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Style of play 50nl Style of play 50nl

01-15-2008 , 12:02 PM
Asking winning nl50 players basically what in their opinion is the best style to approach nl50 with.

Iv played solid tag abc game for over a year with quite success but with a steady winning style. So after watching some videos i noticed how much the players who dominate levels and move up pretty quickly through the levels were raising in position etc and how many pots they were stealing and how they had a very aggressive style.

Since i started adopting this new style i feel im playing better then ever but for last 3 months since i changed my style i have been breaking even rather than steadily increasing my bankroll. So i dont know if its variance or what because i feel im playing well or being a bit spewy. Just had a discussion with my friend who believes your better off playing abc poker at this level and not getting too fancy.

Im not quite sure what im asking iv ranted on their now but what in general is peoples opinion on which style is best for destroying the low limit. Again i know im not being too specific but anyway.

All opinions welcomed.
Style of play 50nl Quote
01-15-2008 , 12:07 PM
personally i play an ABC style. i think its better than making moves. of course its nice to explore a stealing style so that when u come across players who actually pay attention (which u should then make a note of) i can make moves on them.

but there is no sense in trying a 3 barrel bluff against someone who thinks flopped top pair is the mortal nutz. u need to be extremely selective with these moves.

plus in all the videos that are posted no one is going to post a video of themselves getting completely destroyed in a session. obviously all the videos you see are of someones style just panning out for them

idk this is my 2 cents
Style of play 50nl Quote
01-15-2008 , 12:07 PM
I can guarantee you that every decent tag opens up in position and from what I can see this is all that you've added to your game.

It's profitable at every level below 50nl to play like this and if this isn't working on it rather than not open up in position you should focus on fixing your post flops skills, because it is possible to be profitable playing half your hands if you're more competent than your opponents postflop.

I'm not sure if this made too much sense, feel free to ask any questions and others can clarify what I'm talking about
Style of play 50nl Quote
01-15-2008 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by ShipitFMA
I can guarantee you that every decent tag opens up in position and from what I can see this is all that you've added to your game.

It's profitable at every level below 50nl to play like this and if this isn't working on it rather than not open up in position you should focus on fixing your post flops skills, because it is possible to be profitable playing half your hands if you're more competent than your opponents postflop.

I'm not sure if this made too much sense, feel free to ask any questions and others can clarify what I'm talking about

Yes i understand what you are saying i take notes on players and who not to keep bluffing into and who to value bet etc i know how to play they hands maybe im just having doubts about thats the right style of play becasue im not hitting many big hands and therefore breaking even. I feel this is the right style of play i suppose if i go on a heater and start hitting alot than my attitude will change.
Style of play 50nl Quote
01-15-2008 , 12:46 PM
doesnt really matter much as long as you play well post flop and make reasonable decisions that fit within your style of play. the real factor at these levels is how many huge, gaping, ******** stupid mistakes that you make. keep those down and it just doesn't matter.
Style of play 50nl Quote
01-15-2008 , 12:49 PM
get a coach and fix your serious leaks that are a massive detriment to your winrate

edit: imo
Style of play 50nl Quote
01-15-2008 , 02:03 PM
How many hands have you played over the last 3 months? If it's 5k or 10k then yeah it's probably variance. 100k and maybe you need to examine your game a little more closely. Also, make sure you add things to your game one at a time. Adding too much can be overwhelming.

FWIW I think any style can be profitable at uNL if played correctly. The main factor in deciding which style to play is figuring out the reasons you're playing.
Style of play 50nl Quote
01-15-2008 , 02:12 PM
TAG style will basically allow you to clean up at 50/100NL as there isn't much difference between the two levels IMO. be careful not to confuse Tight Agg and Tight Passive though as too many players beleive they fall into the first category but actually fall into the later!!
Style of play 50nl Quote
01-15-2008 , 02:28 PM
I have hit this same point in my poker playing. I have ABC pretty much down pat as long as I keep my patience in check. The last few sessions I have tried to play looser and have also noticed the results were not necessarily "favorable".

I believe a GREAT loose aggressive player can make more (in the long run) because he gets paid off when his hands hit. The swings are probably higher though so you may have more losing/break even sessions complimented by nice sized wins.

As with anything, there is a balance you must find. I dont think you can play profitable poker by trying to outplay everyone. Try playing your default T.A. style but loosen up against those players that "will" throw away the best hand to a board that could suggest that they are beaten.

Last night I played this way against a player I considered smart and when the board rivered a possible flush and ace (he had kings) he checked to me. I made a sizeable bet but got called with no hesitation. I think he just played me and not his cards. I must have been playin' a little too loose.

Big E
Style of play 50nl Quote
01-15-2008 , 03:57 PM
bleh just play really TAG poker and dont get fancy.
Style of play 50nl Quote
01-15-2008 , 06:25 PM
well to play loose you actual need to hit something
that is why i never consider 6 max, can't hit that flop.
when i finally hit, i have to throw away, because too much action.
but i think even break even now, it would you up to be better players later on, you just need time to gain more exprince on how to play without the nutz.
i used to think callingstation/maniac is not bluffable, i find them to be most profitable when bluff.
make sure your story make sense. or those people would call you down with bottom pair and set you on tilt.
before i use to cbet callingstation/maniac and will not continue betting unless i improve.
now depend on flop, and what i put him on. i may fire 3 shot with air.
i find those type are easier to push off once river card is dealt. they cannot call when they miss their gut shot, and bottom pair
Style of play 50nl Quote
01-16-2008 , 01:15 AM
Solid ABC TAG is the best way to approach these games. However solid ABC TAG play includes raising a ton in position, stealing a lot, and being very aggressive.
Style of play 50nl Quote
01-20-2008 , 05:20 AM
Optimal play at NL50 is to play both LAG & TAG, depending on table conditions.
Style of play 50nl Quote
01-20-2008 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Nuts102
Im not quite sure what im asking iv ranted on their now but what in general is peoples opinion on which style is best for destroying the low limit.
Low Limit. Seriously the ONLY two ways to get to higher levels are to be a grinder TAG or a LAG on a heater.
Style of play 50nl Quote
01-20-2008 , 07:43 PM
I'm not the most experienced NL50 player around (I've only played 17.7k hands of it, as I treated it as a bit of a speedbump on the way up to NL100, all full ring), but I'm pretty convinced that solid TAG play is really the only way to go at the level. In my time there I ran 13.2/10.2/3.27 and managed a winrate of 5.4PTBB/100 (running about +$30 vs. expectation).

People can debate until the end of day the merits of TAG vs. LAG play, but the most important thing to remember is that whatever it does to your overall winrate, playing LAG certainly increases your variance, which means bigger swings, both up and down. It also means a much greater emphasis on skilled postflop play, as you are going to be seeing a lot of difficult and thin positions.
Style of play 50nl Quote
01-20-2008 , 07:54 PM
all depends on the site youre playing at. SOme are full of weak tights u can double barrel and some(party) youd be better off playing 17/15/2.7. Imagine tryin to lag it up in party 6max when 2-3 come along preflop and 1-2 come along on the flop with bottom pr etcetc?

You would bleed off your chips before u make a decent hand.
Style of play 50nl Quote
