Table Ninja "tournament closer" question
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 619
it says: NOTE: To use this feature you must set your PokerStars® install directory on the Setup tab
what does that mean??? i go to the setup tab and it says "IN pokerstars(r), go to "help" ---> "open my settings folder".... i did that and it just opens up a folder.
anyone know how i set this up?
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 6,435
Yes. The Pokerstars thingy is just to show you where the install folder is. This is the folder that must be set under 'PokerStars(R) Install Folder' by using teh browse button with the ellipsis on it.
If it's already correctly set so much the better.
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 619
i clicked on the automatically configure button, and it seems to have worked.