Trying to get better.....
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 95
Need some help on what to read to get better at NLHE. I was a recreational player playing for about a year or two but now i'm trying to get better and step my game up to have this as a second job. I'm a win some, lose some player right but had a major downswing to start the month(mainly bad beats at casino).
The stakes i'll be playing are mainly live $1/$3 with some $1/$2 when I get to head down to some casinos for a weekend session.
So far i've read NLEH:TAP which I think i'm gonna give a reread soon and I try to make a habit to read live-stakes NL forum every day.
What else should I be reading/doing for the games i'll be playing?
Last edited by bjof45; 09-06-2011 at 03:01 AM.
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 7,032
Harrington on Cash series is quite good for live games. Also would consider Professional NLHE vol I to get a strong understanding of stack to pot ratios.