Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 9,843
3 either for value or as a bluff. your standard 3bet value range will be basically the same vs anyone - QQ+ and AK. then u can add more hands in... vs nitty guys who fold to a ton of 3bets, add in a few bluff hands (irrelevant what hands they are, just do it when u think they will fold). vs fish who call a ton of 3bets, 3bet more lightly for value - i.e add in TT/JJ, ATs+, KQ, KJ etc. reason being that they will flat your 3bets with a ton of dominated hands.
regardless of whether u choose to be 3betting for value or as a bluff, u wanna do it when you are in position rather than out of position. the same way that when you raise normally u want to be in position more often than out of position.