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Adult interaction with children Adult interaction with children

01-11-2014 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Nod88
That's not seeking out alone time with your kid. That's offering to do you a favor. (Usually seeking to establish a precedent to trade babysitting, in order to save $50+, or because they trust other parents they know but not teenagers/strangers.)

Was probably just the wording, made it seem like some single male trying to take your 6 year old to the museum and the park and his house and stuff a lot. We probably agree when actual situations are brought up.

I know a couple kids who had a "big brother"/"uncle" figure who took them out a lot during junior high and high school. Was trusted by the families. Obv turned out to be a child molester. I was spared that fate by having cautious parents.
Yeah. Was just the wording. Weird relative asking to take my kid on a bunch of outings is exactly the kind go thing that could be sketchy.
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-11-2014 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by ninetynine99
I did this to my dad when I was three. He has never forgiven me and takes out his revenge by telling the tale to every subsequent one of my girlfriends.
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-12-2014 , 12:15 AM
That guy holding up that heifer is a boss
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-17-2014 , 08:26 PM
I'm sorry for what I said while I was losing at play poker and rushing. The monster thing was mean and I can tell it really affected you, and for that I am truly sorry.

But I'm not sorry because you threatened to fake sue me. Get a life.
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-17-2014 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by UnoTrap
Rubbing a child's "tummy" is also very ****ing weird. We've got someone else itt claiming to rough-house children, so at least you're not that bad.

The question you need to ask yourself is do you really need to give a kid that's not your child a piggyback? It's not like there's going to be any psychological damage if you don't, just play it safe.
Originally Posted by UnoTrap
Yes, I've never rubbed their tummy or given a piggyback though. Playing games with them is enough, the only physical interaction should be tickling or picking them up.
Originally Posted by UnoTrap

Exactly, children don't need some weirdo blowing into their stomach. I'm starting to think that those who are advocating slapping and groping a child's ass are doing it solely for their own enjoyment which is worrying.
Originally Posted by UnoTrap
Originally Posted by JB91
I have a pretty cute butt and it was the norm growing up to have my aunts pinch it and some of them still do. Probably a little weird but it's never seemed sexual and I can't say that I don't enjoy people commenting on how good of a butt it is.
I hope you're a woman, if not jesus ****ing christ at this.
if you're for real with this i think you've got some serious body image/physical intimacy issues. healthy, non-abused kids and adults know the difference between a good touch on the butt and a bad one.

basically this:

Originally Posted by randomcards
Physical touch is a huge part of children's emotional development and their ability to feel loved and secure. I feel bad for kids who don't have people to play wrestle/roughhouse, tickle, hug, or just snuggle on a couch while watching a movie.

Originally Posted by CalledDownLight

pretty sure its not normal for the kid to get a full boob grab in at that age.
not enough love for this

Originally Posted by Nod88
Those terror-back rides are also great because they're still safe, vs the controversial swing them around by their arms maneuver that kids love, but earns you many a maternal evil eye glare due to arm socket concerns. WHAT IF THEY POP RIGHT OUT?!?!
when i was about 5, my uncle and some of his friends took turns spinning me around the living room like this. after a POP and a trip to the emergency room, we didn't play this game anymore.

Last edited by tyler_cracker; 01-17-2014 at 11:27 PM. Reason: my shoulder is fine. my uncle has accrued better things to be guilty about over the ensuing 30 years.
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-17-2014 , 11:28 PM
also sick bump jennitron
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-17-2014 , 11:44 PM
uno is a big fat troll.
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-17-2014 , 11:46 PM
he's a big fat something
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-17-2014 , 11:54 PM
Jennitron how much did you lose playing play poker? Sounds like it was a rough night.
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-18-2014 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
Jennitron how much did you lose playing play poker? Sounds like it was a rough night.
When I see this thread and his response to me in PM, my first thought isn't my play money. I think he's mad, and I'm scared because I don't want to be e-stalked, again. Not by him, not by anyone.

