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TalonChick, PokerStars Team Pro Online member answers BQ's questions ! TalonChick, PokerStars Team Pro Online member answers BQ's questions !

10-19-2015 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by Evoxgsr96
I think someone asked this earlier but what is the best piece of poker advice you have?

What balanced line do you use the MOST often postflop (if you have like no reads on opp. tendencies like general population reads)?

What factors do you consider when making a hero/call or hero/fold in a marginal spot with a good thinking opp. on the same skill level as you?

Will be 4ever greatful if you could go into some detail about these questions, thanks <3 and take care

P.S.: I live near edmonton do you go to any of the casinos argyll, river cree, yellowhead etc... lol
My hold 'em game is mostly in MTT format. I am way more of a mixed game player.

Until I have some history with players, I tend to play fairly straightforward with a slight (or maybe more than slight) tendency towards aggression. I always like to be making pots juicier for players who may want to go after a bigger than average pot.

In the early stages of tournaments, I am trying to watch players tendencies and go after smaller pots. There is a long way to go to win a tournament, there is no need to double or triple your stack early on. Taking a more conservative line where you don't have to hero call or fold may be a little boring, but you know what they say...slow and steady!

I live in BC now so don't go to those casinos anymore. But from 2002 - 2009 (ish) I was there a ton. I won the Sunday tournament at Argyll in back to back weeks forever ago - maybe 2007?

Go Oilers.
TalonChick, PokerStars Team Pro Online member answers BQ's questions ! Quote
10-19-2015 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by AlienSpaceBat
Which games in the 8game mix did you find it hardest to get to grips with ?

Are there any other games you would like to see, like they had 10-game on FTP ?

How should a beginner start to learn mixed games if they only play NLHE at the moment ? Where would you advise them to start ?
Deuce to Seven triple draw is the most non - familiar game when you move into a mixed game format. There are no 'up' cards, so your only information is based on your history with players, the number of cards they draw, position, etc.

I really like 2-7 TD, and would love to play some low limit badeucy (badugi and 2-7 TD blended as a split pot game).

Like you saw - I made some recommendations for learning mixed games. I can't overstate the importance of practicing though! Get in some play money games even!
TalonChick, PokerStars Team Pro Online member answers BQ's questions ! Quote
10-19-2015 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by TensRUs
I'm not sure whether or not you have any kids, but if you have/had any, would you support them in their decision to become professional poker players in today's poker landscape?
I have a son, he is almost 17 months old. I would not support him playing poker at this time - he is far too emotional when things don't go his way.

More seriously though, I believe that children are individuals and deserve the chances to make their own decisions. I intend to support him in any choices he makes. If they are 'unconventional' or maybe even worrisome to me, I would hope that he will have the respect for me to show me why this is the path he chooses and what thought he has put in to it.

Assuming he came to me to talk about poker, I would share with him how difficult the game actually is. It appears easy to those on the outside, glamorous at times and such a life of freedoms. Those that play professionally have a better understanding of the challenges that come along.

Poker has a lot of good lessons for life, for remaining balanced, managing monies and making decisions.

I'd rather he pitch in the MLB though...if it's up to me.
TalonChick, PokerStars Team Pro Online member answers BQ's questions ! Quote
10-19-2015 , 10:48 AM
Me too

Thanks TC, gl at the tables
TalonChick, PokerStars Team Pro Online member answers BQ's questions ! Quote
10-19-2015 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by talonchick
My hold 'em game is mostly in MTT format. I am way more of a mixed game player.

Until I have some history with players, I tend to play fairly straightforward with a slight (or maybe more than slight) tendency towards aggression. I always like to be making pots juicier for players who may want to go after a bigger than average pot.

In the early stages of tournaments, I am trying to watch players tendencies and go after smaller pots. There is a long way to go to win a tournament, there is no need to double or triple your stack early on. Taking a more conservative line where you don't have to hero call or fold may be a little boring, but you know what they say...slow and steady!

I live in BC now so don't go to those casinos anymore. But from 2002 - 2009 (ish) I was there a ton. I won the Sunday tournament at Argyll in back to back weeks forever ago - maybe 2007?

Go Oilers.
Thanks for the response haha not even from edmonton and don't want NHL much either ... lol ty
TalonChick, PokerStars Team Pro Online member answers BQ's questions ! Quote
10-20-2015 , 06:02 AM
What's your number one change which had the biggest impact on your game / your most valuable "a-ha" moment?

Thanks for doing this. Very interesting read.
TalonChick, PokerStars Team Pro Online member answers BQ's questions ! Quote
10-20-2015 , 07:46 AM
I note that you've mentioned you use PT4, for self analysis in the main, but I recall a past statement regarding playing mixed games and how nice it was not to have a load of numbers being involved (the wording might be off as it was a pretty long time ago) ie. no HUDs were involved or their effect was limited.

I also note you say you don't play NLHE with any sense of excitement. To what extent does the fact that most people are now using HUDs, that some of these HUDs essentially amounted to high level statistical analysis tools of other players, play into that?

If the answer to that is that it doesn't, then I have another question, what method of learning would you advise for the non NLHE/PLO variants given the huge lack of material for these games on the leading training sites.

Thanks, and very best of luck in all your future games.
TalonChick, PokerStars Team Pro Online member answers BQ's questions ! Quote
10-21-2015 , 03:37 PM
How much do think age is a factor in becoming a winning player?


TalonChick, PokerStars Team Pro Online member answers BQ's questions ! Quote
10-21-2015 , 10:08 PM
Just wanted to let you all know that tomorrow at 12 PST (1500 EST) I will be streaming some mixed game action for the Poker School Online twitch channel. Tune in!

I plan to broadcast for 1-2 hours.

Will get back to the questions soon!
TalonChick, PokerStars Team Pro Online member answers BQ's questions ! Quote
