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What is the best training site for 6 max nl holdem cash games? What is the best training site for 6 max nl holdem cash games?

01-28-2012 , 05:31 PM
I am a beginner and do not know what to look for in a decent training site. Thought that this would be a perfect place to post this.

So what would be the best training site for a person that wants to play 6max nl holdem cash games that wants to travel from single-table micros to the the multi-table nose bleeds?

Thank you very much in advanced.The more in-depth the answer the more it will be appreciated.

Honestly thank you for coming and taking the time to look at this an helping me out. Believe me I feel like the poker bum asking for change in this post, but if anything good comes out of it, I will happily be a bum for today.
What is the best training site for 6 max nl holdem cash games? Quote
01-28-2012 , 05:35 PM
YOU ALREADY FOUND THE BEST POKER TRAINing site 2+2 has it all - for free. stick around.
What is the best training site for 6 max nl holdem cash games? Quote
01-28-2012 , 05:43 PM
I woud say buy few good poker books and study them. Traning sites will do more harm then help totaly new player.
What is the best training site for 6 max nl holdem cash games? Quote
01-28-2012 , 05:45 PM
I disagree with Tomux about as strongly as I possibly could. The books are all well out of date before tehy hit the shelves let alone by the time you read them. They will give you some decent background information and something to read on the toilet, but the real nuts and bolts is to be found right here on 2+2 and anyone who says different, is lying to you.
What is the best training site for 6 max nl holdem cash games? Quote
01-28-2012 , 05:48 PM
Deuces Cracked has great videos.
What is the best training site for 6 max nl holdem cash games? Quote
01-28-2012 , 05:48 PM
Grinderschool for micro players.

DC is great - but a the number of micro videos is pretty much lacking + the stuff by tubasteve (is awesome) but also a couple of years old.
What is the best training site for 6 max nl holdem cash games? Quote
01-28-2012 , 06:00 PM
Thank you for your answers.

Chad0x00 this place seems like a place that I can learn a lot of things ,but honestly it is pretty overwhelming.Guess I will dig in.

Artysmokes cool I might check them out.

enprinte do they progress from the micros,or do they stay at the micros and try to teach you how to become a muti-tabling monster.
What is the best training site for 6 max nl holdem cash games? Quote
01-28-2012 , 06:05 PM
So you feel grinder over dc in the micro area?So you feel dc is out of date compared to grinder in the micro vid department.
What is the best training site for 6 max nl holdem cash games? Quote
01-28-2012 , 06:11 PM
Most of GS videos are 5NL - 50NL.

DC has a good amount of low/midstakes stuff

Have a look @ both their video libraries.

If you do want to join up with GS - it would be awesome if you could join up with my referal link - Just send me a PM.
What is the best training site for 6 max nl holdem cash games? Quote
01-28-2012 , 06:19 PM
Alright cool I will check them out.
If I want to join up with gs I will definitely send you a pm.
So pretty much gs and dc for beginner micro stakes?
What is the best training site for 6 max nl holdem cash games? Quote
01-28-2012 , 08:24 PM
The best thing to do is wait till you have lots of free time, sign up for the free trial (1 week) at deucescracked leggopoker cardrunners bluefirepoker. Download some DC is unlimited, CR is DRM protected, leggo has some DRM protected vids, some not, BFP allows 10 whilst on free trial.

That's 4 weeks of the best for FREE.
What is the best training site for 6 max nl holdem cash games? Quote
01-28-2012 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by chad0x00
I disagree with Tomux about as strongly as I possibly could. The books are all well out of date before tehy hit the shelves let alone by the time you read them. They will give you some decent background information and something to read on the toilet, but the real nuts and bolts is to be found right here on 2+2 and anyone who says different, is lying to you.
Books have lots of value organised in an easy to read, handheld format. Sure some books can get out dated but some are timeless. Some people learn better from books than vids.
2+2 is excellent but you have to know the crap from the good, plus looking for gems is time consuming.
Anyway I recommend all 3, why not.
What is the best training site for 6 max nl holdem cash games? Quote
01-28-2012 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by tomux22
I woud say buy few good poker books and study them. Traning sites will do more harm then help totaly new player.
for a complete noob i agree.
What is the best training site for 6 max nl holdem cash games? Quote
01-29-2012 , 08:26 AM
Thanks, that makes sense. Should have just done that in the first place lol.
Also for the rules they have on the downloading that will be helpful.

I love books, and hope to figure out which books are solid and which books are weak for my goals.It is going to take awhile to figure the good from the bad on here for me.Hoping the training vids can help me with that.

Also thanks again
What is the best training site for 6 max nl holdem cash games? Quote
01-29-2012 , 12:48 PM
DC has some pretty good videos and you can get a free 7 day trial and watch the crap out of them and cancel it before it charges your card. If you are a totally noob and need to just learn the mechanics of holdem and very basic stuff then I would get some very basic books like Harringtons on 6max. There is also tons of web pages out there that will give you the first building blocks of poker. Even the WSOP training videos with Phil Helmuth and Annie Duke are pretty crap, but they do have some chapters which offer some basic fundamentals for a complete noobie. I would look into learning about:

1. starting hands (you dont want to be the fish playing every 2 cards which have basically no value)
2: position (you dont want to be the fish continuously playing Out Of Position, or OOP)
3. basic proper bet sizing (you dont want to be the fish underbetting the pot and giving odds to other players)
4. outs/pot odds (you don't want to be the fish chasing stuff down for big money or passing up good opportunities to catch a big hand for cheap)

I would just get the basics down for now, play some play money to find a site/skin you like the feel of, UI, etc, look into the depositing/payout methods as this might be something that affects you, then drop $20 on there and start playing at the lowest stakes.
What is the best training site for 6 max nl holdem cash games? Quote
01-29-2012 , 12:58 PM
Agree with above, read articles and really general/standard play. Just search for "how to crush micros" etc.
When you've played for like a month, and you know all poker terms and you're a breakeven or winner player at the micros, go to and now you have material to transition to low/mid stakes
What is the best training site for 6 max nl holdem cash games? Quote
01-30-2012 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by ArtySmokes
Deuces Cracked has great videos.
I haven't tried any other training sites so I can't say this is the best one but I love it.
What is the best training site for 6 max nl holdem cash games? Quote
01-30-2012 , 12:52 AM
Since you're a beginner. I recommend the video series title 'From The Ground Up' to get started with.
What is the best training site for 6 max nl holdem cash games? Quote