I said I was sorry, so please leave me and my family alone now.
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-18-2014 , 02:30 AM
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-18-2014 , 09:03 AM
Wait, Uno was stalking you?
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01-18-2014 , 09:12 AM
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-18-2014 , 09:26 AM
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-18-2014 , 09:33 AM
Man, Jenni losing it. I have no idea who she's talking about (assumed Uno because of capone's post, but I dunno). The people she's mainly interacted with ITT are SGT RJ, chrishiswhatever, Uno, Banned4, and maybe a couple others. Losing Ivey play chips must be going to her head.
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-18-2014 , 09:41 AM
If soliciting nudes through PM is what qualifies someone as a stalker these days then lolsociety.
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-18-2014 , 09:58 AM
Yes, isn't that everybody's constitutional right?
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-18-2014 , 10:20 AM
Jennitron more like Jennytroll
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-18-2014 , 10:20 AM
i was responding to tyler.....not sure where jenni's **** came from.
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-18-2014 , 11:16 AM
OP wants to press legal action against me for calling him a monster in thread, so I said I was sorry. He has been e-stalking me and threatening me through PMs because he's mad at the internet.

And I am sort of losing it because it's not funny.
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-18-2014 , 11:26 AM
It's ****ing hillarious
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-18-2014 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Jennitron
OP, even though SGT seemed okay with you around children, I wouldn't let you near mine.

You overthink interaction, but in all the wrong ways. You think about how it would be if you touched them inappropriately. "If it becomes habit" AND your name just happens to be a throw away

7 is OLD. By 8, I was working full time for my city's ballet company. I had responsibility, I fed homeless at the shelter before the holidays. If you want to abuse someone, then look in the mirror and get the help your monster deserves.
This is the offending post. Jeni is openly suggesting that OP is a child molester with "I wouldn't let you near mine" and "your monster". But then again she says that 7 is old and claims to having been working full time and more by age 8 so there's that.

Just when you thought this thread was as weird as it gets for threads.

So you have a guy who wants to generate a discussion about touching kids under the pretense that:
"I decided to ask on here because there is less chance here of the discussion being mired with hysteria or flaming or anything else stupid."

Story does not check out. You can almost see the creepy smile of duper's delight as he types that.

So a mother picks up on this vibe and calls him a monster. OP apparently, if she is to be believed, freaks out at this to the extent of threatening her with legal action after initially trying to dismiss her as a hysterical "typical" woman. He doth protest much imo.

But she has said some things to impair her credibility with the whole "I worked full time for a ballet company at 8". Those must have been some rough days, having to get up for 2nd grade in just a few hours after getting off of work. I mean, I bet you never stayed awake during nappy time.
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-18-2014 , 12:57 PM
If you want to abuse someone, then look in the mirror and get the help your monster deserves.
Yeah, I did legit lol at this and I have no idea why she is so surprised that he is extremley pissed off about it. In her defence, I do think it's drugs speaking not her. What do you think Deuces?
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-18-2014 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I agree with RJ. It really depends on what is going on. Lots of little kids like for you swing them around. Lots of little kids like to crash into adults, etc. None of that is a red flag imo. Privacy is a bigger issue. If a family friend sought out a lot of unnecessary "alone" time with my six-year old, that would be a much bigger concern for me than the same person roughhousing with the six year old in front of me.

i agree Privacy has got to be the huge red flag. I have no children, don't feel that comfortable around them, but they seem to like me. As long as parents are around, it's never even occurred to me to wonder what is or isn't appropriate if there is physical contact.

If i was entrusted with a child's care, the only thing thing that would raise a red flag with me is an adult I did not trust 100% who tries/wants to be alone with them.
Adult interaction with children Quote
01-18-2014 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Jennitron
OP wants to press legal action against me for calling him a monster in thread, so I said I was sorry. He has been e-stalking me and threatening me through PMs because he's mad at the internet.

And I am sort of losing it because it's not funny.
In situations like this, people need to go outside these forums and contact whatever legal authorities are appropriate. We will (quote from our lawyer): "fully comply with all valid subpoenas, judicial orders, or law enforcement requests regarding any content on the forums. "
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