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17 cultural reasons why this European never wants to live in America 17 cultural reasons why this European never wants to live in America

05-06-2013 , 10:14 PM
Also nobody gives a **** about your mail order ex-commie bride.
05-06-2013 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
In huge portions of the US, the only people that take the bus are the poor. There are certain routes that cater to non-poor people (expresses from suburbs to city centers) on occasion. But riding the bus sucks compared to driving, and if you can afford to drive, you do it. You have to get to the station enough ahead of time (by walking, which is slow), wait (and if you are too late, wait even longer), sit on a bus that makes frequent stops and gets stuck in traffic a lot and takes more out of the way routes than you would normally go, then either get picked up by someone with a car or walk a distance to get home. It's not a pleasant experience. Add in the high frequencies of crazies, smelly people, and otherwise undesirables, and you have a problem. Gas is not as expensive in the US, and reasonable cars can be found on the cheap. Parking is easy in all but the most dense areas. You will spend 3-4x as much time taking the bus as driving anywhere. The only people it makes sense for is those with a ton of free time or no better options or those who are lucky enough to have a perfect route going where they need to go and when they need to go.

It's a shame, because buses are far more efficient in a lot of areas than the alternative proposed mass transit solutions, such as light rail or gondolas or whatever nonsense that idiotic urban planners come up with as a way to Europicize sprawled cities.

In most areas in the US (non huge cities), you save money by living further away, and the amount you save easily makes up the cost of buying, maintaining, and driving a vehicle.
The paradox with busses is they can make the overall efficiency of the system much higher while lowering the efficiency of every single user at the same time.
05-06-2013 , 10:47 PM
I'm American and agree with everything he said (except about tipping).

Lol at the american crybabies whining about a little criticism.

Last edited by Hector Cerif; 05-06-2013 at 10:53 PM.
05-06-2013 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by daryn
Wow Oski you're a complete embarrassment if you think anyone believes you were originally joking. Also we know you absolutely have to have the last word too. Feel free to prove me wrong and waddle away in shame though.
Um, okay.

I guess you're the only one that didn't get it. I'm sorry you feel stupid about it and have to post in such anger.
05-06-2013 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by daryn
Also nobody gives a **** about your mail order ex-commie bride.
I guess you do, since you've gone out of your way to make an incorrect slur against her.

I guess you didn't pick up on the fact there is a Slovene poster in this thread.

Do what you do best: hang out in a hot tub with 5 other dorks.
05-07-2013 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by daryn
Also nobody gives a **** about your mail order ex-commie bride.
now now don't be so ******ed
05-07-2013 , 08:48 AM
I love America. Every ****** can get a Bachelor's degree there.

Here you actually have to study.
05-07-2013 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by Hector Cerif
I'm American and agree with everything he said (except about tipping).

Lol at the american crybabies whining about a little criticism.
why are you being such a crybaby whining about others posts?
05-07-2013 , 12:49 PM
Yep, still champion.
05-07-2013 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
The paradox with busses is they can make the overall efficiency of the system much higher while lowering the efficiency of every single user at the same time.
I suppose in a very crowded country overflowing with cars, buses increase efficiency of the system as well as single user efficiency. This of course only applies if the country is so crowded that cars are stuck in jams for hours.

I do enjoy taking the bus in Singapore. Plenty of time to just chill and surf the web/edit videos on my phone while I lol at women showing each other their prada/berkin bags or whatever.

Also... Oski
05-07-2013 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by blackchilli
I suppose in a very crowded country overflowing with cars, buses increase efficiency of the system as well as single user efficiency. This of course only applies if the country is so crowded that cars are stuck in jams for hours.

I do enjoy taking the bus in Singapore. Plenty of time to just chill and surf the web/edit videos on my phone while I lol at women showing each other their prada/berkin bags or whatever.

Also... Oski
Lol. Yeah, I've been there five times and still think the story is true
05-07-2013 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
The paradox with busses is they can make the overall efficiency of the system much higher while lowering the efficiency of every single user at the same time.
If the routes are designed well, you minimize stops and improve everyone's experience.
05-10-2013 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by Oski
Lol. Yeah, I've been there five times and still think the story is true
if it was a joke (and, to be fair, it wasn't), then you are remarkably awful at comedic writing
05-10-2013 , 08:55 AM
mlagoo don't you get it? His wife is from there! I mean, he's ****ing BEEN there! Do you really think he's that stupid?

