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27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut 27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut

12-15-2012 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Brad Childress
The story is not usually that they are so nice, the story is always "oh yeah, he was kind of weird, we saw it coming." This has been applied to people who turn out not to be guilty or are mistaken. People are constantly looking for patterns and apply the supposed standard mass murderer traits to people ex post facto.
It makes you wonder about all the "freaks and very weird dudes" who post on OOT.
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by Brad Childress
The story is not usually that they are so nice, the story is always "oh yeah, he was kind of weird, we saw it coming." This has been applied to people who turn out not to be guilty or are mistaken. People are constantly looking for patterns and apply the supposed standard mass murderer traits to people ex post facto.
No it's not.

Even when the guys are "kind of weird" you still don't think they are going to kill 30 people. EVERYONE went to high school with some kids that were weird, or unpopular, or autistic, or had a learning disorder, or were going through a phase.

We can't suspect every single one of those people of being a future mass murderer, it would result in mass chaos.
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 10:48 AM
Had nightmares about this last night. Jeez. I hope the bodies are out soon.
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by ZBTHorton
No it's not.

Even when the guys are "kind of weird" you still don't think they are going to kill 30 people. EVERYONE went to high school with some kids that were weird, or unpopular, or autistic, or had a learning disorder, or were going through a phase.

We can't suspect every single one of those people of being a future mass murderer, it would result in mass chaos.
There is a guy I work with that EVERYONE thinks will shoot up the place some day. He's that weird, and he owns lots of guns. What can you do though?
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 11:01 AM
jesus ****ing christ
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by YB2009
This is what seems to be known so far:

- 20 year old Adam was the killer, died on the scene
- shot glass out of door to gain entry
- 3 guns involved. 2 hand guns, semi automatic rifle
- guns were registered to mother
- Adam describe as developmentally challenged. Not clear how yet.
- 20 children killed. 7 adults. mother killed off scene. her home
- brother was taken into custody and questioned, was seen talking on Facebook after shooting basically going "wtf, not me" after his name was plastered all over the news with the killing
- media are idiots (this is just opinion)
10:15 rews update - not much new info. prob the biggest thing was

- good evidence from crime scene and secondary crime scene as to - the how and why

other points addressed:

- victims positively identified, names released shortly. medical examiner still working on it.
- complete area was searched immediately, no arrests associated. Or any other arrests relating to crime at this time.
- point of entry confirmed forced
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 12:03 PM
12-15-2012 , 12:19 PM
i had no idea there were so many mass stabbings in other countries.
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
to quote anderson cooper "she is a great person and a great teacher."

how does the second part not mean she is great at teaching? the other part explains what youre saying. hes a very well educated and well spoken anchor so I'm confident that he knows what hes saying.

will you shut the **** up,

30 people died and you are really going to nit it up over this
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 12:59 PM
I'm making no judgements about the cause but the US has its own page and it seems about as long as the Canada, Europe, South America, Asia, and Australia lists combined.

I'm sure part of that is the standard wiki bias towards English speaking/Western countries (just meaning there's much more coverage), but I think its still a relevant thing to talk about at some point.
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 01:01 PM
eh, not the best defense, given 90% of them are in america, and the majority of ones from other countries read like "boy shoots classmates with pellet gun, 6 injured" or my favorite "girl stabs 37 people with needle".
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 01:10 PM
Someone just posted this on Facebook:

It's pretty clear there's an issue of some sort in the US. My guess is its not a simplistic "gun nuts", "godlessness", "racial diversity", "income disparity", "video games", etc. But it seems like something that needs to be looked at to have any hope of actually fixing the problems.

Does anyone have links to in depth studies on this?
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 01:16 PM
the media only gives people what they want, so you cant really blame them. Blame everyone that watches it.
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
the media only gives people what they want, so you cant really blame them. Blame everyone that watches it.
This. I'm sure the guy who wrote this stayed glued to his TV while watching panicked people run from Downtown Manhattan 11 years ago.

While I do think the media could be a lot more respectful, especially in a case like this with so many young children, I also think they're doing an important job.
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by wackybrak
a lot of these people have been diagnosed or suspected of having some sort of mental illness. it seems like better treatment options, less social stigma, and more stringent watchfulness (potentially) for these individuals MIGHT help alleviate some of these issues
While better treatment and less stigma for the mentally ill is always a good thing, the mentally ill are statistically LESS likely to commit violent crimes than the general population. They are MORE likely to be victims than perpetrators.

It's just that high profile cases like this make people associate mentally ill with violence. If the killer was legitimately mentally ill, he's an aberration within that population, not the prototype.
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 01:33 PM
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 01:45 PM
This statement could end up being totally wrong given the massive amount of changing information out there but people are acting like this kid was mentally ******ed or some other major debilitating disease.

He is being described as smart and normal by some of his classmates(quiet by some others). He was on the honor roll in high school. It's not like he was so mentally ill that he didn't know the difference between wrong and right. (obviously yesterday he was, just saying his life in general doesn't seem that way).

We can preach all we want about mental health issues but if a kid smart enough to be on the honor roll and go through high school in a reasonable way is someone we need to be "watching out for" then we should be watching out for who knows how many tens(hundreds?) of thousands of people.

*I'm not saying Autism isn't a major disease or problem, I'm just saying that this he seems to be very functional based on the information we have.
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 01:54 PM
I taught one of he Columbine shooters a couple of years before the tragedy and was questioned by police, randoms and even my mother as to why I didn't notice that he had the potential to do what he did. I had to admit that not only did he not seem mentally ill, he wouldn't have even made my top one hundred on a list of potential killers.
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by ZBTHorton
This statement could end up being totally wrong given the massive amount of changing information out there but people are acting like this kid was mentally ******ed or some other major debilitating disease.

He is being described as smart and normal by some of his classmates(quiet by some others). He was on the honor roll in high school. It's not like he was so mentally ill that he didn't know the difference between wrong and right. (obviously yesterday he was, just saying his life in general doesn't seem that way).

We can preach all we want about mental health issues but if a kid smart enough to be on the honor roll and go through high school in a reasonable way is someone we need to be "watching out for" then we should be watching out for who knows how many tens(hundreds?) of thousands of people.

*I'm not saying Autism isn't a major disease or problem, I'm just saying that this he seems to be very functional based on the information we have.

He was probably one of those "theres a fine line between genius and insanity" types
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 02:01 PM
CNN just reminded me that this is hard for them
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by ZBTHorton

*I'm not saying Autism isn't a major disease or problem, I'm just saying that this he seems to be very functional based on the information we have.
Yea, it really is too early to draw any conclusions imo. Just try to gather fairly reliable disseminated information, than update as known. But highly functioning autism has been showing up.
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 02:07 PM
It seems he had an altercation with 4 staff members a day or two before. Three of those people were killed yesterday and the other wasn't at the school yesterday.

27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 02:22 PM
Wow. Thanks for the link. I wonder why he even went to the elementary school to begin with when he first had the 'altercation'. A twenty year old with no kids or siblings in the school that doesn't work there doesn't really have a purpose to be there at all. I would guess it had something to do with his mother? It's good to hear that they did not buzz him in, even tho it obv didn't matter. Also, good to know that he was turned down for a gun, but again....
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
12-15-2012 , 02:22 PM

Last edited by #Thinman; 12-15-2012 at 02:30 PM.
27 Dead in Elementary school shooting in connecticut Quote
