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Ken teaches 7-C Stud... Ken teaches 7-C Stud...

04-19-2008 , 01:55 PM
Finally a bundle arrived over a week ago. Seems I got the GREEN-COVER edition.

With all the negativity from the past on the forum, I was curious to see how terrible things could be. Anyhow, I read up to page 70 today. Though I admit I skipped over many things. For example, I don't care to re-read what makes a straight-flush hand, or how betting works in a casino.

All I can say is so-so, at least for a beginner. There is no reference to ante structure in his suggestions. Though I did stop on page 70 because of one suggestion that really raised my eyebrows::

You have--
(JQ)JT (rainbow)

He suggests to raise if you are looking at--

Ken's reasoning is if the opponent has two pair, you are still a favorite to finish the hand with a better two pair.

Now, all I can say is hmmm! I just don't know, I've always remembered the big EXIT THE BOAT NOW sign always flashes alarm bells when door cards pair on cheap-street.
Ken teaches 7-C Stud... Quote
04-19-2008 , 04:42 PM
I think the variant covers are non-US editions. The ONLY cover I have ever seen is the green cover.

What I really loved was his advice on RAZZ. He says do not play it by itself, but rather learn the game in an effort to become better in games that feature RAZZ. When I first saw that suggestion mentioned here on 2plus2, I figured he meant playing RAZZ so as to get good at HORSE, but that is not the case. He says you should learn it so you are better in 7 Card Stud split games. I am paraphrasing here, but excuse me? How is RAZZ which is played strictly for low going to help me in a game where you are playing high and low. A game where ideally you get a hand that helps you scoop the pot.
Ken teaches 7-C Stud... Quote
04-20-2008 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by Gambear
Ken teaches 7-C Stud... Quote
04-20-2008 , 01:07 AM
The first book I ever read was ken warren teaches and it phucked up my game for years.....that books pages should be lining the bottom of a bird cage. Complete garbage and im sure anything he writes is garbage.
Ken teaches 7-C Stud... Quote
04-20-2008 , 04:24 PM
Welp, I completed reading the rest of the chapter on Stud-Hi.

I didn't see anything too wrong, though on p. 86 he states "Remember, two pair will improve to a full house only 20 percent of the time by seventh street."

Yet on page 79 he stated "they will fill up (make full houses) only 12 percent of the time from here if, and only if, all four of your cards are live."


Anyhow, no writer is flawless and I guess this edition also had proof reading skipped?

I'll save the Razz chapter for the beginning of next month maybe.
Ken teaches 7-C Stud... Quote