Yeah, I do too.
05-10-2013 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by mlagoo
if it was a joke (and, to be fair, it wasn't), then you are remarkably awful at comedic writing
Buddy: not my joke. The people that told me that were joking.

I think the joke is funny, by the way.
05-10-2013 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by daryn
mlagoo don't you get it? His wife is from there! I mean, he's ****ing BEEN there! Do you really think he's that stupid?

Yeah, I do too.
A guy with zero sense of humor (you) is the last person we need to hear from on the topic of jokes.

The "hey I'm the angry guy" shtick works when you're young and its played ironically.

Now that your older and your knuckles have more hair than your head (excluding your ears), its kinda lame.
05-11-2013 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by blackchilli
I suppose in a very crowded country overflowing with cars, buses increase efficiency of the system as well as single user efficiency. This of course only applies if the country is so crowded that cars are stuck in jams for hours.

I do enjoy taking the bus in Singapore. Plenty of time to just chill and surf the web/edit videos on my phone while I lol at women showing each other their prada/berkin bags or whatever.

Also... Oski
I'm guessing you don't get verbally accosted by piss-soaked bums on the bus quite as often in Singapore as in SF.
05-11-2013 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Hector Cerif
Lol at the american crybabies whining about a little criticism.
I think the author's criticism is much more whiny than any comments here. Really nitpicky stuff. He just pointed out some systematic and cultural differences. The reason that he would not want to live in America is that he is not used to these differences. The article isn't even criticism really. Oh, we smile too much. Oh lord, we're a capitalist country. The horror. Being different than what the author's used to doesn't make America wrong any more than it makes his own native Ireland wrong for being different from America.
05-11-2013 , 02:43 PM
I agree with about 80% of the article in the OP.

One custom in the US that even seems to be getting more popular is retail places, mainly fast food, screaming out a "welcome to x" greeting the nanosecond you walk in. Who likes that kind of crap?
05-11-2013 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by RacersEdge
I agree with about 80% of the article in the OP.

One custom in the US that even seems to be getting more popular is retail places, mainly fast food, screaming out a "welcome to x" greeting the nanosecond you walk in. Who likes that kind of crap?
normal people

I don't like it either
05-17-2013 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Hector Cerif
I'm American and agree with everything he said (except about tipping).

Lol at the american crybabies whining about a little criticism.
Tipping and the hidden prices reasons are the only two really valid reasons IMO, they are terribly annoying for foreigners. The rest are just things that personally annoy him or ones that apply to many countries.

The whole ignorance thing is pretty unfair as well. I'm astounded at how ignorant some Australians are about New Zealand when I visit, for example. I think with the internet becoming more and more the place of information gathering, more and more people are becoming ignorant on other countries and cultural issues in general.

The thing that I would have mentioned is how Americans classify all Europeans as one, which I personally think is far more stupid than any reason he listed.
05-18-2013 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by Tommy_Tomich969
The thing that I would have mentioned is how Americans classify all Europeans as one, which I personally think is far more stupid than any reason he listed.
They do this?
05-18-2013 , 04:32 AM
no but apparently some irish do
05-18-2013 , 09:42 AM
They do that ("welcome to X") at my bank now, and yeah, it's vaguely creepy.

I mostly just feel badly for the fast food people who have to do it, as I assume it's corporate policy. A lot of corporations appear to be laboring under the delusion that shoppers want someone with a forced smile and shrill voice to make them feel welcome.
05-18-2013 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
They do that ("welcome to X") at my bank now, and yeah, it's vaguely creepy.

I mostly just feel badly for the fast food people who have to do it, as I assume it's corporate policy. A lot of corporations appear to be laboring under the delusion that shoppers want someone with a forced smile and shrill voice to make them feel welcome.
They just don't want to leave it up to the dope behind the counter. They'd end up getting, "Yo! ******. What up."
