressive that you scare them into NOT wanting to have sex with you? I mean, a little patience and class and you probably get no resistance at all and everything is dandy. Instead he's all clumsy about it and weirdly aggressive and freaking them out.
08-24-2009 , 11:14 PM
I'm actually on alandyar's side, I don't think he raped anyone.
08-24-2009 , 11:15 PM
08-24-2009 , 11:31 PM
a culture of rape obv
08-24-2009 , 11:34 PM
The problem with these discussions is that they, at a fundamental level, rely on the judgment, observations, and reporting of someone who thought it was acceptable to videotape women naked without their permission and post it on the internet.

Soah's obviously right here. That doesn't mean there was rape.
08-24-2009 , 11:40 PM
It's debatable whether it was actually rape. It's hard to tell because AlanDyer's perspective is so skewed.

For example, maybe some girl originally had the intention of having sex with him, but then she has to walk up seven flights of stairs to some craphole. Does she still want to? Hard to say.
Best post in this thread!
08-24-2009 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
nice idea but youre doing it wrong.

Last edited by Victor; 08-24-2009 at 11:56 PM. Reason: logarthmic not exponential ldo
08-24-2009 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
And I also kind of agree with Henry's point a little bit as well. How f'ing bad does your bedroom game have to be to get these girls to agree to come up there with you and then be so aggressive that you scare them into NOT wanting to have sex with you?
This misses the point. "No", in a lot of contexts, is a false objection because many women don't want to perceived as easy. Further, in a lot of these situations women are interested in long-term relationships with the man in the situation so there is a lot of benefit to them holding out. This is in addition to the much larger percentage who just doesn't want to be perceived as "slutty", or women who are simply psycho and like to lead a guy to that point just so they can justify their self-worth when they deny the dude entry to their sacred bat cave.

I am only spelling this out because you often post like you are the closest thing this forum has to a 40-year-old virgin. I say that with love.

None of this really has much to do with the thread anyway, at least not directly. As Yeti has posted, if you haven't read the thread it's pretty dumb to cast aspersions upon it.

Last edited by tuq; 08-25-2009 at 12:02 AM. Reason: seven flights of stairs is a lot though, damn
08-25-2009 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by dchz
Oh wow, i guess i didn't read the part where this is the case

For all you inspiring PUAs out there, No means NO
From PUA debates past, I believe the correct play is back off and let them come to you after something like that.
08-25-2009 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by Dudd
From PUA debates past, I believe the correct play is back off and let them come to you after something like that.
this may be better, any PUAs wanna verify this and also teach me the game of the pickup?
08-25-2009 , 12:49 AM
"i say that with love"

08-25-2009 , 01:18 AM
i loved the original thread, but you're fooling yourself if you say it wasnt getting incredibly borderline (the "no no no" for 5 minute girl made me feel sleazy just reading it). sure, it may not be "rape" in china (whatever that means), but i dont think kobe would have gotten off if his defense was "i dont think she really meant no".

i'm not glad alan got roughed up or anything, but i doubt it's the last of it and i doubt it ends well. all to impress some people on the internet.
08-25-2009 , 01:46 AM
garcia, i find you entirely unfunny. your entire online schtick of making a terrible one liners in every post is just not even close to entertaining.
08-25-2009 , 01:55 AM

2) stfu
3) unfortunately I can't do the same for you

08-25-2009 , 02:11 AM
tuq - Your "post like a 40 year old virgin" comment was unnecessary, inaccurate and offensive.

I already acknowledge that some women will give a no or two for whatever reason. But if that many women (speaking about American women here) are saying no throughout that much of your foreplay that frequently then I submit you are doing it wrong.

Is it really that freaking unusual for you guys to actually be with a woman who says yes? It's starting to feel that way. Here's a newsflash for you guys: Some girls have actually been known to say something as confirmation that they want you to KEEP GOING....and this includes the ones who don't want to be thought of as easy.
08-25-2009 , 02:16 AM
MicroBob, like I said before nation rudely interjected, saying "no" is totally part of standard courtship. The important thing is the non-verbal interactions, such as body language, whether they want to leave or stay, and their intent.

I submit that maybe AlanDyer is not the best person to tell us of these female's intentions, because he is not the best at social interactions! Therefore, it's difficult to glean any useful information from his reports. Therefore, it's hard to be certain when making any judgement here, because the veracity of the source material is in doubt.
08-25-2009 , 02:19 AM
Hey, no one has said rape for the last 5 posts.

Wait, yes they did. Carry on.
08-25-2009 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by garcia1000
I submit that maybe AlanDyer is not the best person to tell us of these female's intentions, because he is not the best at social interactions! Therefore, it's difficult to glean any useful information from his reports. Therefore, it's hard to be certain when making any judgement here, because the veracity of the source material is in doubt.
Exactly. Remember how he would casually mention seeing his ex-gf and her telling him to **** off and stop bothering her on several occasions? It was obvious to everyone but ALAN DYER that something was wrong with how he processed social signals, sort of like Catcher in the Rye.
08-25-2009 , 02:26 AM
Welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, well.

things seem to have gone as expected
08-25-2009 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by garcia1000
3) unfortunately I can't do the same for you
if you're using mozilla:

lets you ignore mods.
Originally Posted by MicroBob
tuq - Your "post like a 40 year old virgin" comment was unnecessary, inaccurate and offensive.

I already acknowledge that some women will give a no or two for whatever reason. But if that many women (speaking about American women here) are saying no throughout that much of your foreplay that frequently then I submit you are doing it wrong.

Is it really that freaking unusual for you guys to actually be with a woman who says yes? It's starting to feel that way. Here's a newsflash for you guys: Some girls have actually been known to say something as confirmation that they want you to KEEP GOING....and this includes the ones who don't want to be thought of as easy.
i agree with this. i dunno how it works in china but all the mericans who posted in this thread acting like this is totally standard every time they have sex are either

date rapists

sexing some frigid and/or crazy bitches

have no ****ing idea idea to turn a woman on

or maybe some combination of the above. it is not normal for every (american) girl you have sex with to tell you no constantly or really at all during foreplay. i'm sure there are some women out there like that but it is definitely not standard ime.

it's amusing that someone posted the louis ck rape bit in an attempt to prove that this is somehow normal (or at least i think that was the intent; maybe they just thought it fit well in the thread) when the whole reason that bit is funny is because it isn't normal.

Last edited by Phildo; 08-25-2009 at 03:07 AM.
08-25-2009 , 02:40 AM
I switched to Google Chrome! 10x faster than Mozilla and much less of a memory hog. I guess that is off topic though.
