Are these live rakes beatable?
Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 12
How do I go about calculating if these live games rakes are beatable ?assuming players and edge is all the same.
Rake = 5% 200 cap
100/200 game
300/600 game
How much beatable would 300/600 be vs 100/200 assuming all villains and our edge is all the same ?
How do I analyze this?
should be called sevenfour
Join Date: Dec 2005
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In a vacuum it's hard to say without knowing what your edge actually is, but that a maximum of 1bb seems perfectly fine
Join Date: Dec 2017
Posts: 12
i see. I’m just trying to assume winrate / edges are the same in both 100/200 and 300/600 games. How much of a factor is the rake going to have an impact on the winrates?
Say both levels we have 10bb/100 prerake winrate.
After deducting our take how many bb/100 will we have left for both 100/200 and 300/600?
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 11,171
So the rake is $200 in a $4000 pot? Interesting ... where do I open this room?
Typical 1/2 rake is 10% up to $6-7 max per hand in a non-BBJ room. So using some ratios you are being raked 'only' $2 in a $40 pot instead of $4. In a $5/2 BBJ room the rake would be $6 at the $40 point which makes your rake look 'outstanding'.
Folks are beating the $1/2 rake setup so you should be able to beat your game ... provided the games play similarly. I certainly haven't provided you with any earth shattering math here, just a sandal wearing ratio.
My logic also thinks that since it's easier to get to a $4000 pot in a $600 bet game that you should play that game with your 'edge' being equal assumption and the rake being capped at $200 in both games. GL
Join Date: Dec 2011
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Here's how I look at it:
Let's say you're at a table where they're dealing 30 hands an hour and the average pot size is $30. That's a $3 rake, plus $1 for the BBJ plus the expected $1 tip to the dealer. So $5 per hand is coming off the table, or $150 an hour.
At a 9-handed table, that's an average of about $16 per person per hour. To "beat" that game for, say, $10/hr, you have to be $26/hr better/luckier than the other 8 villains.
And by the way, if all 9 villains buy in for $200, all 9 people will lose all of their money in 12 hours.
There are other factors as well, like standard deviation - are there a bunch of small pots that are only generating $1 of rake plus the BBJ and tip, and then the occasional multiway all-in that generates the full capped $5 of rake (if the max is $50), or $20 (if it's $200) or uncapped rake? And also the size of the blinds - a $25/hr winrate is somewhat more realistic on a $2/$5NL table than on a $1/$2NL table for example.
Hope that helped.