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Zeelive Hands Zeelive Hands

02-15-2012 , 05:09 PM
Hello everyone!

I am really new to Poker and I need some advice on some hands.
I have been posting on another thread and I got some really nice help, but Now I just want to make a different thread to post my Hands.

I have search for a hands section but find none, maybe I am blond.
If I am in the wrong section, tell me and I will stop this thread right away.

So the first hand I would like to show you was QTo.

First of all, Should I have call with this hands? Because I am following the "No-Limit Short & Mid Stack Strategy"

And in the guide it say that you can "CALL" QTo when you are on the Blind Position.
So that's what I did. (And I know a lot of people are going to say that "calling" is bad. Maybe I should not follow the guide for this pard and Fold this hand?)

On the Flop there is a Q, so I say Ok so I am going to raise since everyone Bet.
So in a "Noob" mind, Since everyone bet, everyone are suppose to have bad hands.

So then we all checked. and then the guy with K10s Raised then I fold.

Was this hole thing good from me or no?

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.02 BB (9 handed) - PokerStars Hand Converter from

BB ($2)
UTG ($2.94)
UTG+1 ($0.59)
MP1 ($1.51)
MP2 ($0.22)
MP3 ($0.79)
CO ($1.93)
Button ($1.45)
Hero (SB) ($0.87)

Preflop: Hero is SB with 10, Q
2 folds, MP1 calls $0.02, MP2 calls $0.02, MP3 calls $0.02, CO calls $0.02, Button calls $0.02, Hero calls $0.01, BB checks

Flop: ($0.14) 7, 6, Q (7 players)
Hero bets $0.20, 2 folds, MP2 calls $0.20 (All-In), 1 fold, CO calls $0.20, Button calls $0.20

Turn: ($0.94) 7 (4 players, 1 all-in)
Hero checks, CO checks, Button checks

River: ($0.94) K (4 players, 1 all-in)
Hero checks, CO bets $0.20, Button calls $0.20, Hero folds

Total pot: $1.34 | Rake: $0.05

Button mucked J, Q (two pair, Queens and sevens).
MP2 had A, 7 (three of a kind, sevens).
CO had K, 10 (two pair, Kings and sevens).
Outcome: MP2 won $0.91, CO won $0.38
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___

Thanks for any help!
Zeelive Hands Quote
02-15-2012 , 05:20 PM
I fold PF. (I don't know what Guide you are talking about. Link?)

On the flop, overbetting the post against a bunch of limpers is very good. Win early when OOP and vulnerable.

After getting called, I fold to anything after you did. Our kicker sucks.

Last edited by King Spew; 02-15-2012 at 05:20 PM. Reason: btw, what does Zeelive Hands mean?
Zeelive Hands Quote
02-15-2012 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
I fold PF. (I don't know what Guide you are talking about. Link?)

On the flop, overbetting the post against a bunch of limpers is very good. Win early when OOP and vulnerable.

After getting called, I fold to anything after you did. Our kicker sucks.
The guide is Here:
The basic guide.

When you say "Win early when OOP and vulnerable" it means when everyone call?
Zeelive Hands Quote
02-15-2012 , 05:43 PM
In the hand. everyone limps in,,, a hodge-podge of no strong hands.

You flop TPMK (top pair, middle kicker). The key here is : Your hand is not very likely to improve (vulnerable).

You are out of position (OOP)....with a hand that is likely ahead right now, but not likely to improve.

Win it NOW.!.!.!
Zeelive Hands Quote
02-15-2012 , 05:45 PM
and.... I don't personally believe that guide will help you grow as a poker player.
Zeelive Hands Quote
02-15-2012 , 05:47 PM
Haaa ok I see thanks for the information!

So then is there a good guide that you can give me so I can grow as a poker player ?

Zeelive Hands Quote
02-15-2012 , 05:59 PM

Read this thread and follow ALL the links.

I have read all of your posts here on 2+2. As a seasoned veteran.....

I suggest you stop playing for two weeks and read the thread and all the links. Then reread them all.

After that, read the first two links and play a little poker. After that....add another linked topic. Read one, absorb, practice, make it part of the automatic-zerroghh strategy. Then and only then, add another.

In a short while (six months,,, you might be competent) There really are no good short cuts.

