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What books will you suggest to a beginner? What books will you suggest to a beginner?

11-22-2016 , 09:11 AM
Hello everyone, I've been playing poker for nearly 2 months now. I'm playing cash games only and currently learning how to crush the micro-stakes. I'm building my bankroll from the firstly deposited $20 so I play NL2, due to proper bankroll management requirements.
So far I've read - Crushing the Microstakes.
I also started reading Theory of Poker, Polished Poker and The Grinder's Manual.
What else do you think is a -MUST READ- for -EVERY- poker player? I'm asking that because I'm quite new and I'm willing to read everything that's pretty basic and will show me the right way to the top.
Thanks in advance!
What books will you suggest to a beginner? Quote
