Best book for holdem probablilities?
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 1,630
I'm looking for a book that has lists of different probabilities and facts, which can be useful at the table.
I'm not looking for something like Bill Chen's book which is way too mathy for me.
For instance - it lists probabilities for different scenarios that I can memorize... in a nice easy format
oh and my game is NLHE
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 25
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 1,634
You can try also going to and searching under book for:
-Poker Odds
-Poker Math
-Poker Probabilities
-Hold'em Odds
-Hold'em Math
-Hold'em Probabilities
I am very familiar with the type of books that you are looking for, not counting any new ones released in the last ten months. So I will help you here.
The Mathematics Of Poker is probably not too similar to other books about NL cash game math. It's in a class by itself. It's probably closer to Expert Heads Up No Limit Hold'em and a few other Game Theory type texts. I have it and it's a great book. I have read that is the greatest poker book ever, and I can see why. I haven't read it yet though. I recommend reading this book, but you should work your way up to it after reading maybe a dozen primary texts first.
Poker Math That Matters is probably the most popular book of the type that you are looking for and has some strong reviews. I haven't read it, but the author is Owen Gaines, who wrote a top level book Poker's Postflop Course Part 1 - The River. I am not familiar with this book but check it out on Amazon and you can preview it there also.
I read Texas Hold'em Odds And Probabilities and it's a great book and probably the second most popular/best book of this type, check that out. I can say that this is a book that meets your needs.
A few other texts which may not be top level but are decently popular:
-Killer Poker By The Numbers
-Practical Poker Math
-Texas Hold'em Poker Textbook
-The Math Of Hold'em
Go to Amazon and check out the sales, ratings, reviews, page counts, and descriptions of all seven of these books. Also click on "Look Inside" to preview the books.
Bottom line is that most likely you will end up deciding on either Poker Math That Matters or Texas Hold'em Odds And Probabilities.
Bonus info, these are the poker game theory books/articles that I know of:
-Applications Of No-Limit Hold'em
-Bugs' C-betting In NLHE 6-max article series on
-Bugs' Modeling Poker article series on
-Bugs' Optimal 3-bet/4-bet/5-bet Strategies In NL Hold'em 6 Max article series on
-Bugs' Optimal Postflop Play In NLHE 6-max article series on
-Expert Heads Up No Limit Hold'em Volume 1
-Expert Heads Up No Limit Hold'em Volume 2
-Poker's 1% (Possibly? Haven't read it)
-Quantum Poker (Possibly? Haven't read it)
-The Intelligent Poker Player
-The Mathematics Of Poker
Good luck, Yojimgari
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 260
Jam up, the odds charts are pretty nice, but those starting hand charts seem very tight
For those saying why cant you find it our on your own, Straight up , I search for some of this stuff on the net and I find sites with way less info then the community here seems to have,
So i dont usually ask, just to avoid getting the (GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND, which i would say WELL SOMETIMES IT IS), but players on this site have some really good websites in their back pockets