Want to get some different perspective on how you guys go about when playing a hand
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 28
Just want to get some different perspective on how you guys go about when playing a hand. So say your on the btn per say, what would you do/think etc.
Pre flop
1. Observe opponents looking at their cards pre flop (neck pulses, etc)
2. If someone opens put them on a range.
3. Look at cards while player to right is acting.
4. Calculate pot
5. Count combos
6. If..
7. Then..
8. Evaluate turn/river..
Just a template/example for some brainstorming and such.
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 246
Just observe people in general keep track of pot size while each player limps, as soon as some one opens I put them on a range. As the action nears me I glance to my left and see if anyone looks like they are going to raise then when there's 2 people to act before me I look at my cards.
Some nuance:
If I'm entering the pot, I start to formulate a plan for the flop based on whose limped/opened before me, and refine the plan up until the cards are being dealt.
I really only pay attention the betters and callers, I won't waste thought process on checkers, as in live, the hand ranges can be too large to deduce things based on a check, I need action to filter their ranges, and everything is estimates.
I follow my plan, which if heads up with someone, may include turn and river actions too.
Like yesterday there's tight player who will call every flop bet with a PP, even if it's bottom pair. So I can never get her off her hand, unless I double barrel, but I won't double barrel low flops as there's a higher chance she has a PP, and if she limp calls me, there's a high chance of a PP. But with a high card board, I'll certainly fire flop and turn.
I also have my bet sizes planed, half pot sized bet on the flop and then double that bet on the turn( doubling a half pot sized bet in a HU pot will always be a half pot sized bet on the turn!).
During each street you need to think about what you're getting value out of, and what you're bluffing. If you get raised you think about what hands you are beating and what hands beat you.
I always say wrong thinking is better than no thinking because at least you can fix incorrect thinking, you can't fix no thinking.
I'm still evolving as a player, and there's honestly a lot of little things that are going through my head during each phase of action, such as bet sizes, history, body language, and leveling.
I think the most important thing is just to practice and study, and find other people who are good at poker and befriend them.
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 16,685
I play LHE exclusively and the best advice I ever got about preflop is to look left, not right.