Originally Posted by chinoxl
okay, let me be blunt.
i will tell you EVERY LA sports team has major problems. the dodgers, the lakers the angels. they are ****. they will never win. OMG kill me, they suck suck SUCK. i'll give you random details about how they suck....because THEY SUCk.
so do they suck?
i say, you ask terrible questions. if you want to get better at poker, learn to ask better questions. I'd rather you ask 'should I raise JTs in the CO than what you posted in OP. do you see why?
and yes, u might call me an ******* but when you psot what u posted in OP and can do more than a 'what' in a reply then it is pretty clear you don't want to learn and want to sponge. don't be a taking sponge, give back to the forums. ducy?
Last edited by OziBattler; 11-16-2012 at 11:28 AM.