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Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant?

03-12-2010 , 11:30 AM
You can't even say "nh" without someone insulting you or some crap. Is this exclusive to low stakes or are poker players in general just ignorant, obnoxious pricks? It seems their vocabulary consists of "donk" and "fish" and not a lot else.
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 11:33 AM
Because they think they are awesome and if it weren't for money and donks sucking out on them all the time.. they think they could be up at mid/high stakes crushing for millions.
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 11:33 AM
That's pretty much the same at all levels, as a lot of the nice players at a table tend to just not say anything, leaving you with just the pricks talking.
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by SamPooley
That's pretty much the same at all levels, as a lot of the nice players at a table tend to just not say anything, leaving you with just the pricks talking.
I guess this is a metaphor for life :'(
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 11:35 AM
I don't think it's just at Micros. Some people are just rude, classless, and the security of hiding behind a computer amplifies it.

However, it does seem people have become less talkative over the last year. Maybe I'm imagining it, but it seems like everyone is treating online poker as a job.
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 11:50 AM
General rule is good winning players are more pleseant to play with why? Because they don't want you to feel uncomfortable and leave with money.

You never once seen any professional tell GUY how horrible he plays. They were always nice to him at the table and don't even like to say his name a mark in interviews.
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by J-A-G
You can't even say "nh" without someone insulting you or some crap. Is this exclusive to low stakes or are poker players in general just ignorant, obnoxious pricks? It seems their vocabulary consists of "donk" and "fish" and not a lot else.
depends on when you type "nh"...if you just sucked out to win a huge hand and then type "nh", or you are all in and type "nh" before the cards are dealt, YOU are actually being the jerk...ducy?
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 12:02 PM
For larger MTT, I notice that the quality of conversation goes up the further you get into the money (not that I have a lot of stats from that point of view ).

I did have one guy tell me that it was people like me that were ruining online poker. Gee, OESD, Nut Flush Draw, and getting 6:1 on my money. I guess I am a donk.
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 12:02 PM
"NH" is generally assumed to be sarcastic and usually is.
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 12:03 PM
being called a donk or fish is not even that bad,ever since i switched to cash,hardly a week go by without someone making racist slurs and insults.the longest fight i had with a guy lasted over 3 hours and we gradually became less interested in playing the micros and more interested in was kinda fun though and we even parted on good terms

as for people being less talkative,its probably those damn Russians that grind away quietly in a corner and dont speak a word of english
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 12:18 PM
They say poker reveals a lot about a person, that their true nature comes to the surface.
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by TBobLP
depends on when you type "nh"...if you just sucked out to win a huge hand and then type "nh", or you are all in and type "nh" before the cards are dealt, YOU are actually being the jerk...ducy?
Err, why would someone type nh to someone if they lost?
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by J-A-G
Err, why would someone type nh to someone if they lost?
I rarely do it.

But think of a situation where your all in AA loses to 99 that catches a 9 on the river. You may be tilting, but you want to encourage people to go all in vs AA preflop. Short term pain, long term profit.
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 12:30 PM
I told someone "nh" yesterday when they called down my flopped royal flush with a straight. I was wondering to myself, "Self, how am I going to maximize my value while playing this oop?" It was actually funny that I bet into every street and he called me down all the way to my river push.
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 12:32 PM
i hate when donks type "nh" in the chat after sucking out or coolering me
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 12:33 PM
fold prechat, usually the best way to avoid idiots
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by quux
They say poker reveals a lot about a person, that their true nature comes to the surface.
I think you have this confused with the internet.
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 12:37 PM
Wat, I thought people only said nh if they lost. Hm, ok.
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 12:42 PM
Is it even really necessary to have chat on? It's not like someones gonna pop in and be like "OMG they're breaking into my house at 1124 elm st. call 911"...

Even though if you don't keep it on, you can still chat out which can be pretty effective when you want to induce a call/fold. This is the only good thing about chat IMO.

The other day I had a boat or something can't remember exactly and 99% sure I had the winning hand. Bet into the flop, turn, and shoved the river. Villain tanked for a pretty damn long time and all I said was "lol..." to which he immediately called. An hour later I was in another hand with him with marginal holdings and put him on a draw but I wasn't 100% sure. He ended up tanking my river bet again to which I "lol..." and he instantly folds.

"I'm not saying do this every freaking hand your in"... I would not advocate that as a good strategy. Use it sparingly though and it will work wonders.

Last edited by RepresentNothing; 03-12-2010 at 12:50 PM.
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by uppie_
General rule is good winning players are more pleseant to play with why? Because they don't want you to feel uncomfortable and leave with money.
Tony G, Hellmuth, Ziigmund, the list of people against this argument is endless.

OP, move up to where they respect the fact that you're a dick.
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by J-A-G
Wat, I thought people only said nh if they lost. Hm, ok.
I usually say it when a particularly good bet moved me off a pot.

If someone can't admire and congratulate good play at cheezeburger stakes, I'd hate to see that person dealing with real money losses.
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 01:11 PM
Isn't it better to say "gh"? I don't think "nh" is appropriate being that you're not trying to be nice with your hand, you're trying to beat the other players with it. If they beat you then they had the "good hand" and they played it well enough to get the cash. So tell them "gh" and then yell "you donk" or "****ing fish" at your monitor.
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Cry Me A River
"NH" is generally assumed to be 'please however many people tell you you suck and however convincing they are don't listen to them champ I love you and your ilk and am cheering for you against everyone but me and am actually glad you played your hand in this particular way despite the actual result this time around'
when I say it
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 01:40 PM
The world of poker carries on, be silent
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
03-12-2010 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by uppie_
General rule is good winning players are more pleseant to play with why? Because they don't want you to feel uncomfortable and leave with money.

You never once seen any professional tell GUY how horrible he plays. They were always nice to him at the table and don't even like to say his name a mark in interviews.
umm...check 09 wsop me phil helmuth and christian dragomir fyi just to play devils advocate here lol...or any "phil helmuth blows up" in youtube and you'll see top pros like himself even get out of hand sometimes, im not defending him nor attacking phil either.

honestly, i think us poker players as a whole are some of the brightest and well mannered people out there, and big contributors to the good of the world as far as charities n whatnot go...

as far as uNL goes, I can see why maybe more people there are unpleasant. For one, they feel like they work their ass off(whether they do or not is another story) and are stuck in the micros because people suck out and/or luckbox them all the time when in actuality this sort of thing happens at all stakes lets not lie.
Why is everyone at uNL so unpleasant? Quote
