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Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's

11-07-2015 , 09:54 AM
let me know if this was fishy or not... 1/2NL live at Ballys' Las Vegas

I'm in BB with T7

Flop: 4TT

villian bets $10, I just call (slowplaying my trip Ts)

Turn 4TT7

villian ahead of me checks

Now I bet $12, because I want him to think I just paired my 7s
(I put him on TTT)

River 4TT7J

Villian shoves all in, his total bet is $180

I insta-call, saying haha to myself with TTT77

he turns up AT for TTT trips.

my boat wins...

did I play that ok? My play strategy was to value-bet/slowroll my hand early, then bet intentionally on what appeared to him to be putting me on TT77, to trap him on a raise...

then shove with full house on the river for the win.

p.s. he was an old guy, got really pissed and got up and left the table.

I said "flawless victory" (mortal kombat style voice) to be funny, and the table laughed.

best. hand. ever.

at least for that trip
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-07-2015 , 10:30 AM
Preflop action? Number of players to the flop?

Originally Posted by uncleholdems
(I put him on TTT)
Unless your name is Charles Xavier or Uri Geller, this is very fishy thinking.

Originally Posted by uncleholdems
value-bet/slowroll my hand early
Assuming you mean "slowplay", this is like saying you're a virgin who gets laid every night.

BTW: "Slowplay" and "slowroll" are two completely different things.
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-07-2015 , 10:57 AM
You got very lucky that he had trip tens.

I assume villain was in the SB, did either of you bet preflop?

With the cards he had, it was very likely that you were playing for stacks no matter how you played it. The question is, how should you have played it to extract the most money if villain only had a pair or even a big ace.
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-07-2015 , 11:38 AM
not sure why you think you are selling the story that you paired your seven on the turn- not many hands with a seven that call the flop bet
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-07-2015 , 12:34 PM
thanks, good to know I'm still fishy, lol...

I was BB (seat 9) he was utg to my left seat 1

nobody else called/raised, since I'm a nit any action from me gets instafolds from most everyone

thx cryme, right; meant slowplay

good points guys, thanks... this is so hard to learn, 5 yrs and still learning here

big picture, when I win big its' usually a freak of nature because I misplay so much, it confuses guys who put me on different hands than I have; sometimes i get lucky and river the guy on sheer luck....still got a lot to learn. at least I played 3 days, 32hrs total and didn't lose this time, walked away flat, so for me that's good.
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-07-2015 , 01:09 PM
Next time try to include stack sizes, whats in the total pot, if other people were in the hand, etc...

To put the guy on trip 10's because he bet the flop is giving him a lot of credit. It's very rare that you both flop trips.

BTW - Slowroll is VERY different from slow playing. Slow playing is what you did with your full house.

An example of slow-rolling would be when he pushed all-in and you sat there for a while before calling. The only hands that would beat you were JJ or J10. So it was likely you had the best hand. But too sit there for awhile debating to call would give him hope that he truly had the best hand and would make him think he is winning the hand.
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-07-2015 , 04:31 PM
thanks Jack, I didn't know that re slowrolling...right re villian TTT unlikely, glad it worked out.

it's funny AK was no good most of the time I saw it too, fwiw in 30hrs of hands
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-07-2015 , 05:05 PM
Your hand history is ******ed like always, your play is probably horrible but since relevant information is missing, it's hard to say exactly how bad it is.
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-07-2015 , 05:10 PM
Slowplay, not slowroll

One is a legitimate tactic. The other is a douchebag move.
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-07-2015 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by uncleholdems
thanks, good to know I'm still fishy, lol...

I was BB (seat 9) he was utg to my left seat 1

nobody else called/raised, since I'm a nit any action from me gets instafolds from most everyone
try and work on that
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-07-2015 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by uncleholdems
thanks, good to know I'm still fishy, lol...

I was BB (seat 9) he was utg to my left seat 1

nobody else called/raised, since I'm a nit any action from me gets instafolds from most everyone
but you didnt do any action until everyone folded?

you didnt raise, only checked your blind. (if he raised PF then everyone else already folded and you called?)

it is not very clear if utg raised PF or not.
if not, then he bet 10$ into a 5$ pot.

for the love of god, you SHOULD be able to post a better HH. you arent a newbie on the forum anymore with 200+posts
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-09-2015 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by xMars
you SHOULD be able to post a better HH.
"Welcome to Poker Hand Replays! Create animated replays of poker hands you've played online or offline. You can easily convert hand histories, session or tournament histories from your favorite poker sites, or recreate hands from home games and casinos. "


"The generator is a work in progress - it is not very smart, you can enter data that would not make sense (making a larger No Limit bet than the stack size would allow, for instance) and it will translate what you enter into a working hand history whether it obeys the rules or not. The good news is if you enter your hand carefully, you will end up with a working, convertable, replayable hand history in the format of a Full Tilt Poker hand."


