When is lack of protection through being unable to get a drawing hand to fold a reason not to b
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 493
Thinking poker podcast strategy hand.
300bb effective live fr
Loose hj (playing 40% of hands) rfi 4bb
Co here KdKh 3B 8bb (sizing error)
Solid btn calls
Good pro sb calls
bb folds
Hj calls
Pot 32bb 567r
Sb x, hj x, hero bets 12bb?
I have a lot of time for this podcast. Love the strat. So here both agree to a check rather than bet out. In my notes before I continued listening I had a small bet in mind myself.
For thin value and protection. I agree with the the guys thoughts so far though that our hand is pretty face up by the action so far.
The reason they agree on check is because betting offers no actual protection. 88, 78 will still call. But that’s why it’d be thin value for me.
So when does checking a made hand become the right thing to do when we aren’t likely to get drawing hands to fold?
My thoughts are when the flops also do atrocious for our hand and at the same time draws won’t fold?
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Join Date: Dec 2013
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If you are against decent players and you 3bet + cbet this flop the chances you are going to win the pot are pretty much 0%. Other than 89s you have none of the two pair or better hands on this flop while all the other players can have them and will often have them. You're going to run into sets, two pairs and straights.
The reason why you'll never win this pot is because it is extremely easy to put pressure on you on this flop. Other than a king or maybe a 5 there are no good cards for you. Yes you might get some value from weaker pairs sometimes but you're just building yourself a bigger pot to get blasted out of on the turn/river. This is why you need to make it bigger preflop so stacks become shallower and they have reduced implied odds.
Join Date: Dec 2014
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KK is not much more than a bluffcatcher in situations like this. It can't fire multiple barrels and get called by worse, but it's fine to check-call and get to showdown on some runouts. If you bet and get raised you just hate life, as you could be folding the best hand. Checking solves a lot of problems, and allows you to play the size of pot (small) that this hand prefers in this kind of situation.
FWIW, I usually check the flop with this even if it's heads up and we're OOP in a single-raised pot. That flop is much better for the pre-flop caller than the pre-flop raiser.
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 493
Thanks you two
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