I've been playing for about 10 years now. I don't play professionally, but I'm profitable at NLHE and at fixed-limit mixed games. Since moving to London, I've sadly not been able to play a lot of the latter, so I have to spend more time at the former.
I play almost exclusively live, but that's partially because I can't beat NL2 on PokerStars, but I can beat £`1/2 at the Hippodrome and the £1/1 home game. Either 0.01/0.02 NLHE has gotten full of players who really know how to play, there's a lot of botting playing computer-based GTO, or something...
I did a lot of book reading/studying back in the day, starting with Phil Gordon's Little Green Book, moving on to Harrington on Holdem I, II, III, Harrington on Cash Games, Jeff Hwang's Pot Limit Omaha: The Big Play Strategy, and Negreanu's Poker Wisdom for All Players. Also read SuperSystem I and II, Slansky's Seven Card Stud for Advanced Players, Small Stakes Holdem, and The Theory of Poker.
I also remember signing up for Deuces Cracked back in the day.
I was wondering about signing up for some courses since I'm going out to play less during Omicron. I was thinking maybe trying Red Chip Poker.
Do people have any particular recommendations?
- I generally end up playing cash, because big tournaments go way into the night and I work 9/5 and am over 40, though I do play the occasional small tournament.
- I tend to play live, rather than online, though I could redeposit at PokerStars and try again.
- I'm well rolled for £1/2 cash, and acceptably rolled for £2/5 cash, but find I can make more/hr playing £1/2 than I do at £2/5, even with the larger rake per pot.
- I'm well versed in basics such as starting hand requirements, position, pot odds, implied odds, SPR.
- I'm not well versed in tournament play (esp. shortstacked tournament play), bet sizing in tournaments.
- I tend to be an old-school "exploitative" player rather than focusing on GTO, but I think I need to add GTO to my arsenal.
- When I post hands, most of the advice (other than "fold pre"
) is that my bet sizing is off. I don't think it necessarily is my biggest problem but it might be one to address.