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Trying to open up button range Trying to open up button range

10-26-2011 , 11:03 AM
... and not sure if it's the right move or not. May be too early to tell, but I'm starting to think it's not that good of an idea. I'm trying to play tight of course in all other positions, but I think I'm taking too many chances, and I'm starting to anger a lot of people by doing it.

Started making a lot of calls last night on the button with just about any connector (suited or otherwise). got lucky a few times, took down some interesting pots and got yelled at about a dozen times by half a dozen different people for playing this way. It's sort of weird, over 15k hands not once did anyone question my play. Then the minute I open up on the button, I'm suddenly the worlds worst poker player and everyone hates me.

didn't turn out well though in the end, eventually was down 3 buy ins for the night when I decided to put a stop to the evening's events.

So due to my losses and due to being called a horrible poker player i'm thinking I won't play so loose anymore on the button.

My VPIP numbers for last night (600 hands):

SB: 13.9
BB: 16.1
EP: 10.9
MP: 13.3
CO: 25.0
BN: 50.0

So I definitely was successful in opening up, and was successful in tightening my range in EP. It's one thing to limp or raise with 56o, but should I be calling pre flop raises by others with these hands while on the BTN?

Trying to open up button range Quote
10-26-2011 , 11:34 AM
That's a better distribution than your last update, the UTG looks better especially. Still think you need to tighten those first 2 seats just a bit more IMO

I think you are doing it wrong in CO and BTN honestly, don't limp or cold call with 56o or similar. If you have a good read and want to make a play with smth like that great, and then if seeing a flop trust your postflop ability (maybe work on that as well).

Here's an example: MP opens 3.5x, folds to you on BTN. If you see that MP has 80% fold to 3bet and 60% fold to cbet, then you could profitably play a hand like 56o by re-raising (another 2.5x maybe), if he calls and checks, then cbet most flops. But cold calling there is suicide IMO

Also, if unopened pot and OTB I would never limp, and especially not with marginal hands like 56o there. It's a weak hand that makes weak pairs or miss most flops, but if you are going to make a play then your cards are less important than your reads and the spots you choose to play. In other words, the reason you should open up in CO and BTN playing 6-max is more about your position and how you can put pressure on the blinds. Or punish limpers if you have good speculative hands.

You really don't want to be playing postflop much with 56o or similar, even with position, you won't hit 2 pair or OESD enough to make it profitable. So focus on what your opponents tendencies are, and how you can pick spots to exploit those tendencies. What cards you hold is really less important than these other factors when you are in late position.

Just my $.02

BTW - who cares what others are typing in chat? Are you there to make friends or take their money? I would rather be called a donk, and be up 3 BI than be everyones favorite donor.

Last edited by PapaPyrite; 10-26-2011 at 11:42 AM.
Trying to open up button range Quote
10-26-2011 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by PapaPyrite
Better distribution than your last update, the UTG looks better especially. Still think you need to tighten those first 2 seats just a bit more IMO

I think you are doing it wrong in CO and BTN honestly, don't limp or cold call with 56o or similar. If you have a good read and want to make a play with smth like that great, and then trust your postflop ability (maybe work on that as well).

Here's an example: MP opens 3.5x, folds to you on BTN. If you see that MP has 80% fold to 3bet and 60% fold to cbet, then you could profitably play a hand like 56o and re-raise another 2.5x, if he calls and checks, then cbet most flops. But cold calling there is suicide IMO

Also, if unopened and you are BTN I would never limp with marginal hands like that 56o there. It is a weak hand, but if you are going to make a play then your cards are less important than your reads and the spots you choose to make plays. In other words, the reason you should open up in CO and BTN playing 6-max is more about your position and how you can put pressure on the blinds. Or punish limpers if you have good speculative hands. You really don't want to be playing postflop much with 56o or similar, even with position, you won't hit 2 pair or OESD enough to make it profitable. So focus on what your opponents tendencies are, and how you can pick spots to exploit those tendencies. What cards you hold is really less important than these other factors when you are in late position.

Just my $.02
Thanks for the very constructive info
Trying to open up button range Quote
