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stuff i've found out from donking around at micro limitholdem stuff i've found out from donking around at micro limitholdem

11-24-2011 , 06:00 AM
Originally Posted by meekrab
Its like this... If I know you're a Scissor fetishist, you're likely to play Scissors somewhat more than 33% of the time, thus I should throw Rock against you more than 33% of the time, because I win more that way. However, if you're aware that I'm aware you like Scissors, you would never throw Scissors against me and would play Paper more often than Rock, because Paper expects a net win against my range of predominantly Rock. But if I'm aware you're aware that I know you like Scissors, I'll start throwing Scissors to cut up your Paper strategy.

To translate to a poker scenario, if you KNOW that your opponent will only ever check-raise the flop with a set, you should only ever continue after his check raise with top set, because otherwise your equity isn't enough to beat the rake.
However, if your opponent knows you know this, he'll start bluff check-raising you on flops that are likely to give him a set but unlikely to give you a redraw to a flush or straight, like T53 rainbow.
But, since you know all of the above, you'll be calling his check-raises when you have a flush or open ended straight draw, with the idea of barrelling any sort of favorable turn card. And so on.
love the exp ha (Y)
stuff i've found out from donking around at micro limitholdem Quote
11-24-2011 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by gothninja
In NL I have a lot of success bluffing monotone flops multiway. Just bet small (a suspicious looking bet around half pot or less) and you don't need to succeed very often to get a profit. People tend to fold if they don't have the ace of the suit, as they risk facing a large bet on the turn and the river.

In limit, anyone with a high card to a flush draw is getting a good price to call in a multiway pot, so the bluff won't succeed often enough.
sometimes monotone flops suck so much ass
stuff i've found out from donking around at micro limitholdem Quote
11-24-2011 , 07:02 AM
this play works great in nl but was wondering if it worked at limit?

I call it the false flush chase. The criteria is as follows
Must be hu
the board must be 2 tone
you must have a bd FD

The play is to pretend like you have a fd and call a bet so long as you are getting correct odds to chase a flush. Then if the 3rd flush card hits on the turn. you semi bluff at the pot. If oop go for a c-raise. Ip just do a regular raise or bet depending on whether they check or bet. As far as how often to use the play i personally do it every time i have a A high BD draw. any other bd draw and i think 30-40 percent of the time is good

So anyway is this a good play for limit.?
stuff i've found out from donking around at micro limitholdem Quote
11-24-2011 , 07:51 AM
The trouble is in limit nobody will buy it as you would have likely c/r'ed the flop if you had a flush draw. In limit you will be c/r'ing any decent pair that you turn (eg. A or K) along with any draws you pick up (eg. you might want to semi-bluff the 3-flush board with the A or K of that suit to fold out a low pair) and will get called down much lighter, possibly as light as A high. Limit is not so much about representing specific hands as it is about playing your entire range against your opponents entire range - you want to bluff, semi-bluff and value bet with the right frequency to make it unprofitable for vil to call down your bluffs or fold to your value bets too often.
stuff i've found out from donking around at micro limitholdem Quote
11-24-2011 , 11:59 AM
For what it's worth i have yet to see anyone c-raise the turn with less then 2p. As in literally 0 times. I'm sure it happens i have personally never seen it though.
stuff i've found out from donking around at micro limitholdem Quote
11-24-2011 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by grumpy64
Which is horrible but if you raise pre then check fold flop you lose -200xbb/100.
you shouldnt raise any each garbage
stuff i've found out from donking around at micro limitholdem Quote
11-24-2011 , 02:26 PM
Flop is 8910 all hearts and you cbet with two black 4s and wondering why your losing
stuff i've found out from donking around at micro limitholdem Quote
11-24-2011 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Tyrober
Flop is 8910 all hearts and you cbet with two black 4s and wondering why your losing
i'm not even sure what the above is suppose to mean. I would never c-bet in that spot. i would likely check fold unless the villain is really aggro.
stuff i've found out from donking around at micro limitholdem Quote
11-24-2011 , 04:42 PM
cbetting into 4 players with no pair, no draw is not a good play. If it is working for you I would assume it is the result of short term positive variance.
stuff i've found out from donking around at micro limitholdem Quote
11-24-2011 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by grumpy64
For what it's worth i have yet to see anyone c-raise the turn with less then 2p. As in literally 0 times. I'm sure it happens i have personally never seen it though.
It starts appearing around 1/2 and once you reach 3/6 and certainly 5/T it is standard to c/r semi-bluff or bluff the turn with a draw or even air.
stuff i've found out from donking around at micro limitholdem Quote
12-03-2011 , 11:57 AM
ok i 've played a few more thousand hands and was looking through my DB and think i've found my first big leak. Well not that big but it comes up all the time so as a whole it is big. The leak is calling down with top pair when the flop is raised and the same player bets into the turn. The bottom of the average villains range here is TP with a couple bluffs mixed in. A bluff shows up less then 5 percent of the time. Anyway useing cardev and some math tp has an equity of 35.
stuff i've found out from donking around at micro limitholdem Quote
12-03-2011 , 04:34 PM
Folding TP in online LHE is not a habit you want to get into.
stuff i've found out from donking around at micro limitholdem Quote
12-03-2011 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by denks
Folding TP in online LHE is not a habit you want to get into.
stuff i've found out from donking around at micro limitholdem Quote
12-05-2011 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by denks
Folding TP in online LHE is not a habit you want to get into.
Obviously that goes without saying but if a unknown takes the line i described then maybe we can assume TPWK is behind his range. If opponents range is TP+ with a 5 percent bluffing frequency TPWK is not a good hand. Doesn't mean we should fold just that we may need to hit our kicker to win.
stuff i've found out from donking around at micro limitholdem Quote
