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suck at reading hands suck at reading hands

06-14-2012 , 04:06 PM
I know what I do wrong when playing online poker. Very often I manage to read (if thats what you can call it) when a player makes it obvious that he has a higher pair than me or a flush/straight. Although im 200% sure that he has that particular hand, i call just to check if i was right. This obviously makes me lose money.

Before i blew my bankroll my 2-4hour sessions looked like this. Started off with 80$br got up to 90 dropped to 60 then back to 90 dropped to 75 then to 95 and finished for the day. Next day i started off with 95 dropped to 80 up to 100 down to 80 then tilted and went from nl5 to nl50 dropped to 30 went up to 120 and stopped. Next day i blew my br in a similar way.

I realised im terrible at poker however i have knowledge. I know about what hands to open with, power of position etc. how to play basic HU and SnG's ect.

I want to learn to be a good poker player and i think I will rather stick to tournaments by playing STT's and MTT's however i do not know where to start. I have a 1$ br as i blocked my ability to deposit and want to start from 0$ and cash in a freeroll to be able to play some tournaments.

I hate reading books so is there any place i could watch some tutorial vids on online hand reading and how to be good at stt's and mtt's.

Also i have never bothered to learn about equity and pot odds etc. as i found them useless ? are they vital to know ?
suck at reading hands Quote
06-14-2012 , 04:19 PM
20 posts, 7 threads started!

Have you tried using search?
suck at reading hands Quote
06-14-2012 , 04:21 PM
i rather describe my exact situation rather than look for information that might not answer my questions in 100%
suck at reading hands Quote
06-14-2012 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by bkk1993
then tilted and went from nl5 to nl50
Cut that out, for a start.

Until, and unless, you do, there's no point addressing any of the other leaks in your game.

Good Luck.
suck at reading hands Quote
06-14-2012 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by bkk1993
i rather describe my exact situation rather than look for information that might not answer my questions in 100%
That's a coincidence. I rather answer questions that haven't been asked a million times before.

is there any place i could watch some tutorial vids
You are unlikely to find videos that address your exact situation. Unfortunately for you, in poker you need to think for yourself.

Good luck though.
suck at reading hands Quote
06-14-2012 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by bkk1993

Also i have never bothered to learn about equity and pot odds etc. as i found them useless ? are they vital to know ?
This almost makes you sound like a troll but just in case you're serious: yes they are vital to know. The people who don't take these things into consideration are the ones you want to play against. They're the ones calling pot-sized bets to chase flush draws and trying to set-mine in 4-bet pots.
suck at reading hands Quote
06-14-2012 , 10:04 PM
Learn Hand Ranges......I mean really.

Watch your villians, and understand what it means to call OOP wide, not to mention Position.

You suck, and until you get past that.......FFS Q4 is gonna look like a jam when your tilted.
suck at reading hands Quote
06-14-2012 , 10:35 PM
Equity and pot odds? Why, yes, they're vital and among the first things you should learn.

First of many, many things, that is, so if you don't like reading/searching for info it'll be tough, imo.

When tilted, move down in stakes, or move out from the computer. Never move up.
suck at reading hands Quote
06-14-2012 , 11:31 PM
I'm drunk so I'm going to give a lazy answer and I'll try and expand in the morning.

In my experience hand reading is most poker players' biggest weakness (I mean every player - pros included). Becoming a better hand reader involves learning theory that has nothing to do specifically with hand reading.

Hand reading is like solving a puzzle. The more you know about poker from experience or studying theory the easier it is going to be to solve the puzzle.
suck at reading hands Quote
06-14-2012 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by sheeprustler
I'm drunk so I'm going to give a lazy answer and I'll try and expand in the morning.

In my experience hand reading is most poker players' biggest weakness (I mean every player - pros included). Becoming a better hand reader involves learning theory that has nothing to do specifically with hand reading.

Hand reading is like solving a puzzle. The more you know about poker from experience or studying theory the easier it is going to be to solve the puzzle.
Could you please give some examples of how theory relates to hand reading
suck at reading hands Quote
06-15-2012 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by Madsaac
Could you please give some examples of how theory relates to hand reading
When you can put your opponent on an accurate range you can estimate your equity vs that range. From this you can calculate direct odds necessary for a decision as well as estimating implied odds (and any reverse-implied odds). By ranging opponents you can also distinguish between (as a few examples):

-When to bluff-raise vs when to fold
-When to call vs when to fold
-When to value-raise vs when to call
-When to turn a weak made hand into a bluff

and other situations. You do this all through range estimation (hand-reading) and attempting to figure out what your opponent will do with the various parts of his hand range to best determine your course of action. This obviously works better as you can put your opponent on more accurate ranges.
suck at reading hands Quote
06-15-2012 , 01:06 PM
Pretty much this. I would also include that learning theory helps you to know what your opponents know and thus you can better reason out their actions.
suck at reading hands Quote
06-15-2012 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by bkk1993
i rather describe my exact situation rather than look for information that might not answer my questions in 100%
whilst this forum is here for helping people, there's a point where you need to go do your own research and learn for yourself rather than be directly spoon fed. Apologies if I've misinterpreted what you've said but i've interpreted it as "i don't want to do my research, rather have someone walk me through the process"

i know i'm new to this forum but doesn't mean what i said means any less.
suck at reading hands Quote
06-15-2012 , 02:51 PM
1. play tight

2. study

3. grind lots of hrs on the table

4. study some more

5. join a study group

6. study some more

7. post hands

8. learn

ever heard of the data transmission model?

it goes>>>> data- information- analytical information- knowledge - wisdom

so to go from data/stats/reads u have on villain which are jumbled and not understood to you yet you have to go through that 'data transformation cycle b4 u have true wisdom on hand ranges...
suck at reading hands Quote
