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Two hands for your opinions Two hands for your opinions

01-23-2018 , 02:08 PM
First hand is my 3rd hand at the table. Playing 100nl on ignition.

I am in the BB with QhQd.
UTG ($123.53) makes it $3.5
UTG+1 calls
Dealer ($98.46) calls
I make it $14
Call, call, call
Pot: $56.50
Flop: 8h5s9d

What is our move here?

Next hand

50nl ignition
about 20 hands deep at this table

I am on BB holding AsKh ($59ish)
utg ($92) makes it $2 and I call

Flop AcAh3d
Check, check
Turn 3D

I check, utg bets $3 I call
River 5c

I bet $4, utg raises to $18, I raise to $36 and he shoves.

Is this a sigh call? Fold?
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01-23-2018 , 02:45 PM
Not really an online guy anymore, but ...

1) Betting 35-40 so I can 'easily' get called on the Turn with my remaining stack of 60 into 160

2) You are holding the 3rd nuts and considering a fold? If so, then just flat the 18. You only have 18 behind ... call all day now. GL
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01-23-2018 , 03:07 PM
1. check call if no1 raise

2. easy call imo

Last edited by j4ck73nc1ub5; 01-23-2018 at 03:14 PM.
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01-23-2018 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by kittrell87
First hand is my 3rd hand at the table. Playing 100nl on ignition.

I am in the BB with QhQd.
UTG ($123.53) makes it $3.5
Pot is now $5
UTG+1 calls
Dealer ($98.46) calls
I make it $14
Pot is now $26. Call only costs 10.5. You're giving 2.5:1 odds.
Raise bigger pre.

Before your raise the pot is 12. Plus your call is 15.5. A pot sized raise would be to $31 (or 34.5 depending on who's math you use) making the pot 43 and costing 27.5 to call.

What is our move here?
As played bet 2/3 pot. If you get raised - puke and fold. Too many players, unless it's an agrotard raising someone hit their set.

Next hand

I am on BB holding AsKh ($59ish)
utg ($92) makes it $2 and I call
You're holding a drawing hand and you're out of position and UTG raise is pathetic weak. Raise.

Flop AcAh3d
Check, check
As played, check here is fine but I prefer the raise pre and bet the flop. If you raise pre and check flop it looks suspicious - unless you don't usually c-bet.

I check, utg bets $3 I call
River 5c

I bet $4, utg raises to $18, I raise to $36 and he shoves.

Is this a sigh call? Fold?
Why did you don't bet river. Why did you re-raise river?

As played bet turn, see what UTG does. Check river, call UTG bet. Watch him cry as his mid pair loses - or lose the minimum to his set.
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01-23-2018 , 08:21 PM
1. Bet the flop, check/call turn and river
2. Easy call on river. I'd be betting the entire time, you have AK, why let his worse A hit his kicker?
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01-24-2018 , 09:07 AM
First hand, I elected to shove and get called by utg (JsTs) and btn (6h7h). This is where I could see where larger pre-flop sizing could have saved me on this hand, maybe. I also see where the shove is wrong as most of the time, I am not running into a flopped straight here so I lose value by overbetting.

Second hand, I feel like I probably should have re-raised pre, put out a feeler bet on the flop and a good sized bet on the turn. However, I probably still lose this hand to utg (Ad5d) as I doubt he gets away from that also.

I know I have a leak with bet sizing, and sometimes it hurts me in more ways than one. In some situations I bet too large because I don't want to be drawn out on but I am denying myself some value by pushing drawing hands out. On that same token, when they do call and draw out, I am in a bloated pot that I feel semi committed to.

On the other end of the spectrum, like with the second hand, I am scared to bet my monster and push out a small hand and have a wasted monster, so I end up letting them draw out to a bigger hand and then lose a good bit if not all of my stack on it.

Not sure how to really correct this leak as the two ends of the spectrum contradict each other. I know I need to work more on pot control and bet sizing, just not sure how to approach that.
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01-24-2018 , 09:54 AM
My favorite phrase ... Win the war, not each battle.

1) Big pairs lose ... yes they do. So when a Board like this comes out, even when you do bet 'properly' PF then you can proceed with caution if multi-way. What would you do with AKo here? What if your PF raise had gotten 67 to fold but not the JT? There are plenty of combos out there that will be happy to draw into this Board that you are well ahead of. Does that sound like double talk? Yes, because both approaches, being betting or checking the Flop, have merit depending on player profiles and stack sizes.

What you 'maybe' did was try to make up for your PF mistake by shoving into hands that only call when you are beat. What was your stack size?

2) What do you do with KK/QQ here on the Flop? Why was holding AK any different? You may not realize it, but the way the hand played out was 'fine'. You let him 'bluff' the Turn and then led the River weak, like a blocker bet. There's three things that happen here ...

1) You get some thin value from 'whatever' in a curious call or he folds and you don't have to show. (Always a plus)
2) You get him to re-bluff and raise you
3) You get a chop or better hand to raise you

You win the hand in #1 ... Now when looking at #2 & #3 how do you win more chips? (Answer = You don't) So where in here does a River 3-bet create value, especially when you have basically no stack behind?

The more you play 'poker' and the less you play 'cards' the more comfortable you will feel in these spots. In 'poker' you need to look beyond your hand and anticipate what your opponent will do if you act a certain way. You also have to look at how to manipulate what you want your opponent to think you have and how it matches up against what they 'might' have.

If you bet in a manner that reduces the number of holdings that they will continue with then you need to anticipate the 'consequences' of that range. In Hand #1 you probably didn't give them any choice, especially online, to continue with a hand that you beat. Remember ... 3rd hand, no reads ... That applies to their viewpoint of you as well.

As I indicated, I think you played Hand #2 just fine ... right up until you didn't!! GL

Last edited by answer20; 01-24-2018 at 10:01 AM.
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01-25-2018 , 01:56 PM
3bet bigger in the first hand and 3bet in the second hand. As played the second hand on the river is a car crash.
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