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Forums vs. B&P. Forums vs. B&P.

02-15-2009 , 04:52 AM
Although this probably isn't the right forum to post this in (because of bias, ldo) I just want to hear some others views on what they find to have held more weight in their studying material in terms of books vs. forums. There's obv. tonns of amazing resourses online but, at the same time there's sooo many good reads out now.

I dunno, i guess sometimes i just get a little overwhelmed.. anyone else?
Forums vs. B&P. Quote
02-15-2009 , 10:09 AM
Poker is evolving & maturing very quickly, and most of that process is happening right here on the 2+2 strategy forums. Also the video coaching sites like Cardrunners, Stox & Ducescracked.

A lot of the dynamics that get discussed here and at the coaching sites simply is not in print, since publishing tends to lag 2-5 years behind.

That said, you could take what is currently in pring now, and with nothing else go on to become a decent winner at live middle stakes or low internet stakes. This is because most of the players you will encounter at those levels will be recreational players who have never studied the game and expect to lose when they play.
Forums vs. B&P. Quote
02-15-2009 , 11:05 AM
I would say books are an easier way to learn the very basic fundamentals when first starting out and also when transitioning to new games. But once you got the basics down and are looking to advance there is no substitute for the forums.
Forums vs. B&P. Quote
02-15-2009 , 01:40 PM
forums >>>>>>>>>>>>>> books, not close.

Books are useful to get the basics and a method for thinking about/discussing poker hands.

Forums are where you'll really improve.
Forums vs. B&P. Quote
02-15-2009 , 06:02 PM
books, forums, video coaching, and other methods of education are not mutually exclusive - take advantage of them all because each communication format has its own unique set of benefits and flaws.
Forums vs. B&P. Quote
02-15-2009 , 07:24 PM
The strat forums are full of so much bad advice I don't want to wade through them to find the rare nuggets. Of course there are some books like that too.
Forums vs. B&P. Quote
02-16-2009 , 12:19 AM
To some extent it depends on how you learn and your willingness to wade through the forums in search of truth. Generally, the books are pretty basic and some are not even good at the basics.
You might consider the training sites. Most get good reviews and allow you to view lecture vids along with actual play. A month at a good site is about the same cost as a decent book. Many people learn easier from a vid than a book.
If you go with the forums I recommend the stickies. You might also post asking for recommendations on which threads and posters you should study. There is a lot of free gold on 2+2. It is widely regarded as the best poker forum.
Hope this helps.
Forums vs. B&P. Quote
02-16-2009 , 06:38 PM
Books present ideas in an organized manner, including strategic and tactical ideas.

Forums offer opportunities to discuss hands -- "Did I play this one right? What do you do in this spot." Poker hand discussion is a crucially important way of improving your game and keeping it in shape. Some people do it in person with friends and colleagues; forums give people to do it with a larger slice of the poker world.

One of the strengths of hand discussions in forums, for me, is when I give my own opinion on how to play in a particular situation, I get feedback from other players about that opinion. Not only do I learn from other people's discussion, but I get immediate correction to my own. That correction might or might not seem to me to be accurate, but either way it strengthens my own thinking. I discovered this a long time ago, posting to discussions on more than a decade ago. If you are comfortable with being wrong from time to time -- maybe even most of the time -- giving your own opinion is a terrific way to learn.
Forums vs. B&P. Quote
