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What's so bad about Donk betting? What's so bad about Donk betting?

01-19-2010 , 03:43 PM
If I understand donk betting, that is leading oop with a bet vs. original rasier, why is that usually bad?

Say I have ATs on the BB and mp2 raises 3xBB, btn calls, SB calls & I call. The flop is Tc7h3h and SB checks and I "Donk" bet 3/4 pot. Why is that bad? Sure JJ-AA isn't going to fold nor are the sets, they prolly raise actually. And I get value from worse hands like KT, QT, JT and make the draws and over cards pay.

Well, maybe this example situation is an exception and is right to bet. I just hear in the micro cash forum quite often, refering to those leads as donk bets in a derogatory fashion.

So maybe a better question is what situation is it bad to lead out vs. the pf raiser?
What's so bad about Donk betting? Quote
01-19-2010 , 03:55 PM

Donk betting gets a derogative connotation because a good players leading frequency should be low due to a myraid of reasons; while donks donk alot.

edit: leading is also competing with the check/raise. And really it just doesn't fair well against it. If you're ever unsure you should always default to the c/r as that is the most abusive play in poker (it literally is the nut high).

Last edited by BitchiBee; 01-19-2010 at 04:02 PM.
What's so bad about Donk betting? Quote
01-19-2010 , 04:19 PM
Nothing wrong with donkbetting. Donkleads are very useful when you actually have a plan for them and you know your villain.

It only got named 'donkbet' because donks do it all the time without knowing that they miss value from cbets.
What's so bad about Donk betting? Quote
01-19-2010 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by SaM StarK
Nothing wrong with donkbetting. Donkleads are very useful when you actually have a plan for them and you know your villain.

It only got named 'donkbet' because donks do it all the time without knowing that they miss value from cbets.

Sometimes the best bet is a donk bet because it induces bluffs. And the villain is going to think your a donk with a weak hand just trying to keep the pot small hoping the villain will just call instead of raising. (donks/beginners mindset).

If you like to play lots of small pots you should learn small ball strategy and try incorporating that into your game.
What's so bad about Donk betting? Quote
01-19-2010 , 04:38 PM
Donk bets can take down pots that you have no business winning, and they can help build huge pots when you flop monsters. They can also cost you if the original raiser has you crushed. But in my opinion there is nothing wrong with any bet (as long as you know what you are doing and why) except the min bet - especially those who donk min bet then fold to a raise. There is really no point to it except to give up a bet. It isn't going to get anyone to fold anything.

One of the worst feelings is to check the flop after you connect, in hopes of check-raising, and then it gets checked around. And the turn card either makes your hand worthless, or is such a scare card that it kills all action.
What's so bad about Donk betting? Quote
01-19-2010 , 05:36 PM
it's a donk bet if a donk is betting it lol

if you have a plan like others have stated, then i don't mind a donk bet, against some villains i'll donk bet a set rather than check-raise or check-call...
What's so bad about Donk betting? Quote
01-19-2010 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Joe Merlin
If I understand donk betting, that is leading oop with a bet vs. original rasier, why is that usually bad?

Say I have ATs on the BB and mp2 raises 3xBB, btn calls, SB calls & I call. The flop is Tc7h3h and SB checks and I "Donk" bet 3/4 pot. Why is that bad? Sure JJ-AA isn't going to fold nor are the sets, they prolly raise actually. And I get value from worse hands like KT, QT, JT and make the draws and over cards pay.

Well, maybe this example situation is an exception and is right to bet. I just hear in the micro cash forum quite often, refering to those leads as donk bets in a derogatory fashion.

So maybe a better question is what situation is it bad to lead out vs. the pf raiser?
I guess in the example you mention you are really tempting mp2 to represent the better hand (if he doesn't have it), and why would you want to do that? What if he does raise, what's your gameplan? It's not a value bet, 'cause you can only expect value from 3 hands in villain's range (KT, QT, JT), the draws will raise too, so what do you want to accomplish by leading out? I'd say that in your example you'd know more if you check-raised. You'll get value from worse hands that way (they will fold more often than not) and you'll recognize the better hand (will re-raise more often than not).

Now, if you had top set, it seems a brilliant play. The original raiser will probably raise on general principle, or call and try to put you off it next street - you could call the raise and check the turn, make it look weak - yeah, I can see the value in that

make sense?
What's so bad about Donk betting? Quote
01-19-2010 , 06:09 PM
Donk bet into a raiser if you flop a huge hand.
What's so bad about Donk betting? Quote
01-19-2010 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by orangedeuce
I guess in the example you mention you are really tempting mp2 to represent the better hand (if he doesn't have it), and why would you want to do that? What if he does raise, what's your gameplan? It's not a value bet, 'cause you can only expect value from 3 hands in villain's range (KT, QT, JT), the draws will raise too, so what do you want to accomplish by leading out? I'd say that in your example you'd know more if you check-raised. You'll get value from worse hands that way (they will fold more often than not) and you'll recognize the better hand (will re-raise more often than not).

Now, if you had top set, it seems a brilliant play. The original raiser will probably raise on general principle, or call and try to put you off it next street - you could call the raise and check the turn, make it look weak - yeah, I can see the value in that

make sense?
Yes, it makes a lot of sense. I think what I am geting out of your response is the better/tougher the opponent then the more reason to check, unless I flop a monster.

One thing I don't like is the check raise with one pair is that I am now building a big pot oop, with a mediocre hand. In my example anyway.

Thanks for your help.
What's so bad about Donk betting? Quote
01-19-2010 , 06:40 PM
I'm guessing it originated in limit games where donk betting is usually a bad idea, at least in tighter games.
What's so bad about Donk betting? Quote
01-19-2010 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by iJack
Donk bet into a raiser if you flop a huge hand.
No, donk bet into a raiser if you flop a huge hand that is vulnerable and you can't trust your opponent to bet.

You donk bet when you really really really really don't want them to get a free card. An example of this might be top set on a highly coordinated board.

You might also do this when there is a guy who calls everything betwixt you and the PFR. You could donk to get the additional dollars from him that might not be put in if he can check and then fold when you check raise.
What's so bad about Donk betting? Quote
