Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 11
Being a new player and looking to start at the bottom i.e. micro stakes, I have read many forum topics to get a better insight to playing no limit hold'em for money.
One thing common was everyone seems to hate the micro stakes, the reasons being the standard of play e.g. players betting against the pot odds and basically calling to see the river no matter what.
Well, from what little I have learnt I thought this would be a good thing, obviously you want to play against weak players who bet against the odds and call with anything, surely you will win in the long run against these players??? What's the alternative playing against knowlegable players who know the odds and probabilities? I know what sort of players I would rather play against!!!
So, I thought there must be more to it than this. One conclusion was that the players complaining are either not as good as they thought or under rating their fellow players. One comment was even to not go all in to limit your losses!! Also mentioned a few times was that the game was fixed to produce bigger pots i.e more rake.
Well, there was only going to be one way to find out. I bought into a micro stakes game 2c/4c with a massive 31 cents (all my winnings from freerolls!).
After an hour and a half of grinding my way through continous crap starting hands (playing about 10%) I had trebled my initial buy in, which I thought was pretty good considering the poor cards I was getting!
So with a now massive 90 cents to my name sitting with a pretty with a pair of kings (top pair) after the flop I went all in. Yes you have guessed it called by a donk massively against the pot odds hoping to draw a flush and yes you have guessed right again gets it on the river!!
So my conclusion so far is that it could be fixed, but it is still VERY early to say this. I will report back after a few more stabbs at it.