I searched around here and the web to find out how this works but seem to get contradicting info. If my question has already been answered in another thread, I apologize.
When calculating percentage of improving, I was using the rule of 4 and 2 (# of outs times 4 postflop, # of outs times 2 post turn) as seen in this video.
Then I have found some sites claiming the correct way is the rule of 2 and 4 (# of outs times 2postflop, # of outs times 4 post turn)
As if that wasn't enough to have me doubting myself I find this...
Pretty much outs time 2 to give u postflop % chance of improving and outs times 2 again to give u post turn% chance of improving, then added together to determine ur % for both turn and river combined.
What gives?
What I was doing was this and someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
If I had a diamond flush draw on the flop (4 to a flush) I calculated 9 possible diamonds times 4 which equals 36%. I then divided 100 by 36 which gives me 2.7 - 1 = 1.7 to 1. Meaning that I will make my flush 1 time every 2.7 times I try by the turn. I need to get aleast 1.7 to 1 pot odds to justify calling. If by the turn, I don't improve, I have a 18% chance of making my flush by the river. 100 divided by 18 = 5.5 - 1 = 4.5 to 1. I need at least 4.5 to 1 to justify my draw.
Which one is correct?? The rule of 4 and 2? The rule of 2 and 4? Or the info found on
Thank u