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AlanDyar's pickup journal - aftermath AlanDyar's pickup journal - aftermath

08-28-2009 , 05:36 AM

Cue the Internet/ Serious Business pic. That'd be very clever.
08-28-2009 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by WhoIam
OK, here's what your problem is. You have a limiting belief that getting women to go out with you is difficult and takes lots of work. You are a regular-looking white guy in asia. It does not get any ****ing easier than that. I'm a regular looking white guy in asia. I have friends who are in the same category. None of us seem to find meeting chicks the enormous ****ing challenge you do. It's ludicrously easy. Women flirt with me all the time. Chicks working at convenience stores flirt with me, waitresses get giggly, girls at clubs smile at me, chicks on motorbikes yell "I love you" as they drive past. Somehow you're in a similar situation but you think you need to master all kinds of esoteric skills or some ****.

You act like you're training for the ****ing olympics or something. You don't even need game, all you have to do is nod your head and smile. This is not an exaggeration. If you're feeling adventerous, you can use advanced PUA moves like walking up to a chick and talking to her. If you're doing this poorly in China, did you ever manage to even hold a girl's hand in north america? My level of game has taken several steps back because things here are so ****ing easy. This is supposed to be easy and fun, you're not trying to bang sheiks' daughters in Saudi Arabia.
Ha, it IS pretty easy and I HAVE slept with a lot of woman. I'm just trying to get better at it. The city I live in has tens of thousands of foreigners, might not be completely comparable to rural laos!
08-28-2009 , 08:07 AM
thought you were gone - subscribed to thread obv
08-28-2009 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by AlanDyer
Ha, it IS pretty easy and I HAVE slept with a lot of woman. I'm just trying to get better at it. The city I live in has tens of thousands of foreigners, might not be completely comparable to rural laos!

Here is where your self-limiting beliefs shine through. I live in effing Singapore. Roughly 1/4th of the population is foreign, of which about 80% is western (caucasian). This city had about 4.6 million people last time I checked.
Stiffer competition than what you encounter, yet I get laid like a rockstar, by just smiling, being friendly, and not overly eager.

WhoIam is right, it is NOT rocketscience, and you seem to overcomplicate a lot of things, based on your messages in the original thread. You are just being very insecure, and you need to work on *that*. Get *that* fixed and find out that just acting "normal" will also get you laid.

You say you already got laid a lot. I have seen the pics of your conquests, that have been done partially thanks to your new found tactics and techniques. Would you say these girls were hotter than the tons of girls you bedded before you started grabbing girls on their way to the toilet?
08-28-2009 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by Potvaliant
So is it safe to assume you're not really interesting in exploring the culpability of 2+2 in general of egging on a socially clueless tool whose "goal is to get as close to the line of rape as possible, and that if they only resist a little bit then he'll keep going until they resist more?"

The thing is, tuq, for all of your eloquent arguments about the contrariness of horny women, AD obviously cared more about his status on 2+2 than he did about the women he was interacting with; so when he "racheted up his conquests/exaggerations once he realized he had a following," considering his pretty obvious social problems, he very possibly did cross the line into sexual assault. Or he would have, soon enough.

Sure, some women do say no when they mean yes. Maybe it happens more often in Asia than it happens in the West (I don't know). But to use that as an excuse for AD's actions is pure and unadulterated BS. He wasn't trying to get laid at that point; he was putting on a show.

As far as I know (or, as far as 2+2 gossip goes) El Diablo may have left these forums because he felt culpable, somehow, for what happened to Brandi; that may or may not be true, but the fact that it's out there says something about how people feel about what went down.

The internet is still new enough that ethical questions like these are still up in the air. It only takes a handful of douchebags to facilitate a really horrible thing. And it's easy to be snide.

Do all of you pro-AD guys really want to be defending him? And if so, why?

Yours is an intelligent and thoughtful post. I am compelled to respond.

I don't know AD from a row of ass holes but my impression from reading his posts is that he is a bit out there. This puts him on an even keel with at least half of the population.

I am in total agreement that he was putting on a show and likely pushing this whole journal thing to the max because it was giving him attention. What that means to me is that he likely embellished a lot of what he wrote for entertainment value and edited out some important info as well. The bottom line is the information he has given is skewed and so to call him a rapist is ******ed. Even better, to say that sooner or later he would have raped someone is even more ******ed.

This brings me to your point about defending him. I have no interest in defending him. He can stand on his own two feet with what he has done and the repercussions he has suffered from it. As far as AD goes I think posting the videos is what got his ass kicked for him and I hope he learned his lesson from it.

What I don't condone is people claiming rape in a situation where they don't have a ****ing clue. It is an irresponsible reaction. We don't need to hold the Salem witch trials over again do we?

