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10-05-2009 , 03:00 PM
If you are like most microlimit players, you are probably:
calling too much out of position (esp. in the blinds or when you get 3-bet);
3-betting based on the strength of your hand, rather than how your hand relates to your opponents';
wasting opportunities to isolate weak players when you are on the button;
c-betting too much;
bloating the pot oop with marginal hands;
waiting until the turn to make a plan for the hand;
semi-bluffing without enough fold equity; and
failing to get value on the river

These leaks cost way more than variance, particuarly the ones that lead to mistakes on the later streets.
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10-05-2009 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Hibernian0762
Thanks for the advice. Apologies for getting back so slowly:

FR is my speciality not 6-max, but isn't 16% VPIP really tight for 6-max.

Also it looks like you are completing the sb too much. Perhaps a 6max guy can respond here.
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10-05-2009 , 03:58 PM
you are playing too many hands from the blinds. Tighten up there a lot. you will notice from many players' stats that the blinds are where we lose the money most, so you must tighten up significantly. also, it would be good if you could show us your cbet, fold to cbet, Aggression factor, cbet turn etc.
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10-05-2009 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Gruffalo
you are playing too many hands from the blinds. Tighten up there a lot. you will notice from many players' stats that the blinds are where we lose the money most, so you must tighten up significantly. also, it would be good if you could show us your cbet, fold to cbet, Aggression factor, cbet turn etc.
Where on pt3 will I screen dump this from?

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10-05-2009 , 05:38 PM
I think this is the right thing.

Apologies for the post earlier with the bad beat coolers etc.

Thanks if anyone can find the time to make any sense of this:
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10-05-2009 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by crazyhendrix
C-betting depends on the flop texture and highly dependent on Villain's perceived range--if you think the flop missed his range, firing off a c-bet will take the pot down most of the time.

10K hands is still too small a sample size. Work on improving your decisions on each street, don't think about winrate too much.
thats not exactly correct. not far from correct either (pls lets discuss this itt). agree to 10k too small samplesize.

@op: 1,5bb/10k doesnt mean u are a winning player. sorry to give u the bad news
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10-05-2009 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Halfwitted
anything can happen in 10k hands
anything can happe in a hand
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10-05-2009 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by wisdommaster1
i noticed u mentioned a triple barrel stack off... was that a pure bluff? if so NEVER do that at 25nl. i would only double barrel people who you notice tend to float but triple barreling at this level is -EV imo as people who call the turn will call the river alot unless of course you can put them on some kind of draw
thats just wrong. there are lots of multitabling nits bonuswh***ing or whatever who will flat JJ/QQ and call low dry fl turn and allways put u on AAKKset when 3barell riv and fold their overpair. rly. 3barelling is +ev if u know villain.

@ppl: sorry for tripleposting i dont know how to use the forum well im kinda lost dont know how to multiquote. sorry again
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10-05-2009 , 07:41 PM
Biggest thing I've noticed OP is that you are playing very Tight/Weak or nitty. Your VPIP and PFR are about 16/12 respectively. That's a little better stats for FR, but for 6-max, you might want to consider pushing the action a little more, and open up the range of hands you will play based on position. For example, when you might fold A10os utg, at CO or button, you may want to raise with it.

Part of being Weak/tight as opposed to Tight aggressive (TAG), is that TAGgy players will c-bet most flops. Now, I'm not saying necessarily that you should (you should ), but you have only raised someone on a flop where you raised .88% of the time... That number is way too low for 6-max. Check-raising, even with air if you have a good read, is a solid play in 6-max.

That's all I have for now, sorry
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10-05-2009 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by Jimmus
Biggest thing I've noticed OP is that you are playing very Tight/Weak or nitty. Your VPIP and PFR are about 16/12 respectively. That's a little better stats for FR, but for 6-max, you might want to consider pushing the action a little more, and open up the range of hands you will play based on position. For example, when you might fold A10os utg, at CO or button, you may want to raise with it.

Part of being Weak/tight as opposed to Tight aggressive (TAG), is that TAGgy players will c-bet most flops. Now, I'm not saying necessarily that you should (you should ), but you have only raised someone on a flop where you raised .88% of the time... That number is way too low for 6-max. Check-raising, even with air if you have a good read, is a solid play in 6-max.

That's all I have for now, sorry
thatswrong imo. but lets discuss it
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10-05-2009 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by SquirrelsUnite
Unfortunately, this doesn't change the underlying math. You just need to focus on improving your play and basically ignore short term results, where short term might mean 3-4 month.

The only thing you can do is to try to play a little more (but don't just start adding tables, it will hurt your game) and drop down to games where you have a bigger edge. Bigger edges mean much shorter breakeven stretches in general.
ive allways said that adding more tables will improve yr game cuz it will allow u to not have to wait for 15 min so u wont have to do moves bcuz u boring. but thats just my opinion. imo adding tables >>> hier winrate
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10-05-2009 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.Remus
ive allways said that adding more tables will improve yr game cuz it will allow u to not have to wait for 15 min so u wont have to do moves bcuz u boring. but thats just my opinion. imo adding tables >>> hier winrate
Thats a load of crap imo.
If you cant read players and just play your cards then add more tables your just going to lose more.

If you do that i think your losing money.
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10-05-2009 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by Snipa
Thats a load of crap imo.
If you cant read players and just play your cards then add more tables your just going to lose more.

If you do that i think your losing money.
pls watch the language sir

imo, if u can read players and dont just play your cards then adding more tables is not going to lose more. (not gonna win more bb/100 but will win more $/h)
if u got bored when not playing a hand in 15 min and boredom makes u do silly crazy stuff, then by adding tables u will actually avoid those silly spots and make more bb/100 playing ur normal game.
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10-06-2009 , 05:30 AM
in general a10/j I muck utg, however, under the right table dynamics and my image I will raise these hands. Currently my utg raising range:

910s +

depending on table I will loosen to:

I don't find raising A10 utg a winner for me thusfar.

Originally Posted by Jimmus
Biggest thing I've noticed OP is that you are playing very Tight/Weak or nitty. Your VPIP and PFR are about 16/12 respectively. That's a little better stats for FR, but for 6-max, you might want to consider pushing the action a little more, and open up the range of hands you will play based on position. For example, when you might fold A10os utg, at CO or button, you may want to raise with it.

Part of being Weak/tight as opposed to Tight aggressive (TAG), is that TAGgy players will c-bet most flops. Now, I'm not saying necessarily that you should (you should ), but you have only raised someone on a flop where you raised .88% of the time... That number is way too low for 6-max. Check-raising, even with air if you have a good read, is a solid play in 6-max.

That's all I have for now, sorry
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10-06-2009 , 05:37 AM
Originally Posted by Mr.Remus
ive allways said that adding more tables will improve yr game cuz it will allow u to not have to wait for 15 min so u wont have to do moves bcuz u boring. but thats just my opinion. imo adding tables >>> hier winrate
I find playing four tables I have ample time to think about my decisions based on different villains and re-evaluate at each street. I also have time to make notes on players without rushing.
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