As I said in another thread today....I don't want you to leave,,,,just take a sabbatical and use the resource. Posting all the time this early in your learning will not help you learn the proper things at the proper time.
Zeelive Hands Quote
02-15-2012 , 06:11 PM
Haaaa ok I see !

Big thanks for the link!

I am going to read all of this surely. maybe going to print them and relax while reading this I think it could be better too :P

But you said stop playing for 2 weeks, you mean to take the time to read carefully those thread?

Or this is just to clear my mind of what I have learned so far because this is not really good?

thanks again that's really helpful
Zeelive Hands Quote
02-15-2012 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by zerrogh

Or this is just to clear my mind of what I have learned so far because this is not really good?

By reading "in order", it will be easier to reformulate your poker strategy into something that makes a stronger spider web. Random stringings do not catch many flies.

short stacking strat is a way to play poker that "can" have low profitability. You can still make good money.....if you play a huge amount of hands, have a good rakeback provider and the online sites doen't regulate that option away from you. Short strategy relies on the simple fact that a group of fully stacked players will play looser (correctly) against each other than against a short stacker because the implied odds are what makes some hands profitable with a full stacked table. The shortstacker takes advantage of this.

Also and maybe more importantly to you...if it matters.... short strategy is simple to learn. Rarely do you have to "think" past the flop. The enjoyment of the NL game for me and many others, is the complexities of postflop play. As a short, you will learn nothing (very very little) about playing all the streets.

((Plus to me, shorts that are successful must lead very droll lives. The Grind of that many tables, that many hours, that many days, that many weeks, that many months....only to die....... seems ideal for chimps. As a human, I assume you would like something more))
Zeelive Hands Quote
02-15-2012 , 06:48 PM
Ok I see.

I don't know if you know Chiren80, but that's the kind of playstyle that I like.
Because I find playing 1 table with multiple hands is risky. (I know poker in general is risky but I like to play it "safe mode")
He was playing 24 tables (like a lot of people do) and he got 1 million hands in 1 month.
he started of with 5 dollards and turn it to 150 000 or 300 000 not sure.

So do you recommend me reading those thread?

or can you explain me in General what is the strategy about, like can you multitable this or is this really risky?
Zeelive Hands Quote
02-15-2012 , 09:04 PM
You have the right to be a shortstacker if you want. It is not the style of poker I prefer. I play between 4-10 tables at a time 100-400NL full ring with a 100BB auto-topoff stack.

Chiren80 of course is famous. So is durrrrr. so is OMGITSCLAYAIKEN. here on 2+2 we have the answer to Chiren80 in ChicagoJoey. In fact, if the latest Starz volume challenge didn't involve giving Chiren80 an outrageous advantage (he was allowed to play more than 24 tables...noone else was allowed), I believe Joey would exceed anything Chiren80 did....especially winrate.

But Chiren's fame is volume. To me, it is unimportant and does not necessarily mean one is a good player....just that one can push buttons quickly.

If your goal is to play the most hands possible, then shortstacking is most definitely the best strategy. I was mistaken to believe that you wanted to be a good player.

My apologies.
Zeelive Hands Quote
02-15-2012 , 09:09 PM
Chiren is a more of a volume/endurance player than a particularly good one. I don't know if you know how to juggle, but it's relatively easy to juggle 3 balls and it becomes exponentially more difficult for every ball you add. A bit like moving up a couple of stakes in poker.

The best jugglers in the world can do 9, maybe 10 balls. So if we say that an excellent poker player is equivalent to a 7 ball juggler, then Chiren did the equivalent of juggling 3 balls for 24 hours straight - a neat trick but not the same thing as actually being good.

If you want to emulate a good player who can rack up a lot of hands, look up nanonoko.
Zeelive Hands Quote
02-15-2012 , 09:54 PM
King Spew, I didn't said that I wan't to stay bad haha!
But I like this kind on play personally.
And I am wondering, Can you really make money playing high stake?

Because all the "best" player I saw were multi-tabling micro/low stakes.

And like, If I want to play multiple table, I just need to keep following the simple chart of playing good hands and folding bad hands right?

BTW I have red all 1/3 of the post you gave me King Spew and it helped me a lot about thinking about strategy and things
Zeelive Hands Quote
02-15-2012 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by zerrogh
King Spew, I didn't said that I wan't to stay bad haha!
But I like this kind on play personally.

