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10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) 10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault)

11-01-2014 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Rei Ayanami
lol it doesn't matter that it's a woman.
That is basically the point though, it just doesnt happen to guys. I have a pretty solid resting bitch face and I dont recall any time in my entire life I have been told to smile by someone I know let alone a stranger whilst I was walking around looking grumpy.

The nearest time I can even think of someone commenting was my g/f asking if I was upset because "you look sad". Even she didnt tell me to smile.
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 06:29 PM
Part of being honest about street harassment and creating awareness of it has to be an honest assessment of the ways this kind of harassment can be a way marginalized groups talk back to the white gentrifiers taking over their neighborhoods.
That's probably the most Salon sentence I've ever read. Salon is barely a step above Jezebel and the Gawker network as a whole. They do little to no original journalism (since Glenn Greenwald left), nearly always just writing response pieces to articles done by better outlets. Just a massive lol at the implication that a white woman doesn't have the right to walk through minority populated neighborhoods without being harassed.

These criticisms are why the full video should be released. That way they can prove (or not) that their claim that nearly all the white guys were just inaudible or whatever is accurate. This would either confirm or prove invalid the criticisms that the video was selectively edited.
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 06:29 PM
I have been told that, many times, as a dude. It's a rude thing to say regardless of sex. I don't see any sexual connotations behind it.
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
That is basically the point though, it just doesnt happen to guys. I have a pretty solid resting bitch face and I dont recall any time in my entire life I have been told to smile by someone I know let alone a stranger whilst I was walking around looking grumpy.
It happens to guys all the time.

Just like being harassed on the street happens to guys all the time.
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by sharpyetblunt
So many people seem to have a problem with women having a choice. This women, like many others, doesnt want to be harassed every 5mins in public. This doesnt mean you cant talk to women in bars or any other straw arguments you can come up with. Also many of these interactions becone significantly less friendly very quickly when the woman doesnt respond kindly.

Im sure many of you have been to countries which have street vendors everywhere. It gets annoying constantly having to say no despite how 'nice' they mght be or friendly you know they are only wanting something from you. So eventually you just keep your head down and ignore people. Now imagine that those street vendors are 6 inches taller than you and shouting at you with their groups of friends or following you for 5minsand you are by yourself, and if you do tell them to **** off they start to get aggressive and call you a slut and a bitch, or dont take no for an answer. Now imagine this happens all the time. If you dont feel like this is a problem or you cant relate just because it doesnt happen to you then i dont know what to say.
I don't have a problem with women making a choice. But I feel that men have the right to ask or show interest. It isn't harassment until the woman has shown her clear disapproval. That's sort of the point that a lot of us are making. There were 2 cases of harassment, both of which may need psyche evaluations.

the entire rest of the video she is complemented in ways that may make her uncomfortable. That's a shame, maybe we should have mandatory sensitivity training in high school or something. Idk what you'd do about that. But it is very subjective when something is considered harassment. On the flip side, ignoring someone and giving them the death stare is also quite unpleasant and rude as well. The least she could have done is say a little hi back, slight head nod. If the man continues, politely tell them they are not interested and that they should have a good day. If this then escalates, we have a legit problem.

Lastly, this video tries to really bait this behavior out so all the hardcore feminists go see this happens everywhere! It happened actually on a really busy street. How wide is the actual problem? What about on other places? Is the average men who actually harass woman as per the video, the ones who looked at her ass and said damn- are these dangerous people? Is the guy who asked her, "am I too ugly for you" angry because she ignored him and he resented that like most people resent being snubbed. If there is money raised from the proceeds of that video, what would it do? look for people such as the dude who walked along side her to pop into mental institutions? I'm just saying idk why people do this time and time again but for highly polarized subjects like this people tend to forget the middle ground.
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 07:08 PM
Was at the 6th Avenue parade , it was super super fun (except the part I lost my phone in between 1-3am. ) cat calling was the norm , and most these girls loved it for this one day , we need to have Halloween once a quarter.
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 07:10 PM
I've been told to smile by strangers many times. It was a fairly common thing for the homeless and/or punk street youths in Berkeley to say.
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by litlebullet
I don't have a problem with women making a choice. But I feel that men have the right to ask or show interest. It isn't harassment until the woman has shown her clear disapproval. That's sort of the point that a lot of us are making. There were 2 cases of harassment, both of which may need psyche evaluations.

the entire rest of the video she is complemented in ways that may make her uncomfortable. That's a shame, maybe we should have mandatory sensitivity training in high school or something. Idk what you'd do about that. But it is very subjective when something is considered harassment. On the flip side, ignoring someone and giving them the death stare is also quite unpleasant and rude as well. The least she could have done is say a little hi back, slight head nod. If the man continues, politely tell them they are not interested and that they should have a good day. If this then escalates, we have a legit problem.
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 07:34 PM
When I refused to go out with a guy, he left me threatening notes, followed me home, attached an animal heart to my front door with a butcher’s knife, and screamed at me whenever possible. My complaints to anyone in power about what was happening were regarded as whining.

I understand that some men/guys do get aggressive but I find it difficult to believe this would be ignored.
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 07:35 PM
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by litlebullet
The least she could have done is say a little hi back, slight head nod.
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Tell this guy it's impolite to demand smiles from women he doesn't know and he gets PISSED. You're kind of proving our point, dudebro.
DEMANDING smiles. lol.. Clearly... Weaksauce bro.

Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
It doesn't make you a rapist to tell a girl to smile but she's well within her rights to kick you in the nuts.
WHAT?! You genuinely believe this? Something as harmless as suggesting a smile deserves to be reciprocated with assault? GTFO with that crap.

Originally Posted by problemeliminator
Do you believe that your opinion is the norm? That most people see nothing weird about telling a total stranger on the street that they need to smile?
In this irritable, narcissistic and neurotic cesspit it's the minority opinion, ldo. But you know what I do if somebody tells me I should smile more (yes, it has happened)? I smile and move on with my day, because I don't go around with a stick jammed right up my ass.

Originally Posted by El Diablo

Is "hey, you have a beautiful ass" to a random woman on the street fine or creepy?
Dafuq? C'mon son, what is this?

Of course, it's not fine. It's rude, inappropriate, and very easily offensive. Creepy is subjective. If the comment makes her uncomfortable, then it would be construed as creepy. If it gives her a self-esteem boost and it doesn't bother her, then you can't, as an outside observer, say that that is creepy. It might make you uncomfortable to see that, but unless the comment is directed towards you, it's not your place to say whether or not it's creepy.

You know what else is rude (but not necessarily offensive)? Ignoring a "hello, how are you?" And I don't mean strictly in the context of a man on the street speaking to a woman because he finds her attractive. Sure, you don't owe anybody **** all, including a reply. But in the "real world" it's common respect, decency and courtesy.

Originally Posted by sebbb
You seems so mad, why don't you put a smile on your face, honey?
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
Uh, yes, for the purpose of this video it would have made a better point. If she found people engaging her in a two way street then tried to walk away or leave them but she had problems trying to leave, it'd be a much better poster video for harassment awareness. All I see here is someone stuck up and too cool to acknowledge the minority dudes compliments, most of whom let her go unimpeded...
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 07:55 PM
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe

I understand that some men/guys do get aggressive but I find it difficult to believe this would be ignored.
A girl I dated in high school had a cat. Emphasis on had.

Never found out by who or why, but one day she found her cat on her porch, as close to skinned as a person with no cat-skinning skills could get.

Police wrote it off as "oh, I think there's some satanists in the area" and did nothing about it.
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 08:21 PM
One of the stories involved a dude cutting up his ex's dog, cooking it and feeding it to her.
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
That is basically the point though, it just doesnt happen to guys. I have a pretty solid resting bitch face and I dont recall any time in my entire life I have been told to smile by someone I know let alone a stranger whilst I was walking around looking grumpy.

The nearest time I can even think of someone commenting was my g/f asking if I was upset because "you look sad". Even she didnt tell me to smile.
i find this hard to believe.

Originally Posted by jmakin
I have been told that, many times, as a dude. It's a rude thing to say regardless of sex. I don't see any sexual connotations behind it.
Originally Posted by ESKiMO-SiCKNE5S
It happens to guys all the time.

Just like being harassed on the street happens to guys all the time.
i also have a resting bitch face at times, and i also am frequently told some variation of "smile", "cheer up" etc. by random 7-11 clerks, gas station attendants, bartenders, whatever (both male and female).

not exactly a daily occurrence, but it's happened to me at least 50+ times in my life which makes it hard for me to believe this just never happens to you.
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 08:24 PM
So much cluelessness ITT. You'd think a lot of posters didnt even know any IRL girls, let alone had ones that are friends.
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 08:28 PM
pretty sure everyone does. that doesnt mean we know ones who attract the bat**** insane pet skinning and eating types
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
So much cluelessness ITT. You'd think a lot of posters didnt even know any IRL girls, let alone had ones that are friends.
what does a statement like this even mean?

you presume 100% of women feel the same way about catcalling as well or what? pretty sure women aren't some non human species and are capable of having a diverse variety of opinions, feelings and interpretations on various subjects.
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 08:57 PM
These woman need to do what I did in Egypt with the extremely aggressive and threatening 'vendors'/locals...

Throw a few French sounding words in any order . Worked everytime
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by too eazy
what does a statement like this even mean?

you presume 100% of women feel the same way about catcalling as well or what? pretty sure women aren't some non human species and are capable of having a diverse variety of opinions, feelings and interpretations on various subjects.
It means that for every woman you can find that loves being catcalled I can find ten who think it's creepy and weird. Nice try at at the sexism reverse though ("people who think women generally dislike catcalling are the real sexists because they think all women think alike!").
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 09:16 PM
Part of being honest about street harassment and creating awareness of it has to be an honest assessment of the ways this kind of harassment can be a way marginalized groups talk back to the white gentrifiers taking over their neighborhoods.
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by litlebullet
Uh, yes, for the purpose of this video it would have made a better point. If she found people engaging her in a two way street then tried to walk away or leave them but she had problems trying to leave, it'd be a much better poster video for harassment awareness. All I see here is someone stuck up and too cool to acknowledge the minority dudes compliments, most of whom let her go unimpeded...
lol why would she have to set it up to make the guys look worse? She is trying to show what a typical woman goes through walking around on the street on a typical day.

Yes you are correct, the creeps who looked at her ass and said "Damn!" and "God bless you mami!", did in fact let her go unimpeded. I guess the bar for acting like a non-creep has been officially lowered. "But, after I complimented her ass, I let her walk away without physically restraining her! I'm such a gentleman!"
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
11-01-2014 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
One of the stories involved a dude cutting up his ex's dog, cooking it and feeding it to her.
Did you hear the one about the chick who chopped off her husbands dick and threw it in the garbage disposal?
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Women (100+ instances of sexual assault) Quote