" Paste in any poker
hand history

2 Convert and receive unique URL
3 Share with friends
or archive "
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-09-2015 , 07:25 PM
did OP really say "flawless victory" after winning the pot

Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-09-2015 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by SSKS
did OP really say "flawless victory" after winning the pot
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-10-2015 , 11:58 AM
OP really burying the lead there with putting the "flawless victory" part at the end. correcting for nomenclature, the play here (slowplay as others have mentioned) is exactly the right move. He wasn't going anywhere as soon as the flop hit, so letting him catch up is the right play - you want him to exactly have the type of hand he had (T plus strong kicker)
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-10-2015 , 12:11 PM
thx re hand replay link, I'll work on improving how I post, I'm a newb/poker fish..

thx rainmaker...normally I play too tight

strategy question is, when flopping a monster, as a table-image nit/rock/tight player, rather than bet it, inducing folds, is slowplaying it like I did, right? I wanted to give the false impression I hit a low pair and was donkey-style betting it, to get a stronger hand to raise...then check-raise/shove w/nuts and hope the villian called, which he did.

and yeah I always say dumb stuff like "flawless victory", "epic win", "yeah baby" and "watch this" (before shoving) for fun on the rare big hands I play...why not lol
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-11-2015 , 08:03 AM
You 3 outered him OP. That's WP imo, not lucky at all...
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-11-2015 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by uncleholdems
let me know if this was fishy or not... 1/2NL live at Ballys' Las Vegas

I'm in BB with T7

Flop: 4TT

villian bets $10, I just call (slowplaying my trip Ts)

Turn 4TT7

villian ahead of me checks

Now I bet $12, because I want him to think I just paired my 7s
(I put him on TTT)

River 4TT7J

Villian shoves all in, his total bet is $180

I insta-call, saying haha to myself with TTT77

he turns up AT for TTT trips.

my boat wins...

did I play that ok? My play strategy was to value-bet/slowroll my hand early, then bet intentionally on what appeared to him to be putting me on TT77, to trap him on a raise...

then shove with full house on the river for the win.

p.s. he was an old guy, got really pissed and got up and left the table.

I said "flawless victory" (mortal kombat style voice) to be funny, and the table laughed.

best. hand. ever.

at least for that trip

the call pre was horrible. Just fold and wait for a pocket pair to setmine or a strong hand to 3-bet.

As played, I'm assuming that *both* of you had 100bb stacks. That being the case, you need to size your bets and raises on the flop, turn and river in such a way that you'll both have about 3/4 pot left in your stacks to make your river bet. The villain had to overbet shove to get his stack in on the river. That's what you want to avoid, because it's really hard for an overbet shove to get called by a worse hand. I'd have raised the flop to $30 and it's not even close.

Slowplaying is overrated. How often do $1/$2NL players fold when you don't want them to? Your best chance to win an entire stack is when you have a monster hand. They can't call if you don't bet.

With regard to the old man, if he's been playing poker that long he should know full well that occasionally a villain (you) will misplay his hand and get lucky.

EDIT: Even if the call pre had been correct, you got *lucky* on this hand. You would have played the villain's AT exactly the same way, and 6 to 9 months down the line *you* are going to be the one to raise, for example, AQ, get called by a beginner, flop QQ5, turn 3, river 3, go all in, get called and watch the villain flip over 35. When that happens to *you*, make sure you don't storm out of the room made like your old man did. And don't mistake getting lucky for "starting to get good at this game". I'm not trying to be harsh or insulting - just trying to give you valuable advice. Hope it helps.

Last edited by DalTXColtsFan; 11-11-2015 at 10:31 AM.
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-11-2015 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by DalTXColtsFan

the call pre was horrible.
he is in the bb and has not indicated there was a raise pre
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-11-2015 , 11:53 AM
good points daltx, appreciate it...hard to learn the details of how to play, that helps
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-11-2015 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
he is in the bb and has not indicated there was a raise pre
Oh, my bad. I assumed that if the villain bet $10 on the flop that he wasn't betting $10 into a $4 pot. I think I misread and though that the villain had raised to $10 before the flop and was therefore betting $10 into a $21 pot.

OP, did the villain raise before the flop? It's almost impossible that he didn't but thought I'd ask anyway.
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-12-2015 , 08:40 AM
right, no PF raise, I remember being BB and not having to put any chips in til after the flop
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-12-2015 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by uncleholdems
right, no PF raise, I remember being BB and not having to put any chips in til after the flop
Then I'm VERY surprised the villain bet $10 into a $4 pot after the flop. I'm also very surprised he didn't raise AT before the flop - that was a fishy play on his part, and he paid the price. That's *exactly* the risk you take when you let the big blind see a free flop with any piece of junk.
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-12-2015 , 01:24 PM
what's to say it's a $4 pot? there could have been plenty of limpers which, like every other pertinent piece of information, the OP forgot to mention
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
11-12-2015 , 09:13 PM
It's not rare for bad live players to way overbet the bot on the flop. I see $15 a lot into a $6 3-way limped pot. Note I said it wasn't rare, not that it was standard or "the majority of the time"
Slow-rolling a full house: my big 0 win at Bally's Quote
