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*~* What / where to learn more... *~* What / where to learn more...

01-06-2012 , 06:55 PM
Hi guys,

I've been playing for a few years now, started with a NLH freeroll as you do.. This is my first post like this.
Tried a horse freeroll after that and got frustrated not understanding the rules so just used to Stars how to play Horse guide and built up from scratch.

One of the first things I learnt is that I am NOT a good NLH player, I'm far to adhd for it and let boredom / impulsive play kill any chance there. So I learnt very backwards and taught myself how to play Horse first, moving to 8game, Stud8 and 08.. and not returning to NLH (exclusively, I am 'kinda ok' in the 8game components.

I am by no means a great player, (hence this part of the forum!)

At the moment I'm playing $3-$7 SNG 8G, Horse and Stud and play Mixed mtts up to $22.. (Tried the $33 Horse and think the pressure got to me...)

Currently I'm reading the Poker Mindset and have found that has helped get out of a big downswing I was in (agressive, loose, vengeful, fs tilt you name it I was doing it..) after bubbling over and over again.. (Last night it was AA6 stud to bust a Turbo Hose)

Few questions, at this level the play is shocking, I used to get super mad and try and smash my fish tank into others! But in the end asked Stars to chat ban me permanently as realised I was spending far to much attention in arguments then watching the table..

I need to up my game as at the moment the time isn't worth the results. A few reasons for this:

A) I'm not good enough
B) Mixed game fields are SOOO small (especially without the Americans ) Multitabling multi's is (I assume) harder than NLH?
C) I need to find more learning tools
D) I have no idea about Software, Rakeback and other fundamentals.

So basically where to from here, I definately need some mentoring etc.. But at the moment it's do better or give up.

What are some basic things you WISH you knew when you started playing or anything else I should know?

Hope I've put this in the right place, with enough info and not to long!


PS: Not sure how the thumb got there, self professed pc noob :P

Last edited by NZgirl; 01-06-2012 at 07:01 PM.
*~* What / where to learn more... Quote
01-06-2012 , 07:04 PM
Focus on one game. You'll only get confused in mixed games.
Learn some tilt-control. (Search the forum for threads containing "tilt" for help on this).

The biggest mistakes beginners generally make are:
* Playing at stake levels that are too high for their skill level or bankroll.
* Not folding enough.

Fix those those big issues if you suffer from them, and then work your way through the FAQs.
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01-06-2012 , 07:15 PM
Hi thanks Arty,

Bout to head out into the city and taking an audio book on Tilt with me for the train
You are dead set about not folding enough I took yesterday to try and figure what I was doing wrong that had stopped my progress and it was playing too loose and trying to make pots and make hands impatiently rather than just wait or thing like playing too aggressive or getting too much in the pot too early in limit. I've started taking a few seconds before move and questioning whether it's really in my starting hand ranks or I'm trying to get unstuck etc.

Played S8 for a while exclusively and triple draw with OK results, and tried 08 but micro 08 is enough to drive anyone crazy, just one huge bingo game, seriously! The main reason for Horse / 8Game is that at micros you can be waiting over an hour to get a 8man S8 running.

The only mtt's for non nlh / lh games are 2-3$ say with 20-40 runners so after 4 hours a win is $40, I've found more priftable to avoid them (get donked repeatedly and) and spend that time on sngs. Then there is the $8-22 Hose, S8 and 8G which gets about 10-30 runners and that is OK but making top 3 is tough and bubbling is common for me but cash those sometimes. Then there is the $11 and $33 Horse with guarantee's which are what I'd ideally like to be crushing but am not!

So far I've averaged a profit of $1 per game (please don't laugh!!! :P) But for the time going in it's ....
Will be going throught the FAQs tonight.

Last edited by NZgirl; 01-06-2012 at 07:24 PM.
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01-06-2012 , 07:15 PM
Just a thought on you saying that you asked Stars to ban you from chat because you got discracted with arguments in chat.

You have to ask yourself why you were in these arguments, was it because you felt injustice that you were sucked out on by bad players? Were you just trying to validate your own play that you know was questionable?

Removing the very end result of your tilt doesn't stop your tilt, it just removes your vent of it. You need to work out whats causing it to do make any noticable changes on how tilt affects your game.

Also to echo Arty's point, try and get good at one game specifcally and understand how everything works in that game, then move into 8-game if your still inclined to play that. No point in being jack of all trades, master of f*ck all.
*~* What / where to learn more... Quote
01-06-2012 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by Raymoth
Just a thought on you saying that you asked Stars to ban you from chat because you got discracted with arguments in chat.

You have to ask yourself why you were in these arguments, was it because you felt injustice that you were sucked out on by bad players? Were you just trying to validate your own play that you know was questionable?

