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0.65 Blood Alcohol 0.65 Blood Alcohol

01-08-2008 , 12:24 PM
I can't get to into specifics, but I know someone that went to the hospital with a 0.65 BAC yesterday. Usually when a person hits .4 they are in a coma or dead, so this is pretty incredible. The person was in a gang and was beaten severely, and had he not been beaten he would have survived his unbelievably high levels of alcohol. I can't imagine he could have drank himself to that level, and think alcohol was forced into him. He died from his injuries.

Any high BAC stories? Highest recorded 2+2 BAC level?
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 12:27 PM
thread useless w/o more details
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 12:27 PM
Why did he get his ass kicked?

As for the .65 BAC, I think it's much more likely that the measurement was wrong. If not though, that's pretty absurd.
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 12:28 PM
His blood was 65% alcohol?! Sick!
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 12:31 PM
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Daddy Warbucks
His blood was 65% alcohol?! Sick!
Yeah, don't let that guy walk across a carpet and touch a doorknob.
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 01:17 PM
.47 in Washington

.69 in Indiana

.40 is considered a fatal level for 50% of the population. Which means half the people can survive a higher dose.

Last edited by AngusThermopyle; 01-08-2008 at 01:27 PM.
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Daddy Warbucks
His blood was 65% alcohol?! Sick!
I opened the thread to say this, lol.
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by hoyasnaxa
I can't get to into specifics, but I know someone that went to the hospital with a 0.65 BAC yesterday.
Any high BAC stories? Highest recorded 2+2 BAC level?
****ing Amateurs.

0.914% and functional
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 01:39 PM
local drunk came into the hospital, blood alcohol analysis showed he was at 0.654

he was sleepin like a baby, woke up after about 7 hours, pissed himself and demanded food. nice guy
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 01:51 PM
yeah old drunks can handle really high levels and still be ok. i think .4 is prolly death for ppl that dont drink.
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 01:55 PM
It all depends on the tolerance. At that level they probably ran it twice to make sure it was not a lab error. Most teaching hospitals have an informal board where they post high and low levels of both exogenous substances as well as endogenous abnormal lab values, and a .65 is not going to be rare across the country. Its amazing what the body can get used to gradually over time. I work as a forensic pathologist and before I call a case a fatal alcohol poisoning I look at the investigation and rule out all possible intervening causes of death, but have called plenty of .4gm% alcohol levels as the cause of death as long as the story fits the bill. Usually its pretty clear cut they are new to the drug and have not built up the brainstem tolerance to keep their respiratory drive going. Its also going to be pretty hard to force liquid down the throat of either an unconscious person or someone who doesn't want to swallow it, but I can imagine situations where a concsious person can be compelled to drink it not of their own volition.
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 02:05 PM
I'm very disappointed that this thread is not about whether 0.65 means 65% of his blood was alcohol.
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 02:09 PM
There is more than one way to 'drink' alcohol:
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 02:21 PM
Alcohol distributes through out all the aqueous aspects of your body so not only is the blood .65 gm %, so is the muscle, eye fluid, spinal fluid etc (there are small differences in distribution). A .65 means you have less than 1% alcohol in all your water soluble tissues in the body. In a normal say 150 lb person a single beer or 1.5 ounce drink will get your BAC to about 0.02 gm %, so 4 quick beers and you shouldn't drive if you don't want to risk a DUI. Your body metabolizes alcohol by zero order kinetics, that is no matter how much you have in your system it metabolizes it at a constant rate of about 0.015 -0.02 gm %/ hour, depending on your liver's exposure to alcohol (if you drink regularly the liver upgrades the metabolic enzymes so you metabolize alcohol faster). What this means is that if you are at 0.2 gm%, stop drinking, and are a fast metabolizer and have all the alcohol in your stomach absorbed, it will take 10 hours before the alcohol is out of your system.
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by ContactGSW
Alcohol distributes through out all the aqueous aspects of your body so not only is the blood .65 gm %, so is the muscle, eye fluid, spinal fluid etc (there are small differences in distribution). A .65 means you have less than 1% alcohol in all your water soluble tissues in the body. In a normal say 150 lb person a single beer or 1.5 ounce drink will get your BAC to about 0.02 gm %, so 4 quick beers and you shouldn't drive if you don't want to risk a DUI. Your body metabolizes alcohol by zero order kinetics, that is no matter how much you have in your system it metabolizes it at a constant rate of about 0.015 -0.02 gm %/ hour, depending on your liver's exposure to alcohol (if you drink regularly the liver upgrades the metabolic enzymes so you metabolize alcohol faster). What this means is that if you are at 0.2 gm%, stop drinking, and are a fast metabolizer and have all the alcohol in your stomach absorbed, it will take 10 hours before the alcohol is out of your system.

You're totally confused -- 0.65 BAC means the blood is 65% alcohol.
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 02:39 PM
Thats bold talk for a one eyed fat man.
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Perplexity
You're totally confused -- 0.65 BAC means the blood is 65% alcohol.
this should be interesting.
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 02:56 PM
still wanna know why he was beaten plz
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by runningmarvel
still wanna know why he was beaten plz
He was in a very dangerous street gang and was probably not dealing with the friendliest of people.
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by JackWilson
I'm very disappointed that this thread is not about whether 0.65 means 65% of his blood was alcohol.
Theres no reason to argue, its obvious it means 65% of his blood was alcohol, you'd be stupid to think otherwise.
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by runningmarvel
still wanna know why he was beaten plz
Something about SEALs and Englishmen.
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 06:30 PM
mmcd who is a 2p2er registered in the mid .50's when we were in college and he was sent to the hospital. I have also likely been in the same BAC probably but you have to be a raging, raging drunk with an especially high tolerance to even come close to these levels. You have to drink bottles of booze and or an excessive number of shots to reach these levels and most people just pass out.
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 06:35 PM
There was a article in my local newspaper a week or two ago about a college student who died on her 21st birthday. They tested her blood and her BAC was .48 iirc.
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
01-08-2008 , 06:45 PM
Why was half this thread about people waiting for someone to think that .65 BAC meant 65%? Knowing what a BAC is doesn't make you....... bah. my post was just as cynical and annoying.
I'd have to estimate my curent BAC at around 0.22, but that is based on nothing.
0.65 Blood Alcohol Quote
