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19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum 19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum

11-23-2008 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by RoundGuy
My sister and I were born 20 months apart. We had the same parents, same house, same upbringing, same schools, same surroundings, same environment.

My sister graduated Summa Cum Laude from a private university.

I became a drug addict.

Yeah, it was my parents fault....
Sorry your parents favored your sister, man. Just look at it as a lesson when you have kids.
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11-23-2008 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by makemecool
Sorry your parents favored your sister, man.
I know you're just being a douche, and that's cool. To each his own.

There were exactly zero differences in the way my sister and I were raised.

I made my choices, she made hers.
19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum Quote
11-23-2008 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by makemecool
I'm sorry.... there are actually literate people who believe that parenting has little effect on the parented?


sometimes I think the entire world is just one big ****ing level
lol, +1

continue rationalizing sending your children to daycare and other liberal intellectual postmodern douchebag endeavors
19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum Quote
11-23-2008 , 09:20 PM
So you becoming a drug addict had nothing to do with your daughter having a kid at 16?
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11-23-2008 , 09:24 PM
just thought id come out of the closet in this thread.
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11-23-2008 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Majour
So you becoming a drug addict had nothing to do with your daughter having a kid at 16?

Well, of course it did! I got clean when she was 8, but it was so traumatic that it caused her to be a horny teenager (unlike a normal teenager), and have sex with a defective condom.

Yeah, my drug addiction was the cause of her pregnancy.

Jesus Christ. Will the ******ation never end?
19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum Quote
11-23-2008 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by Majour
They do say its all about their Childhood.
Majour, I'm going to assume you're serious, and not just being an idiot.

So help me out. I already gave the example of my sister and me. Let's give it a different twist.

I have two children, born 23 months apart. They both had the same parents, same house, same upbringing, same schools, same surroundings, same environment.

My son is a sophmore in a 4-year university with a 3.85 GPA.

My daughter got pregnant at age 16.

Obviously, it's the parents fault, right?

Last edited by RoundGuy; 11-23-2008 at 10:43 PM. Reason: Interesting deletion, Majour....
19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum Quote
11-23-2008 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by makemecool
Sorry your parents favored your sister, man. Just look at it as a lesson when you have kids.
Roundguy, this.

edit: I deleted it coz i was going to neaten it up. I'l repost if you want?

edit again: Your daughter obv got pregnant and made some lol excuse about a defective condom, as a cry for attention, as you had been focussing all your attention on your son doing well, as a result of your parents focusing their attention on your sister. /breathes.

Last edited by Majour; 11-23-2008 at 10:57 PM. Reason: lesson not learnt.
19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum Quote
11-23-2008 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by Majour
Your daughter obv got pregnant and made some lol excuse about a defective condom, as a cry for attention, as you had been focussing all your attention on your son doing well, as a result of your parents focusing their attention on your sister.
{sigh} You have GOT to be ****ing kidding me! Do you morans really believe this crap?

I was a drug addict because I liked drugs. My daughter got pregnant because she liked sex.


Occam's Razor, people.
19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum Quote
11-23-2008 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by RoundGuy
{sigh} You have GOT to be ****ing kidding me! Do you morans really believe this crap?

I was a drug addict because I liked drugs. My daughter got pregnant because she liked sex.
Well as long as you keep telling yourself that, yeah?
19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum Quote
11-23-2008 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by Majour
Well as long as you keep telling yourself that, yeah?
Tell you what, Majour, from this moment on, I'm going to blame my parents for my drug addiction. I'm going to tell my daughter that it's all my fault that she got pregnant, because I was a drug addict, which was her grandparents fault.

Then, when her kid ****s up, I'm going to make sure she blames it on herself, which was really my fault, which was really her grandparents fault.

That way, no one ever has to take personal responsibility for their own actions.

Cool, eh?
19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum Quote
11-23-2008 , 11:25 PM
I think that safer sex goes a long way towards preventing STDs and unwanted pregnancy.
I think that most drugs are not healthy, though. If you were to ask me, "Would you rather have loads of sex or be addicted to heroin?" it would not be a difficult choice.
19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum Quote
11-23-2008 , 11:29 PM
garcia, the correct answer is having loads of sex, while on heroin, and blaming the results on your parents.

Geez. Pay attention.
19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum Quote
11-23-2008 , 11:33 PM
All any of us really want is to connect with someone else. For one second to not feel all alone in the world. To realize that we are all just as scared of living as we are of dieing. And to get past it and know it is ok to be afraid. To know life is not always fun or easy and everyone is just as messed up about it as we are. Just to know we are not alone.

Or am I actually all alone here?
19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum Quote
11-23-2008 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by RoundGuy
garcia, the correct answer is having loads of sex, while on heroin, and thanking your parents.