To me it's kinda like the game Asteroids (dating myself for sure here) As the levels got higher, more asteroids were thrown at you. To keep up with all the action was the challenge before getting destroyed. All instinct, very little thought. Reaction, not proactive. Different challenge between Chiren poker and real poker.

And I am wondering, Can you really make money playing high stake?

Where I played most (preBF) was 100NL at FTP. I played an average 1000 per night, 6 days a week. Couple hours. I am a recreational player. This is my hobby. My winrate was a not_so_great 1.3ptbb/100 hands...have no idea what it would be now with the tougher tables...maybe not even a winner. If I extrapolate to playing 5-7 hours a day and studying another the same winrate, I would make mid to upper 5 figures? dunno, never did the math cause it wasn't important to me. Many 2+2ers playing FR 200&400 tables will have 6 figure income. Many more will make MANY less (took grammatical license)

Because all the "best" player I saw were multi-tabling micro/low stakes.

LOL,, I don't even know what to say to this other than....uh, you're not looking in the right places?

And like, If I want to play multiple table, I just need to keep following the simple chart of playing good hands and folding bad hands right?

Generic, basic, no nonsense answer: yes. Best winrate: probably not.

BTW I have red all 1/3 of the post you gave me King Spew and it helped me a lot about thinking about strategy and things
Imagine what you would LEARN if you took the time to try and absorb.
Zeelive Hands Quote
02-15-2012 , 10:38 PM
Yeah thats true hehe.
Well I have not search alot for pro poker player the 3 that I know is chiren, maybe you can say that he is not pro or something but I find him good. Nanonoko and Daniel Negreanu (true hes not multitabling haha xD well I think I didn't looked if he play online anyway)

But yeah I will keep reading your thread for sure! there is some hard terms sometime in those thread but I go look em up on the internet and that's helping me.

Can you tell me what has been your biggest amount of money you have been making in 1 session?:P I am interested to know

__________________________________________________ _____________
Reply to KingSpew: (Can't reply to your PM, Weird)

Yeah sorry I haven't seen you sent me a message earlier.
Well I really appreciate it that you are helping me out like that King Spew.

I feeling a bit annoying right now so I am going to stop posting for sometime now, or will post less*

So like I said I have red 1/3 of the thread.
I am really trying to understand but sometime there is things that I don't know yet so it's hard to understand.
But yeah I will PM you again if there is something that I am stuck on.

Thanks again!
__________________________________________________ _____________

Last edited by zerrogh; 02-15-2012 at 10:55 PM.
Zeelive Hands Quote
02-16-2012 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by zerrogh
But yeah I will keep reading your thread for sure! there is some hard terms sometime in those thread but I go look em up on the internet and that's helping me.

FAQ. In this case, #39

Can you tell me what has been your biggest amount of money you have been making in 1 session?:P I am interested to know

For a while at the end of 2009, I was playing on the 1000NL tables so I guess my biggest session would be around 2500-3000. dunno. Biggest pot I ever won was slightly over 2000 when I made a bad call on the turn on a draw (I was tilting) and hit my flush on the river with less than 25BB behind.

Was actually the hand that helped me decide to stop playing the 1000NL level and retreat to 200 where I was in my "safe" zone.
Zeelive Hands Quote
02-16-2012 , 10:12 AM
haaaa ok I see, thanks hehe :P
I think even if I have enough money, I will never go on those high table haha!
Zeelive Hands Quote
02-16-2012 , 11:05 AM
Honestly, chiren is not very good. The last time he played a ton of tables I sat in on several, and won a fair bit from him (for 2NL obviously).

He just plays a ton of volume at the lowest stakes.

If I were you I would concentrate for now on playing 2 or 3 tables with 100bb stacks rather than shortstacking/mass tabling.
Zeelive Hands Quote
02-16-2012 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by zerrogh
King Spew, (ONE)I didn't said that I wan't to stay bad haha!
(TWO)But I like this kind on play personally.
Now that ASBat said what I was implying about two cents is that you can't have ONE with TWO as you are learning, unless you have a very large disposable that will most definitely disappear before you learn how to play poker.

You will chew through your money very quickly playing the Whack-A-Call Button game.....that is what 24 tabling most closely resembles for a noob.
Zeelive Hands Quote
02-16-2012 , 02:17 PM
Haaa ok I see

Well I will try more higher stack later on when im going to be better hehe :P

Half way in the reading
Zeelive Hands Quote