You mention the forum as being culpable because of posters egging him on. This is a 2 way street. Imagine this very possible scenario:

1. AD posts about his exploits and exaggerates a bit because he is an attention whore.
2. Entire forum screams rape and thread explodes.
3a. Authorities get wind of thread and incarcerate AD
3b. Some local gets wind of thread believes the accusations and blows AD's head off.
4. AD's life is ruined because he is stupid not because he is a criminal.
08-28-2009 , 01:56 PM
im with henry+co. ive ****ed about 50 girls in my life (no, no hookers) and not in one single instance have i played the ****ing "no means yes" game. i have no idea how the girls i have found is so incredibly different from the girls you guys find. in my experience a "no" definitely means "no". you guys are doing something wrong in the bedroom ffs.

and yeah alan deserves all he can get. piece of ****.
08-28-2009 , 02:43 PM
08-29-2009 , 01:33 PM
Hey guys, I found an exclusive picture from AD's new blog.

08-29-2009 , 02:04 PM
It really bugs me to think that that dude has probably gotten laid about 100x more than me.
08-30-2009 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
It really bugs me to think that that dude has probably gotten laid about 100x more than me.
Because I go out and try.. sometimes I come across as creepy.. sometimes I harass girls near the bathroom.. sometimes I scare girls.. but i try and so sometimes I get laid.
08-30-2009 , 01:44 AM
I don't think he was talking about you.
08-30-2009 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by AlanDyer
Because I go out and try.. sometimes I come across as creepy.. sometimes I harass girls near the bathroom.. sometimes I scare girls.. but i try and so sometimes I get laid.
Wait you're the dude in that picture?
08-30-2009 , 02:48 AM
Ha that image host is blocked in China i can't see whatever pic was posted...
08-30-2009 , 03:38 AM
that pic is from the look at this ****ing hipster website somebody linked in another thread.
08-30-2009 , 05:39 AM
Right, well the getting laid thing was about him.
08-30-2009 , 01:11 PM
The last 7 posts had me laughing out loud.
08-30-2009 , 01:17 PM
omg got mentioned in the pokercast <3
08-30-2009 , 07:54 PM
la la la
im so sexy
08-31-2009 , 06:36 AM
Originally Posted by Potvaliant
The thing is, tuq, for all of your eloquent arguments about the contrariness of horny women, AD obviously cared more about his status on 2+2 than he did about the women he was interacting with; so when he "racheted up his conquests/exaggerations once he realized he had a following," considering his pretty obvious social problems, he very possibly did cross the line into sexual assault. Or he would have, soon enough.
I see your point, but I think you're taking it too far. First, there's no collective 2 + 2 - I shouldn't feel guilty that other people on this forum said something. Second, AlanDyar can't say in his defence "well, some people on the forum liked it!". Other posters are not responsible for him, he's responsible for himself. Third, I didn't have to carry out a background search into your mental health before I made this post, and if we started worrying about that, we'd have to stop posting.
08-31-2009 , 11:46 PM
Ethnocentrism itt
09-03-2009 , 10:36 PM
I was thinking one part of my problem is I tend to get the girls back to my apartment too fast [since i'm lazy for traditional dating stuff and impatient to f***], within a few hours of meeting them, this probably contributes alot to their 'last minute resistance'.......
09-04-2009 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by AlanDyer
I was thinking one part of my problem is I tend to get the girls back to my apartment too fast [since i'm lazy for traditional dating stuff and impatient to f***], within a few hours of meeting them, this probably contributes alot to their 'last minute resistance'.......
in before unconsciousness
09-04-2009 , 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by AlanDyer
I was thinking one part of my problem is I tend to get the girls back to my apartment too fast [since i'm lazy for traditional dating stuff and impatient to f***], within a few hours of meeting them, this probably contributes alot to their 'last minute resistance'.......
That isn't it. It is how and where not when that is your problem.
09-04-2009 , 08:10 AM
Has anyone ever addressed the fact that AD comes off sort of like a robot? It almost seems like he gets no pleasure from sex - he just wants to **** a lot either because that's what he's supposed to do, or because he's conducting some sort of science experiment.

Also - I've noticed that a lot of 2+2ers move to Thailand, Singapore and the like. Is that an area for people to move who want to get laid a lot, but can't get laid in the "west"?
09-04-2009 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by otnemem
Has anyone ever addressed the fact that AD comes off sort of like a robot? It almost seems like he gets no pleasure from sex - he just wants to **** a lot either because that's what he's supposed to do, or because he's conducting some sort of science experiment.

Also - I've noticed that a lot of 2+2ers move to Thailand, Singapore and the like. Is that an area for people to move who want to get laid a lot, but can't get laid in the "west"?
Pretty much right on all parts. Although a lot of people go to Thailand and such for other reasons too.
