Originally Posted by ZODAC
Do you know this software?
Not really
It looks like it compares your actual results with some form of 'luck-adjusted' measure.
How can I interpret these results?
You can start by noticing that this sample focuses on a small subset of your total hands played. I don't know the context and that is crucial - it's less than two stacks in 100BB NL but quite a few 'unlucky' hands in superturbo SNG for instance.
Barring cosmic rays screwing something up it's doing what it's supposed to. But it is not a complete picture by any means.
I don't know how it is adjusting. If you want to know try and analyze a single tournament and look at the hands and you should be able to figure it out somewhat. I have PokerEV and never use it but might play around a bit with it later.
Thanks for your response !
Well to be honest analysing this stuff is fairly fruitless compared to actual poker study. But people seem to enjoy it