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Thougths about poker Thougths about poker

04-09-2012 , 02:45 AM
Good morning to all 2+2 community.

I just wanted make a discussion about check-raise(bluff) on the flop.

1) what is the best type of villain to make this move.
2) what is the best board?
3)what villlain stats must have as minimum requirements do have some % of succes.

thanks in advance
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04-09-2012 , 04:22 AM
1) the 30/25 type with <25 WTSD%
2) T62 rainbow. Second best is Q72.
3) No idea, but you don't want to bluff some guy with 70% WTSD
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04-09-2012 , 06:27 AM
does not make sense to raise an unconnected rainbow flop with air
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04-09-2012 , 07:05 AM
1) The short answer is "someone who will fold a lot". Some factors that make this more likely:
- Villain has a wide preflop range (e.g. villain opened from CO or BU)
- Villain cbets a lot of his air
- Villain doesn't rebluff with his air
- Villain folds some semi-strong hands to a raise (e.g. villain is weak-tight)
- Villain has a high 'flop cbet-fold' stat

2) As a general rule you want to bluff raise boards where you would raise a lot of hands for value. So on JT8 you could be raising JJ, TT, 88, JT, T8, Q9, 79 as well as very high equity draws like AQ, KQ etc. As a starting point, a bluff:value ratio of between 60:40 and 50:50 value is hard for villain to exploit.

On dry boards you are usually raising less value hands partly because it's just harder to connect with dry boards and partly because we often slowplay sets on these flop textures. However, if villain is a level 1 thinker, these can be great boards to bluffraise as it's much less likely he has a hand that can continue. If you aren't sure how villain thinks, try flatting hands like AK preflop and x/ring dry boards when you connect. Don't worry about missing value when he has AQ/AJ... NO-ONE folds a pair of aces on the flop. Ever.

3) The most accurate stat is 'flop cbet-fold' or 'fold to flop raise' (I think HEM2 changed the name, but w/e). If it is above ~56% your bluffs should show immediate profit. Even so, consider villains positional opening range as well. Just because villain bet-folds the flop a lot in general doesn't mean you can attack his UTG opens with abandon. If you don't have a good sample for flop cbet-fold, then attack guys who are opening wide and cbetting a lot.
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04-09-2012 , 10:02 AM
Thanks for quick replys i pick a idea know how to use this check-raise.
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04-09-2012 , 02:18 PM
1) A fit-or-fold nit that opened in early or middle position. AK is a big part of his range. He'll often make a c-bet on a one-and-done basis, and certainly will fold his air if you represent a straight or set.
2.) Two-tone or monotone flops with 3 cards between 7 and J. e.g. J97tt smacks your perceived range, but missed villain's overcards. (In fact, he shouldn't be c-betting this flop, precisely because your calling range has more equity than his AK, but multi-tabling nits tend to c-bet out of habit. Your raise will will force him to reconsider the board texture).
3.) WTSD of less than 25%.
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04-09-2012 , 06:36 PM
Good info from the above posters. The other thing I would mention that sometimes beginners forget is when making a bluff, make your sizing in line with whatever hand your representing. Don't overbet/underbet because you might not get caught at micro stakes but as players become more adept at reading your bet sizing you will be giving away too much info. So as zumby pointed out on the JT8 board make your raise size line up with the size of a bet you would be using to extract value from your opponent.
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04-10-2012 , 03:32 AM
thanks for replys was really helpfull.

by the way im not sure, when we need to isolate a player.

in my opionin is must to be a fish or a weaker player that limps alot and he is bad postflop and we are in position? what about isolationg betting should be like 4x?

is that a general line or i get it wrong?

feel free to post your thougths and experience.
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04-10-2012 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by giannisxan
by the way im not sure, when we need to isolate a player.
in my opionin is must to be a fish or a weaker player that limps alot and he is bad postflop and we are in position? what about isolationg betting should be like 4x?
If a fish limps in, then a raise to 4bb in position is correct. You should tend to iso-raise "big" cards that are ahead of villain's limping range, because you gain value by making TPGK against top pair bad kicker or villain's drawing hand. Therefore, you can raise with any two Broadways and most aces.
Be more inclined to iso-raise if the fish limp-folds often or folds to more than 50% of c-bets. You can then bet most flops and take it down. If he's more of a calling station, then be less inclined to bluff beyond the flop, and be very wary of ace high flops if you have something like KJ, as fish tend to play any ace.
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