Geez. Pay attention.
That makes more sense to me
19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum Quote
11-24-2008 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by jcg2005
why does anyone have to be at blame?

actually this is my point. my opinion is that it's no one's fault, and this should also be the opinion of the parents, who, if fault did lie with anyone, would be the ones at fault.

/butchered english
19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum Quote
11-24-2008 , 12:19 AM
Hey RoundGuy,

Do you think it's possible that no one is to blame, but for someone to take responsibility?
19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum Quote
11-24-2008 , 01:20 AM
Reading this thread has been awful.

My father committed suicide when I was five. While I don't blame anyone, I certainly wish that nobody chose not to help him because they thought "if he wants to die, let him". Having later gone through depression myself, as well as talking to two suicidal friends about their problems in recent years, I can say with some experience that a depressed person is simply not able to think rationally and is not in a position to make a life-ending decision for oneself and life-altering for those left behind. Watching someone end their life without trying to help, and even making jokes about it, sounds inhuman to me.

Edit: This quote from page 1 speaks volumes and will probably haunt me for some time. "As soon as I jumped I knew it was a mistake. The whole way down I wished I could take it back."
19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum Quote
11-24-2008 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by makemecool
I'm sorry.... there are actually literate people who believe that parenting has little effect on the parented?


sometimes I think the entire world is just one big ****ing level
Please report to the smart thread and share with everyone your 149 IQ.

Thank you.
19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum Quote
11-24-2008 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by happyhappyhappy
Please report to the smart thread and share with everyone your 168 IQ.

Thank you.
19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum Quote
11-24-2008 , 04:03 AM
Originally Posted by makemecool
Nice, even better.
19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum Quote
11-25-2008 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by Dids
In general I think the whole "I AM GOING TO KILL MYSELF" thing is just idiotic attention whoring and should be totally ignored and/or laughed at. When you throw in a webcam as extra evidence though- somebody should probably do something at this point.
You are an *******. Maybe this is why you aren't a Mod anymore. Seriously, if someone is posting about killing themselves, get the police involved. They aren't going to get a police record, and the cops will get some mental health professionals involved. Let them handle it.

In the BB4L situation, I gave the poster in the thread a hard time trying to get the guy to feel SOMETHING. I also PM'd about 10 Mods directing them to the thread-some posted in the thread with R U Serious?, and Life is good-top quality advice no?
Another poster mentioned that he had the posters phone number, I PM'd him, got the kids number, googled area codes and called his hometown cops. He wasn't happy when the cops showed up at his door at 5am, but we PM'd each other afterwards and he understood why I did what I did and thanked me. The kid had some problems and was seeing a therapist. After I called the cops his doctor tweaked his meds and he seemed to be doing better.

Having someone in your family attempt suicide is a pain I would not wish on my worst enemy- If someone is voicing these thoughts out loud they need help.

I would also like to suggest to the MOD's to bring up this topic in the MOD forum-if Dids outlook is shared by any other MOD we have a problem at 2+2. Aside from the fact that some teenage kid with problems might kill himself there could be serious legal repurcussions to the owners of this site.

In closing, let me say I always knew Dids was a huge DBag, all you did with your post was confirm my suspicions.
19 year old kills self on webcam/bodbuilding forum Quote
11-25-2008 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by sublime
how often does this happen?
Much more often than you'd suspect. I've personally called the cops for internet threats more than once. Maybe it's because it's a passive way to cry for help without being the one yourself to alert your loved ones of the crisis?

Originally Posted by testaaja
Edit: I mean, if someone wants to commit suicide why not just let them?
Originally Posted by VoraciousReader
I'm a reasonably intelligent and introspective person, but I have this blind spot where this bizarre mindtalk seems perfectly rational to me when I have it.
Originally Posted by VoraciousReader
The funny thing is when I'm healthy, I actually love life.
I think of suicide as an external force trying to kill someone. (I acknowledge it's not an accurate portrayal, but it's one that makes sense to me.) It's this tape of lies that's played over and over in their heads to the point where rational thought no longer gets through.

If you've ever known anyone personally who's been through this, (like VR who was kind enough to explain her experience), months later after getting help they're glad someone intervened and many are able to enjoy life again.

Originally Posted by bronx bomber
I would also like to suggest to the MOD's to bring up this topic in the MOD forum-if Dids outlook is shared by any other MOD we have a problem at 2+2.
While a formal survey hasn't been done, I can assure you this topic has been discussed at length in the mod forum and there's pretty universal agreement that action should be taken to determine if the threat is real. If agreed the threat is authentic, action will be taken by the mods or admin.

I would hope a situation like this one, (and I won't read the links because it makes me sick to think people sat there and watched it happen), won't ever be allowed to happen here.

I don't think you can compare the Brandi situation. It's not like she started a thread here posting about her plans. No one knew anything until it was already over.
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