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Where to spend my study time? Where to spend my study time?

03-06-2014 , 08:06 PM
Hi there, I've been playing Poker on and off (mostly off) for a couple years and I mostly understand the basics. I started playing again recently with the intention of actually taking it seriously and progressing to a respectable level. Currently I'm feeling pretty confident at 2NL and expect to be close to moving up within the next month. I have a decent full-time job so money isn't the aim here, neither is it an issue.

I spend 1-2 hours traveling on the train every day which I've been spending reading many threads in the Micro Stakes NL forum. I'm picking up on many things here and there, but it's all over the place and a bunch of it is soon forgotten. I feel like I should be targeting one specific area of my game at a time and really digging into it. Perhaps I'm wrong and my current approach is fine, I'm just looking for some more experienced opinions on it.

So my question is, given 1-2 hours of Poker study per day (on phone with no access to my own hands) how and where would you allocate the time?
Where to spend my study time? Quote
03-06-2014 , 09:21 PM
Get a notebook and find the topics you wish to study then make notes on it.
I have mine colour coordinated for easy reference. Main heading, Sub heading, further sub heading (If I need one)

So far In my notebook I have :

Why You Suck at uNL
Odds chart
Percentages of Ranges
Blackrains Crushing the Micros
Etc etc

I find writing down key parts helps you take it on board better than just reading it.

Once you have your notes you can look at it for easy reference and if need be go back to the original topic if you still don't have a grasp on the topic at hand.
Where to spend my study time? Quote
03-06-2014 , 09:33 PM
Good idea, I'll certainly start doing so. In other games I've been pretty big on note taking, but it's more so note taking from watching my own demos and while I'm actually playing. Would this still be applicable to Poker? Obviously reviewing my sessions and posting hands here would be great, but I'm more so questioning note taking while playing as that may seem to force results oriented behavior in a game where your short term results don't accurately reflect your decisions. Here are some notes from playing CS:GO if you're interested in what exactly I mean:

Nuke CT:
- When solo holding from elbow, stick close to the corner and only do the tiniest peaks to fight 1 guy at a time, fall back otherwise
- When pushing into uppers from anex, check behind vent
- After they take ramps, don't just rush down the ramp assuming they all went under, 1 might be waiting deep in kran
- Don't nade red con outers when in the open, throw it from behind your red con+
- Don't crouch poke silo from inside warehouse, check it from behind CT red con or don't check it at all
- Don't fight open outers while also exposed to red con, hug the left
Where to spend my study time? Quote
03-06-2014 , 09:43 PM
If your big on doing that then what I would do is make notes after a session review of any mistakes you make.

Open to wide from early position.

I would guess that writing it down would be a good acknowledgment of the problems and leaks you find.
Where to spend my study time? Quote
03-06-2014 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by Dwimmerlaike
I would guess that writing it down would be a good acknowledgment of the problems and leaks you find.
Yeah definitely, for me it helps massively with retention. Nearly every one of my CS:GO notes I can recall and visualize the exact scene in my head and why I wrote them down. But yeah, writing notes on my mistakes during a session review seems like a great way to go, will try it out for my next session.

edit: I suppose a key thing would need to be my ability to distinguish a mistake from a cooler. If I get stuck it seems like the time to post the hand on here.
Where to spend my study time? Quote
03-06-2014 , 09:56 PM
Yeah if you unsure if you made a mistake post your hand and someone will point it out or offer advice to you.

Coolers are generally going to be KK into AA, sets into sets etc.
Where to spend my study time? Quote
