HoH Volume 2 - When does Endgame begin?
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 198
I feel I may be asking a subjective question, but when does the "Endgame" begin in a tournament? Is it when all players reach a certain low M with a few exceptions with really big stacks or just being relatively short stacked in general?
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 87
End game occurs when a player is low in chips, relative to the blinds and is not necessarily dependent on other players stacks.
To quote Tyson Streib from Kill Everyone:
"There is no defined point where the tournament enters the endgame; it is usually more of a gradual change of playing conditions. In addition, certain players may inadvertently enter the endgame earlier than others. For example, if you lose 90% of your stack in the first five minutes of a tournament, you could be dealing with some of these situations right away."
As a side note, Kill Everyone is a really good book to compliment HoH. If you don't already have it, you should pick it up.