Removing the very end result of your tilt doesn't stop your tilt, it just removes your vent of it.

Also to echo Arty's point, try and get good at one game specifcally and understand how everything works in that game, then move into 8-game if your still inclined to play that. No point in being jack of all trades, master of f*ck all.
To be honest yes, this was about a year ago, and I was indeed venting at suckouts and getting donked behind etc, before realising that's poker and I do it just as much as others. (Last night I k/o'd 4th in a 3pay Hose on the bubble 2 short stacks left me and another guy, I chose to play the aces and got knocked out that hurt *goes onto another hugeee topic of good hands on the bubble vs bubbling* and a quick reminder of how it goes around was the next mtt watching the exact thing happen to the guy who bubbled with AA vs chip leader putting me in to the money in an almost identical hand). Let it go move on and try and not let it affect my next hand.

(I should prob add this was after a 1 month chat ban and I didn't want to risk losing my account).. To take away my ability to vent was a way for me not let the result of a bad beat tilt me more and pay more attention, get my head back in the game and move onto more important things.
*~* What / where to learn more... Quote
01-07-2012 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by ArtySmokes
Focus on one game.

* Take a week off, when you play zero poker.

* During that time, decide on a single game, single format. Can be anything you want - cash, SNGs, MTTs, whatever. Don't get hung up on those 'which game is most profitable' questions? Just choose the game you prefer, and which you'd be happy to apply yourself to learning for the next 12 months.

* Get the best book possible for that format (once you've chosen your game, the Books forum will tell you what you should get). You're looking for a one volume introduction to your game of choice. Yes, there's a ton of good stuff on the forums here, and you should read a ton of that, too, but a book will give you a rounded intro and provide structure to your study. It will also give you focus.

* Make sure you're properly 'rolled for play at the lowest stakes possible (again, once you know your game, guys round here will be able to tell you what that roll needs to be; or use the search feature)

* Start to play at the lowest possible level. Don't dick around at anything higher, with some kind of 'I get bored if the money doesn't mean anything' excuse. Start at the bottom and don't think about moving up until you're crushing.

* Seriously consider a subscription to one or other of the training sites. Again, your choice of site is going to depend on your choice of game. And again, guys round here will be happy to advise.

* Seriously consider getting tracking software if available for your game. Once again, guys round here can advise.

* Play

* Review hands. On your own, and/or by posting hands you're not sure of.

* Respond to hands posted by others.

* If the tilt monkey starts sitting on your back, take a break. Poker will still be there when you're ready to resume.

Good Luck

Last edited by DiamondDog; 01-07-2012 at 05:08 AM.
*~* What / where to learn more... Quote
01-07-2012 , 07:40 AM
If you are playing better than the other guys, you shouldnt be donking out as much as them because you shouldnt be getting your money in as bas as often as tehm.
*~* What / where to learn more... Quote
01-07-2012 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by chad0x00
If you are playing better than the other guys, you shouldnt be donking out as much as them because you shouldnt be getting your money in as bas as often as tehm.
I never said I was better, but I do seem to get donked far more often than sucking or rivering someone else out..

Thanks for the feedback guys will reply in the morn 2am here
Goodluck today
*~* What / where to learn more... Quote
01-07-2012 , 08:37 AM
If you want to get better at NL holdem PLO8 is a good route in. I couldn't work out how to play the Cadillac the first time I tried either.
You might get some SNG going off but I guess your hours are always going to be quieter.

I did some basic HORSE analysis for someone in 2008, nothing very exciting but it might help.
*~* What / where to learn more... Quote
01-07-2012 , 08:56 AM
In that case, you probably are playing a better opening hand selection than your opponents. Obviously if thats the case you will be sucked out on more than you suck out on them.
*~* What / where to learn more... Quote
01-07-2012 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by chad0x00
In that case, you probably are playing a better opening hand selection than your opponents. Obviously if thats the case you will be sucked out on more than you suck out on them.
But that doesn't always help Was working on tilt well, managed to ignore a few huge beats.. Then this comes along near bubble in the 08 guarantee..

My AA5K v op their ramming the entire way all in for a huge pot.. on 36KK they show on the turn 88JJ... river J! and the tilt got me again...
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01-07-2012 , 12:49 PM
omaha is the devils stepson. variance city mate. if you cant take the swings, play a differnt game.
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06-17-2012 , 11:41 PM
obv you do not play omaha...
yes, in omaha and poker (texas) unfortunate things happen... but with omaha because there are more cards, you have more control over your destiny, unlike in texas...
If you come up against astute omaha players, then the game becomes alot like texas, and more gamble... if you come up against insects, there is much more likelihood to take them out... The latter, is what usually happens in omaha, esp omaha o8 as people are still learning the game...
I would be happy to help you improve omaha, and Im not asking anything for it....

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