Originally Posted by Kneel B4 Zod
biggest annoyance I have with Google is with Google Music - my albums just won't display right. to begin with I hate the 2 column display
still it would be manageable if it worked. my columns are currently:
It's Blitz - Yeah Yeah Yeahs The District Sleeps...The Postal Service
Kicking Television - Wilco Fever to Tell - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
(another Wilco) (Another Wilco)
Show Your Bones - Yeah Yeah Yeas You in Reverse Built to Spill
something is screwy with the labeling but no other music player has screwed this up
Is that in the Listen Now section? That section will list the newest music interactions first, including what you listened to, what you have uploaded and what you have bought or pinned to your library in all access.
Search is really solid on it so just ignore how it is ordering albums and use that function. Or you can slide out the menu and go to library which is sorted by artist and should work fine.
My biggest peev with it is how it just slapped something like 15 albums all called "best of" together regardless of the name of the artist, but when you search by artist and see the listing of "best of" and click into it it still shows every single other artist's music in there.
Sure now I have all access I can fix it with a bit of effort but its a really dumb way the downloadable program has uploaded all my music and I cannot find a way to resort by artist then album title to separate them out.
Another problem is it is terrible at working out music genres. One band is spread across three or four categories and I saw some really poppy stuff under punk. It makes that entire part of the app useless.