SNG low stackes questions.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 399
i made little challange for me, im playing @ ipoker (cdpoker room) and i started playing sng's from 1$, (nano stackes 0,10/ 0,20/ 0,50/) now i have 15$ and im playing 1$+$0,20 but i cant go higher. In 0,50$+0,10$ i have ROI above 40 but in 1$ i cant move on. I still dont know to play turbo (4min) or normal (7min), im playing now 10 and 30ppl sng's. Im trying to play 4tables, but i cant get any profits, so what when im playing good but i losse in stupid situations. So what that i win 1 (5$) of the 4 games (1,20x4 =4,80 ) and im only 0,20$ ++, maybe i should play 1-2 tables ? Im playing good, im watching video articles, reading sng strategy by collin book, analizyng hands after loose them and i see i play good but i have badluck everytime, dunno what to do now :<. Any advices?
sry for my poor eng^^
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 12,894
If you're playing 4 tables and struggling to win then can I recommend simply playing less tables. Focus on beating one table at a time, then when you can do that move up to two tables and so on.
If you have some hands where you're not sure about how well you played them then go to STT Strategy forum, and read the FAQs and also the basic hands thread. Most of your situations will have occurred to someone else and there will be advice about it in there. If that doesn't answer it then create a thread and post the hand and there are plenty of nice folks who regularly post there who will happily help out.
As you get towards the later stages of STTs you will need to know and use a strategy called ICM. Look it up, read about it, understand it and then get used to applying it in game. Most of your opponents at the $1 level are completely spazzy fish and you should quickly be able to beat them easily and move up to the next buyin.
The rake in a $1+20c game is very high and $15 only gives you 12 buyins. I am sure you can re-deposit at this stake if you go broke, but if you want to move up to higher stakes then your risk of going bust will be very high because you do not have enough buyins to insure yourself against the variance which is a natural part of the game of poker. Redepositing for higher stakes is much more expensive. Get used to practising a sound bankroll management strategy now and it will be easier as you improve. As a guide you should look to have at least 40-50 buyins in your bankroll. If you win a lot of games then you can move up to the next level, and if you lose too many then you will have to move back down again.
Good luck!
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 399
sorry my english is poor as i said, i dont wanna go to higher limits, but i cant just go higher with $$, im standing in the same place (15$), i know there are a lot of donks, ok thanks for advices i will now update hands maybe it will help, thanks