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What to good players expect to make at 25nl What to good players expect to make at 25nl

09-25-2009 , 03:19 PM
What should be aiming for on a daily basis? I play 2 hours in 2 rooms per day. (6max)
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 03:20 PM
-10BI or +10BI

all depends
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 03:22 PM
For each person its dependent, just focus on becoming a better player don't focus much on the money.
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 03:24 PM
So i should aim for $250 a day? That seems very high
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Vassup84
So i should aim for $250 a day? That seems very high
How many tables do you play at once?
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 03:30 PM
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 03:37 PM
lol... hm.. 4 BI's per day if ur good. since you are 2hours/ 2 tabling.
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by ShadyNismo
lol... hm.. 4 BI's per day if ur good. since you are 2hours/ 2 tabling.
Is this a joke? $100 in 370 hands is sustainable? That's over 100bb/100.

If your really good then you will be able to make 10bb/100, even that is high, and that would be less than $10 a day.

So a "good player" would make $10 a day, NOT $100.
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 03:51 PM
Im aiming for $35-$50 a day
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 03:54 PM
aim to get your money in good

/end thread
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 03:55 PM
Thanks everyone for the help
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Vassup84
Im aiming for $35-$50 a day
You can do this in 3 easy steps.

1. Be a really good player. Be so good that you probably should be playing at a higher level then 25NL.

2. Run sick hot

..and this next step is really important.

3. Never ever ever stop running sick hot. Just keep doing it forever.
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Bumbaclat
You can do this in 3 easy steps.

1. Be a really good player. Be so good that you probably should be playing at a higher level then 25NL.

2. Run sick hot

..and this next step is really important.

3. Never ever ever stop running sick hot. Just keep doing it forever.
You can make 50.00/day at 6 max 2 tables but you are gonna need rakeback and you have to play more than 2 hours.
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Bumbaclat
You can do this in 3 easy steps.

1. Be a really good player. Be so good that you probably should be playing at a higher level then 25NL.

2. Run sick hot

..and this next step is really important.

3. Never ever ever stop running sick hot. Just keep doing it forever.
lololol win.
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 04:32 PM
I think as a good player you can aim for a rate of 1/2BI per table, per hour

So for 2 tables at 2 hours, 2BI?

but i wouldn't expect that on a daily basis, more like on average over 10 days or so.
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 04:35 PM
You can't expect to make a certain amount on any given day. Poker doesn't work that way. You will have awesome days, days that are brutal, and days where you scrape along and break even.

Over 3 months of playing 200 hands/day, you should be happy to make 18BI total. (5BB/100 = $2.50/100; 200 hands/day * 90 days = 18K hands, or 180*100 hands; 180*2.5=$450.) While that averages out to $5/day, don't measure success/failure on any given day by whether you won $5. It is likely that on no particular day will you actually win $5.
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by HeWhoRoams
I think as a good player you can aim for a rate of 1/2BI per table, per hour

So for 2 tables at 2 hours, 2BI?

but i wouldn't expect that on a daily basis, more like on average over 10 days or so.
This, like other suggestions in this thread, is waaaaaaaay off. Stop looking in terms of hours or buyins, etc and look in terms or winrates and you will see how stupid these expectations are.

Winning half a buying per table per hour would be 50bb. Since each table would play less than 100 hands an hour you are saying that a good player will win at more than 50bb/100. Like I said a good player would beat the game for 10bb/100 and make less than $10 a day playing 2 tables for 2 hours.
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 04:54 PM
Good players aren't grinding 25NL.
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by ajrenni
You can't expect to make a certain amount on any given day. Poker doesn't work that way. You will have awesome days, days that are brutal, and days where you scrape along and break even.

Over 3 months of playing 200 hands/day, you should be happy to make 18BI total. (5BB/100 = $2.50/100; 200 hands/day * 90 days = 18K hands, or 180*100 hands; 180*2.5=$450.) While that averages out to $5/day, don't measure success/failure on any given day by whether you won $5. It is likely that on no particular day will you actually win $5.
Forget speaking in terms of days. Downswings and break even stretches can last for weeks. Most people who play poker just dont realize how small a 50,000 hands sample actually is.
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Green_29
Forget speaking in terms of days. Downswings and break even stretches can last for weeks. Most people who play poker just dont realize how small a 50,000 hands sample actually is.
That was the whole point of my post. The calculations were basically there just to show that running quite well over 18K hands (which is no guarantee at all that the next 18K hands wouldn't be in the red, but would potentially get Hero bankrolled for the next level if he wanted to move up) isn't anything close to 1 BI per day.
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 06:23 PM
These responses kill me. Some of the expected win rates will have you playing nosebleed stakes by next year. So, you have that to look forward to. Be prepared to be very dissapointed in your long term win rate.
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by HeWhoRoams
I think as a good player you can aim for a rate of 1/2BI per table, per hour

So for 2 tables at 2 hours, 2BI?

but i wouldn't expect that on a daily basis, more like on average over 10 days or so.

2BI per table per hour?

Assuming 100 hands per hour you intend to make 100ptbb/100?

Are you a superuser?
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 11:00 PM
Not a superstar at all my friends. Thanks for all the help! I have no clue what all this 1/2bi stuff is. Where can i learn it?
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 11:12 PM
Sorry OP, but if you donīt even approximately know what to expect from playing 2 tables/2 hours per day I doubt you will win right away at all. For a somewhat experienced winning player the math is not too hard to calculate his expectation for that time, because he knows what he is winning. For me it sounds as if youīre starting right out, so be happy if you win at all.

Donīt even close expect you could win anything even close to 250$ by 2tabling 2hours. Thatīs completly ridiculous. Also your aim of $35-$50 is waaaay too high. Weīre speaking here of ~360hands per day. To win lets say $45 per day youīd need a winrate of (incl. rakeback) 50bb/100 hands !!! To say this is unrealistic is an understatement.. itīs IMPOSSIBLE.

Like Green_29 said, as a decent player you can expect perhaps something like 10$ /day incl. rakeback if you 2-table/2 hours 25NL !! And Iīm talking of a good winrate !

Suggestions like 2 buyins per day @360 hands are simply ridiculous. Donīt know how someone can come to this numbers.

That doesnīt mean you canīt make some "decent" cash at 25NL at all. You just have to play way more tables and way more hours. If you 6 table 6 Hours per day, you can make $50+ per day.
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
09-25-2009 , 11:24 PM
Well you might be able to make 250.00 in 2 hours on
What to good players expect to make at 25nl Quote
